LCT vs  Arcturus AK 12 short comparison /w Eng Sub

LCT vs Arcturus AK 12 short comparison /w Eng Sub

Eastern Block

3 года назад

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@TaylorVProject - 10.03.2021 11:29

Kicsit off , de megkérdezhetem mi ez a zene? :D

@facundocorradini - 07.04.2021 23:58

About the angle on the stock, there have been productions batches of the real AK-12 with both styles. Some of those small changes that they're still making. Current version (probably final one) even has a completely different stock and pistol grip, and the rear sight has been shortened significantly

@allanmartin7898 - 18.04.2021 16:23

Lct has an ebb version, does arcturus has one as well?

@Тимур-о2э - 06.06.2021 12:27

I sure do love Edsteri Block

@H3LGH4STH - 20.06.2021 06:22

Hi my friend, the Arcturus AK 12 mag fit with the AK 12 LCT?

@midnightvigil2636 - 03.07.2021 21:04

Hey! So the only thing that's stopping me from getting the arcturus is the aluminum barrel, is it strong enough or would I have to be super careful?

@pallaszlo7976 - 03.08.2021 00:19

Értem én hogy frankó "hangulatos ez a k... sípoló hang, de mikor a hangod alig hallani, aztán üvöltve megszólal a sípoló hang... fenomenális, mint az LCT lötyögő válltámasza...Ezt leszámítva ment a like ;)

@Adanteh - 29.08.2021 16:49

So is that Arcturus external better / equal quality than the LCT then? Looking into picking one of these up, but i see claims that LCT is far superior, but they look to be the same thing basically?

@tamasurban3921 - 24.09.2021 15:27

Szia! A napokban tulajdonomba került egy Arcturus AK12. Azt szeretném megkérdezni, hogy melyik gyártók tárjai kompatibilisek vele és még, hogy milyen akkumulátort ajánlanál bele ami bele is fér😀? Köszönöm a segítséget!

@Andrei9thouzen - 06.11.2021 23:52

im geting an arcturus one.

@kylebobile8866 - 18.12.2021 08:59

You do know that the channel name is translated to "yedsteri blosk" in all English instead of "eastern block"

@huyairsofter2980 - 22.01.2022 19:50

The Folding stock button on your LCT is bent, that's why the stock wobbling. Lct made that button very bad. After only 2 months of use, the button getting bent and broken out a few days later. And I had to buy another button with expensive shipping. I used to think the quality of lct was better than Arcturus but now I have changed my mind. I sold my lct and switched to Arcturus Ak05.

@yozhiworks - 12.03.2022 03:15

aszta, nem gondoltam hogy magyar video lesz, csodalkoztam lol. Jo a video, koszonom az informaciot

@milsimeasthazzard8719 - 18.03.2022 02:26

thanks lads

@xAtlas157x - 19.03.2022 03:51

Excellent video comparison! Thank you!

@StratBurst92 - 09.04.2022 19:16

This is by far the best video review of both AK-12s. For me I would choose the Arcturus over the LCT.

@loneirregular1280 - 14.05.2022 16:46

A magyar hang kellem3s meglepetès volt :D

@MilitaryCult_ - 25.06.2022 09:47

Im love lct, especially ak 12, and in general a series of ak from lst

@sergeiahnovski6044 - 09.07.2024 21:54

This video helped me to choose the better AK12 thanks a lot!
