Retevis RT45P - Unboxing, Review & Range Test (vs Motorola XT420)

Retevis RT45P - Unboxing, Review & Range Test (vs Motorola XT420)


3 года назад

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@sshah876 - 17.12.2024 19:52

Good demo, thanks, hey kindly share the room monitor function function demo video if available. Cheers and thanks

@vincet18 - 28.10.2024 23:59

Took me a while to figure it out, You have to hook it on the belt clip before you install the belt clip to the walkie

@AlexSwanson-rw7cv - 28.09.2024 17:18

I'm guessing some internal digital component does volume levels of 0 (for mute) to 7 (as a 3-bit number) hence the max volume level.

@Realtrue6 - 23.06.2024 12:05

Hi. I need belt clips for Retevis Rt45P. Is it possible to check compatibility with any PMR Motorola? Much better purchase availability

@donalderickson-si8ww - 29.05.2024 04:50

SO for all of us in the U S A what is meeters

@edctoolbox9394 - 26.01.2024 00:33

USB-C is a highly versatile port, on computers for example the same port can charge the device, pass display audio and all other peripheral signals you could wish for, so it is very normal to have the USB-C also work as a headset port on a walkie talkie. I only wish that the charging cable would be USB-C on both ends, given that it is USB-A on the other end means that this cable is not going to be able to charge at high speeds, i doubt anyway that the walkie talkies have fast charging, but if I were to use that cable for charging two other devices they wouldn't charge very quickly, given that this cable is probably rated for 12 watts (divided by 2) at 5 volts, 2.4 amps.

@clydeosterhout1221 - 08.12.2023 02:21

I have both the Motorolas and the 45p, and they had the same range in my tests. Of course here in the US our radios have 2 watts (in reality they test out at 1.5 watts, just like the Motorolas). And my whistle handles actually sort of kind of work. Are the Retevis units as good as the Motorolas? No, not really. But the Motorolas cost twice as much, and they really aren’t twice as good. I would say that the Retevis provides about 85% of what the Motorolas provide. I take groups out in kayaks and use these radios to help everyone in touch without yelling and scaring the wildlife. The Retevis perform this task just as well as the Motorolas. Sitting in a kayak the range for any FM signal is about 1.5-2 miles before the Earth gets in the way. Over water the Retevis radios have no problem reaching out that far.

@Officially_Offline. - 30.09.2023 05:38

Is the antenna changeable?

@thunderbear0 - 21.08.2023 03:48

Thats why you go for 2 watt
0.5watt sucks in long range developed areas

@azarelthecreator7098 - 27.07.2023 02:05

Everything you tests near your home is going to provide sub par results. They dont work well in areas like that, they are made to be used out in nature where there arent signals coming from every direction.

@greenmoss - 19.07.2023 15:57

I've just subsribed. Are you able to reccomend a pair of walkie-,talkies better than Cobra microtalk?

@danielktdoranie - 06.03.2023 21:41

My gripe with these radios is you can’t really lower the volume on the beeps it makes when you push the buttons. It is LOUD even on the lowest setting.

@thomasnappo6309 - 16.10.2022 21:58


@blue_jm - 18.09.2022 18:12

Only place to put the lanyard is around the belt clip. So far I haven't been able to make the whistle make any sound either so yeah take your emergency whistle with you.

@krispert5511 - 15.09.2022 03:43

Retevis radio RT648 walkie Talkie

@royfigueroa9210 - 03.09.2022 21:15

What do you recommend for open waters use. Like kitesurfing, hands free?

@het_gele_teken - 21.02.2022 15:59

I would love to see how the Retevis performs when compared to the Motorola T80 that it clearly draws inspiration from. Bringing in the XT420 was insightful, you get what you pay for I guess. But as you mentioned the RT45P isn't meant for the same kind of applications as the XT420.

@davejones4202 - 05.02.2022 20:07

When you press SOS button and alarm button does it ring on the other radio would be happy if someone answer me thank you

@wisteela - 30.12.2021 04:52

I've been wondering if ones with the 0-121 privacy codes match the Motorolas. I've got Floureon FC200s like that, and it would be great if there was some kind of standard.
73 M7TUD

@stevendouglas3860 - 30.12.2021 01:46

Motorola are Quality.
I always look for ease of use .
Battery (easy to buy ).
Aerial adapter (if you want to )
Etc etc
(Funny little review on whistle TD 😆

@spig021 - 29.12.2021 22:09

Not only was the signal inferior on the Retevis, but the audio was quiet too making the speech unintelligible.

@eprohoda - 29.12.2021 17:52

dude~ Yahoo, you created superbf ootage!;)
