American Gets LOST in Germany & Gets 2 Fines  ETS2

American Gets LOST in Germany & Gets 2 Fines ETS2


1 год назад

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@surprisingskodaskoda9355 - 26.07.2023 20:29

always click on the city where you are and you will get a detailed offer of costs near you

@Rnd0mGm3r - 27.07.2023 01:15

The cars on the motorway were not speeding. While in most European countries the speed limit for trucks is 80 km/h, the one for cars is way higher (usually max is 130 km/h, but irl someone can drive faster and it's not an issue)

Germany has most recently been reworked, so it looks rather nice, but unfortunately some other countries are outdated and still to be reworked. I highly recommend checking out ProMods, cause the amount and quality of what it adds is just fabulous (you need all the map DLCs bought for it to work though).

Another thing, you can turn on voice navigation in the settings. It helps to keep track of your exits as the map may be hard to read sometimes. But it's up to your preference.

@terouotila1425 - 27.07.2023 08:26

You can take a loan from the bank to help you get your own truck, so you don't need to grind quite so long on quick jobs

@petar_d488 - 27.07.2023 10:11

Sound is not good, sounds like its running without oil.

@SigridFrings - 27.07.2023 16:33

Drive along Frankfurt Airpot. Maybe Munich-Frankfurt-Cologne. The Airport is nice and in Munich you can see "Die Arena" (maybe)

@ushpinmne - 27.07.2023 17:11

haha ♥your green beard

@aaron_e_d - 27.07.2023 19:02

Really nice vid, i would suggest that you play your next round on TruckersMP (ETS2 Server), there you have real ets 2 drivers on the road. TruckersMP is simple to set up, just install the exe and start it... btw, nice you visited nuremberg, the town im watching this from...

@lou_pi829 - 28.07.2023 17:50

you can download The pro mods addon with that you get a huge map of europe and realistics companys and gasstaions

@MikkoRantalainen - 30.07.2023 00:08

In Europe, heavy traffic (e.g. trucks) have different speed limit than cars. As a result, trucks get overtaken a lot. For example, here in Finland, trucks can legally do 80 km/h max and they typically have limiters set to 87–89 km/h. Police starts ticketing in Finland when you go 4–6 km/h above the speed limit.

@stevecyclemaker492 - 30.07.2023 11:38

Some Facts for U to Use the Signal correctly: If u get to a "Ausfahrt" u should Use the Signal at 300meter before the Exit / in Roundabouts u don´t Use Left-Signal to Stay inside it, only the Right Signal if u want to leave the Circle

@bwunukey - 30.07.2023 17:18

i use a logitec g-27 steeringwheel , pedals, and shifter while playing ETS2, and triple screen for immersion

@Kod1akk - 31.07.2023 07:10

austrian highways confuse me here and there so watch out for them XD

@karlcollins2438 - 01.08.2023 17:51

hi are you still playing this game if so would you like to do a convoy

@miikahamalainen5343 - 03.08.2023 00:01

In europe germany is known as the country wich will forbid you as a trucker to drive over 80 km/h in any eu country if you even once drive your truck in there in 30 days.

@miikahamalainen5343 - 03.08.2023 00:05

No idea if somebody already answeared this, but eu trucks always top out at 89 km/h by law.

@dejfcold - 05.08.2023 03:15

Oh, man, I don't think I'd want to meet you on the road. Signalling late, exiting at the last possible moment, switching multiple lanes at a time and most importantly not seeing big flashing arrows showing you where to go... 😅

@ricardomedeiros2505 - 07.08.2023 14:08

That's a game but me as a European driver ,I was getting upset already just be seeing you in the right lane with a truck 😂😂😂

@Sellyei - 09.08.2023 00:32

One thing is the speed limit on the highway, but the other is also for the Vehicle/ trailer.
So it doesnt matter that the highway limit is 90/110/130, because you still need to adhere to the speed limit of your vehicle or your Trailer. Thats why you always see the 80 on the screen to the right, but the rest of the passanger cars wizz away because they can go the 110 limit, while you cant due to your truck/trailer limit.
Even when the truck/trailer is permisible to go 90, I heard that truckers still go mostly 80km/h because it saves fuel, rather then going 90.
If I remember correctly, trucks have to have a system installed that basicaly checks and records how fast are you going.
So if Police stops you, they can ask for this data and when they see that the avarage speed is over to your permited speed of your Truck/Trailer, you get fined to hell.
Same goes for driving hours. If you drive over your 8 ( or 9) hours, you also can get fined.
Not to mention you have to be the limit of the weight that your truck/trailer can carry. If you are over the mass you tow, BooM!!!...another fine. So Police is mostly targeting the weight towed and the least thats what I heard here in Slovakia.

@TheFalconerNZ - 11.08.2023 01:05

For your first mod add on I would get the exotic/classic cars mods so you can do some car spotting while you drive. To get your company up and running fast 1, do long hauls as they pay the best! 2,when you can buy the cheapest Inveco buy it and put a driver in it so you have 2 incomes, 1from the AI driver (skill them on long haul then go auto) while you continue to try different trucks with quick jobs

@malusingcobo3191 - 13.08.2023 17:38

I love your video's man!

@sanderboers586 - 13.08.2023 19:11

On the keyboard C is for cruise control
And the cars are not speeding, there is different speed limits for cars and trucks.
Aaaand sometimes there is even speed limits for vehicles of a certain weight, where i believe vehicle type doesnt even matter.

@robertb8673 - 17.08.2023 11:36

The traffic AI is changing when you cross the border to germany.
More cars are overtaking and it looks faster.
Quite realistic.😅

@ukp42 - 19.08.2023 21:36

After your first Euro Truck video, I had a look on Steam for it. Lucky for me it was on sale, so I've been playing it for the last week or so. Lots of fun, crashes and driving like an idiot!
Thank you for introducing the game to me. Love from Scotland

@henrikbergman5309 - 25.08.2023 13:33

Amazing game. Hard to believe it was released eleven years ago. I still play it daily, but only offline. Yes, old farts can play it as well. I'm 47. 😆

@Dally_Sparkles - 16.09.2023 12:32

you need Meta quest 2 to try this in VR

@TheRealXesc - 08.10.2023 04:17

Hey Ian, I am a European who has followed you for a long time, love your channel, and ironically, I am driving AMERICAN Truck Simulator! :)
I actually think you did great, but there's just two things I think you would like to learn: Regardless of the speed limit, whenever you have a trailer, whether car and camper, or tractor and trailer, if the trailer is detachable, the max speed is 80. And always stay on the right, but I believe others told you that. The other thing that will help your driving A LOT, is to pay attention to the diagonal green arrows on the Navigator, they mean to shift to the left or right lane. Some lanes are reserved for exits up ahead, so if you don't change lanes when told to, you are stuck in lanes that might later get separated by walls or barriers. SO, watch for those three diagonal arrows, and follow them. :)
It's fun, as a European to watch this, because the roads, signs, cars all look exactly as what I'm used to! :)

@chaffee_og - 26.10.2023 17:39

before taking a quick job you can hover over the truck picture and it will show you the horse power and more info about the truck they gonna give so you can compare to weight of cargo and horsepower of truck to decide if its gonna struggle or gonna be fine also when taking jobs filter the selection to "Price per distance" or something like that for best pay.. You can turn off speed governor in settings

@ondrejvasak1054 - 06.11.2023 18:02

I find it strangely disconcerning how you keep driving in the left lane, that is not really something you can do here (except in the city). Keep in the right lane and only go to the left when passing other cars. If it was real, you'd probably make many people angry that day. 😀

@klaspeppar5619 - 15.11.2023 01:43

Most trucks are electronically limited to 90km/h here in Europe. In most of Europe trucks are only allowed to drive 80km/h with a trailer and 90km/h without… France is an exception I believe or at least it is in the game, your allowed to go 90km/h in France in the game.

@Speedy4417 - 15.11.2023 18:37

Found it pretty funny how you thought others were speeding, in Europe trucks havs a different speed limit then cars. In my country (Belgium) the speed limit for cars on the motorway is 120km/h, but trucks can’t go over 90km/h.

@PavelSkollSuk - 21.11.2023 13:56

Czech republic: Keep right, trucks 80, passenger cars 130.
You can technically go 90 and passenger cars up to 150 without any fines.
Keep right.
Also in Germany you can only 80 with vehicle over 3,5t.

@dongilatorlv - 16.12.2023 11:58

just look at map where to go bruh

@Ohne_Silikone - 23.01.2024 16:20

My European brain screams "KEEP RIGHT!!"

@romainch505 - 23.01.2024 23:53

I loved when you were going out of the parking lot for the first job 😂 I hope our Europe pleases you 🇪🇺❤️

@VTrucker777 - 04.02.2024 23:00

Using gps still get lost? How?

@khairudaniel_Cpm - 19.02.2024 14:21

This was fun to watch thank 😊 you made my day today!

@BrianLTU - 24.02.2024 09:34

I hate those like....umm.. lanes that lead you OUT of the highway. It always made me think "what if a person didnt see the sign or the markings on the road?".

Also, your gps TELLS you to switch lanes, (the arrows look like they are bugged but they actually tell you to switch lanes.

Also you are speeding my boi the red speedometer on gps means ur speeding and you literally have a speed limit sign on the gps. On Autobahn you still have 80kmh limit cuz ur a truck. BUT i advise you to install a car mod (recommend skoda mod called "scout extra_d" is made by the ets2 multiplayer devs to use as scout cars or for moderators/admins, so its kind of an official vanilla'ish mod). Once you have aquired the car go to gameplay settings and change the speed limit from "trucks" to "cars" i think that allows you to go fast without getting fines, havent tested.

In gameplay settings there is also a speed limiter on by default thats why max speed you were able to achieve was 90kmh, cuz thats the fastest you can go in a truck in some countries.

@BrianLTU - 24.02.2024 09:37

As far as i know (at least in Lithuania) in roundabouts, TURN SIGNALS are used when leaving the roundabout or changing lanes inside it.

@BrianLTU - 24.02.2024 09:39

Stock Iveco's are weakest in the game.
I owned a stralis cuz it was the cheapest in the game. Anything around 10 tonnes of load was pain in slight inclines

@AddlerMartin - 13.03.2024 02:30

Fun fact: here in Brazil 99% of the semis are in the European style. Very rarely you see an American "long semi truck" on the road

@Gamepak - 10.06.2024 22:30

ausfahrt means exit

@tefes6780 - 25.09.2024 16:35

Why you driving left lane? Passenger car has different speed limits than cargo

@AHVENAN - 26.09.2024 10:37

One thing I find odd is, the throttle seems to be like an on/off switch for the engine, cause when you let of the throttle it sounds like the engine just shuts off comepletely!

@michalmlcak3952 - 27.09.2024 23:30

By the way. Fun facts : ETS2 also known as Euro truck Simulator was made by a Czech Republic company named SCS SOFTWARE, one more FUN FACT : Cars in Europe yet also in this game have completely other speed limits. yet trucks as well...for example. " Car can go on some highway 110-130 KMP/H. yet truck can only 80. rarely 90. KMP/H . . . cuz they are very DEEPLY watched by authorities.. . .so they have limiters. . " 👍👍💥
