Do It Yourself - Bill Sutton

Do It Yourself - Bill Sutton


15 лет назад

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@Azhashan - 13.07.2011 20:02

Outstanding. Simply outstanding. And to think that I just threw out enough cardboard boxes to assemble a mess of peripheral processing units....

@moodybluesgurl - 28.08.2011 10:46

heard this on the Dr. Demento show

@Poltr1 - 10.04.2012 18:19

I first heard this song on Vince Emery's tape, "The Funniest Computer Songs". A copy was given to one of my colleagues who played it at one of the DECUS symposiums years ago. They loved it!

@MrEddie4679 - 22.06.2017 21:38

do anyone know this bill sutton?

@TescoValueMemes369 - 25.06.2017 02:25

Anthem of PC Master Race

@leggodt6340 - 18.07.2017 08:08

I think I'm too young to suppost to be able to understand the joke in the discription but I do.

@Fixerofworlds - 29.08.2017 09:05

And here we see a WH40K Ork assembling a computer

@tergelaltankhuyag8206 - 30.09.2017 19:22

who is this guy and how old is this old goat

@113kamper - 04.10.2017 00:28

:-) This song needs updated! lol.

@AndreiZhuravlev - 31.01.2018 17:06

It is just awesome :)

@petervandemotter5653 - 23.04.2018 21:06

Must be an old tune. Most of the manufacturers mentioned are out of business.

@audymaulizar6697 - 07.05.2018 23:30

The outdated PC reference itself makes this song belongs to the museum. XD

@Canageek - 06.06.2018 21:46

Do It Yourself is the right name. I've got access to an old filk songbook called "Save the Wails" and it lists a song named "Do It Yourself - Bill Sutton". I can get your more information if you want.

@wolorpg - 20.10.2018 17:35

It was almost true in the early 2000s. There was an abundance of IDE Disk drives and 233Mhz Processors. My first PC was build from scrap material I got from a dump and or stuff I got because people pittied me. My first PC was build in the bathtub, because I had no other insulated case avaible. Three weeks later I found a case, an old computer, around 1,3m high with 5 Slots for IDE Drives. I had almost 2,5Gig of SPace on my four Disk drives combined. ANd then Games needed 600 and more MBs of space. Stupid shit, only my biggest drive could handle something like this, but there was the OS installed. Problems of young computer fans. It was fun, but I cant imagine something like this happening today.

@SergioPerez-vm8zw - 03.02.2019 00:10


@handlesarecringe957 - 27.02.2019 02:44

> “It crashes every hour and it isn’t worth a damn, but I’m satisfied because it runs just like an IBM”

Bill Sutton throwing some serious shade here

@ibnudaruaji2581 - 24.05.2019 09:48

I went to buy computers, and they said a million bucks
For a brand new mainframe IBM, now that price really sucks
So I looked at all the pictures, and I chose to build my own
For you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Now, take the CPU, you see it's only just a box
With blinking lights and whirring fans and lots of cable slots
So I spent an evening working with some wire and bulbs and pins
Then I hauled it to the basement and I plugged the freezer in

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Well, next I needed tape drives, my tape drives were a steal
I climbed into the attic for my dad's old reel-to-reel
Some cable and some binder twine, and soon it was complete:
My CPU and tape drive at a price no one can beat

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

So then I looked for disk drives, but it didn't take me long
Function follows form, they say, or have I got that wrong?
I found a drive with five new modes that blows the rest away:
Cottons, linens, wash and wear, rinse, and lingerie!

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Well, I had to have a console just to make my system run
Without a fancy console then my system wasn't done
So, I tied a ten-buck typer to a broken TV tube
And now I've got a console that can write the evening news

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

I've had my system running - I'll admit it's not the best
The data isn't right, and the response time is a mess
It crashes every hour, and it isn't worth a damn
But I'm satisfied because it runs just like an IBM!

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home
Yes, you can bulid a mainframe from the things you find at home

@platypipope328 - 16.07.2019 17:02

I hate that outside the stellaris community and some of /tg/ he's basically unknown despite the fact that he makes awesome music

@Adrosero - 06.03.2020 22:55

This is the most obscure song/channel i've ever seen but i love it

@patriot1724 - 31.03.2020 02:54

This song put all these old business out of business

@avengermkii7872 - 20.04.2020 08:45

When Bill has been talking shit about prebuilts since this song.

@Jordan_C_Wilde175 - 18.07.2020 14:21

I just finished my new PC Build and I chose this as the soundcheck-music

@paxnerdvana8287 - 13.08.2020 20:07

Great song. Bill Sutton has a kot of hilarious songs

@jerrymartin7019 - 10.09.2020 22:29

My mans really spent three whole minutes winding up for an IBM roast. Amazing.

@losingluke - 07.10.2020 00:44

damn i cant find this guy on spotify or wikipedia, its like he doesnt exist

edit: no one else has posted so heres the lyrics (at least i think those are the lyrics)

I went to buy computers, and they said a million bucks
For a brand new mainframe IBM, now that price really sucks
So I looked at all the pictures, and I chose to build my own
For you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Now, take the CPU, you see it's only just a box
With blinking lights and whirring fans and lots of cable slots
So I spent an evening working with some wire and bulbs and pins
Then I hauled it to the basement and I plugged the freezer in

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Well, next I needed tape drives, my tape drives were a steal
I climbed into the attic for my dad's old reel-to-reel
Some cable and some binder twine, and soon it was complete:
My CPU and tape drive at a price no one can beat

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home
So then I looked for disk drives, but it didn't take me long
Function follows form, they say, or have I got that wrong?
I found a drive with five new modes that blows the rest away:
Cottons, linens, wash and wear, rinse, and lingerie!

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

Well, I had to have a console just to make my system run
Without a fancy console then my system wasn't done
So, I tied a ten-buck typer to a broken TV tube
And now I've got a console that can write the evening news

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home

I've had my system running - I'll admit it's not the best
The data isn't right, and the response time is a mess
It crashes every hour, and it isn't worth a damn
But I'm satisfied because it runs just like an IBM!

Oh, IBM, DEC, and Honeywell; HP, DG and Wang
Amdahl, NEC, and NCR, they don't know anything
They make big bucks for systems, so they never want it known
That you can build a mainframe from the things you find at home
Yes, you can bulid a mainframe from the things you find at home

@CommissarMitch - 23.10.2020 21:14

This was made in the 80's but it still holds up

@horatio655 - 10.11.2020 11:28

Also known as, “Bill Sutton shit talks IBM for 3 minutes”

@thevoidlookspretty7079 - 22.11.2020 01:00

Bill made a computer the Ork way.

@RVR121 - 04.12.2020 17:44

Tape drives top of the order techwise don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

@I_like_big_bombs - 20.12.2020 06:32

Just like the reddit scientists who build their own PCs.

@justlurking6529 - 11.05.2021 05:58

My brother’s an electrical engineer. Showed him this song, can confirm it’s ubiquitously hilarious to both people who know loads and know none about computers

@LadyDeirdre - 02.06.2021 17:20

This is either the inspiration for or a derivative of another song, DNA, I happen to have in my library, about a man building a DNA sequencer from things around the home.

@BuffyTheBuffaloSlayer - 28.07.2021 14:43

'NCR. They don't know anything'

Ave true to Caesar

@xheralt - 25.09.2021 11:04

I went to buy some comics, and they said 200 bucks / for an entire manga series, well now that price really sucks / so I looked at all the pictures and decided to draw my own / 'cause you can make a manga with the ink pens from your home...

@Beepinex - 10.02.2022 01:16

this came on as I was working on swapping my motherboard, good timing lmao

@catcollector6195 - 26.02.2022 03:43

Whoever is in charge of the closed captions on You Tube than accurate.

But it's kind of funny. (It's not just this song, but some of the errors here are truly spectacular.)

@ihatethefrench1816 - 11.04.2022 03:55

This is one of my favorites

@JimmyBlonde - 27.06.2022 20:33


@justdragons3317 - 18.09.2023 08:21

Could have called this one IBM diss track

@simbachvazo6530 - 23.02.2024 16:08

Honestly the catchiest Bill Sutton song imo

@donterrenoalto4235 - 25.09.2024 06:27

tg station my beloved

@DemonIsAway - 27.12.2024 04:18

haha this song is cool I really crave the death of my sins
