How To DEFEND in FIFA 22 - Concede LESS Goals!

How To DEFEND in FIFA 22 - Concede LESS Goals!

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@fmbradz6355 - 20.10.2021 13:45

My lb and rb always come out of position

@PAC-ok3lz - 22.10.2021 19:23

Dam ty bruh

@sarfosenyahronald3574 - 23.10.2021 08:08

When I try the second man contain it pulls my defenders from their position which I’m not used to.

@-sonyablade-8951 - 29.10.2021 02:28

Thank you alot bro I was always sprinting while jockey

@vhiedkc859 - 02.11.2021 02:29

This is awesome

@newyorkmoe1909 - 05.11.2021 22:06

Omg this game is making me really mad bro i cant stand it fkn bs cant even run with the player to take the ball it always feel like he got ahead of me idk how nd i cant take the ball when i press tackle infront of him my player fall awfully

@newyorkmoe1909 - 05.11.2021 22:07

I been playing fifa since 98 i can’t understand the defending system at all man im not gonna play this crap anymore

@baddazz376 - 10.11.2021 18:59

Take the second man contain out of fifa22...21 have better defense techniques then 22..get it out

@lyons1232 - 14.11.2021 19:16

I hate the fucking game so much I can’t defend because my fucking defenders move like slugs and my opponents defense are so much more responsive it’s such fucking bullshit

@RaresM91 - 01.12.2021 15:16

is this available for legacy defending or tactical?

@abigailowusu5052 - 02.12.2021 23:53

Can't defend properly

@jermyaldrine2353 - 07.12.2021 14:55

Second man press is overpowered

@UniteD_DaD - 08.12.2021 13:23

Thanks, do you use player or ball relative when right switching?

@Kira0718 - 10.12.2021 21:52

I am only playing offline modes. Should jockey be on assisted or is jockeying manual okay?

@pannaking4630 - 11.12.2021 14:15

Second man press shouldn't hav a limit time . It should be like in pes . No matter how long u press it . What matters is the player stamina

@cautionemma5546 - 19.12.2021 03:09

Still the same old thing,the game defense is bad simple

@Scoobydoobydouchebagggg - 22.12.2021 18:17

Doesn't matter pace is broken 80 pace is faster than Mendy on a shadow

@ademolaamusat2856 - 25.12.2021 13:27

I use the jockey most of the time but I hv never used the second man contain.. Thanks so much

@kofiaidoo737 - 02.01.2022 04:32

When l am using the second man contain l struggle a lot because my defense get scattered and my defenders run as if the are chasing a goat . I suffer a lot

@emmaochie9324 - 02.01.2022 18:41

Thank you so much

@TheTripleggg1000 - 04.01.2022 17:11

How do you stop that counter down the wing, cross to far post tap in? My left back or right back never pick that player up running back post.

@lucatuzluis8740 - 06.01.2022 21:22

how to defend in fifa22..the answers is no, u can't

@MarkYT2005 - 11.01.2022 00:47

Tip one pass the ball half the game, score when needed

@alanliverpool6629 - 26.01.2022 20:01

Absolute rubbish career mode defending ends up absolutely shocking midfield tactics to come back and stay back when attacking does not work gameplay in my last game was slowing down and players jerking something is wrong with this typical EA wankers they fuck it up every year and do not care as long as they make their cash.

@live2die952 - 06.02.2022 14:33

U using Tactical defending or legacy defending?

@OLskewL - 14.03.2022 00:26

Defending against skill moves, especially Legendary AI skill moves, is so difficult.

@Luke.D123 - 24.03.2022 17:47

can't just be me who has the problem of the whole team being fucking useless? not making runs not sticking to defensive positioning even with custom tactics and constantly moving players back to where they should be is so fucking frustrating.

@mil1621 - 01.04.2022 23:21

Why do my defenders not tackle and use their body anymore? They litteraly just leisurely try to roll the ball away from the opponent just so they can run right through every single time you have 90 physical ffs USE IT

@PWDMaximum - 14.04.2022 20:51

Ok cool but now can somebody please explain to me why pro players have this weird bug called *defender ai playing position and marking* that first clip with the 2v2. My player would have been scratching their ass and the situation would've turned into a 2vGK

@Johnymaloca - 29.04.2022 16:39

How do you use the second man?

@isaacchibale5300 - 20.05.2022 23:31

This is a good tactic and it's okay plus thank you for this video now atleast now I now jockey can work even without sprinting

@mandomarley3348 - 30.05.2022 17:11

Worst fifa game ever.

@teekay440 - 06.06.2022 19:08

this has been helpful

@henrymuli1536 - 14.06.2022 01:04

How can I tackle faster the opponent

@jasonclowson6650 - 22.06.2022 18:20

The secondary contain requires dedicated practice to master

@luomania1696 - 24.06.2022 01:30

How can I tackle without necessarily sliding and conceding a penalty or a red card? Am a victim, everytime I slide, it's either a pen or a redcard.. Please help

@nazuu - 02.07.2022 11:45

Thanks for the vid bud

@BackHeelAssist - 03.07.2022 21:05

I've always wanted to know how to 'second man contain' thanks bro

@basharshaath6434 - 11.07.2022 16:31

What is the camera setting in this video

@charleskern372 - 12.07.2022 20:06

I feel the seconmanpress is good but they must make it longer like 8 sec not 5

@razrielshut312 - 20.07.2022 17:27

fuck fifa fuck ea ai literally decides results impossible to breach keepers,one long ball you are fucked up cuz your defenders like truck

@adrianagyen1265 - 08.08.2022 09:50

What is the use of contain button X in defense?

@yuuzhkingdom7025 - 17.08.2022 08:13

I often see opponent players intercept my passes easily, and my own players dont do shit. Is it something to do with stats of the individual player, or team tactics/mentality/player instruction? Somehow i cant get interception to work well no matter how fo tweak the strategy settings.

Also, some opponents can tackle almost too easily. Its like they are using Legacy Defending, and always auto move towards the ball, whereas I had to manually go for the ball.. But I cant turn ON Legacy Defending in FUT matches, I kinda suspect there an exploit/cheat to turn it ON, because its too overpowered.

2nd man contain is useless, as of August 2022. Its like the 2nd man just run close to the ball, try to block, but doesnt tackle or do anything else. The opponent can still cruise through and my 2nd man just follows.

@davaedein - 10.09.2022 02:35

When you are defending. Every time the opposing team passes the ball, with your right stick you should be switching through at least four or five of your own players. Every time you switch to a player you should be trying to get that player in front of the ball or in front of the player that the opposing team will pass to. Sometimes in this process it is necessary to press lb first before you start switching to other players. There is never a time when you are playing defense that you should not be proactive with your lb and your right stick switching because switching to at least four to five players represents thinking four and five steps ahead of the play.

@yomahomonuwa8484 - 23.11.2022 08:56

Please what formation did you use here, i love how there’s so much players back

@charlygray4166 - 13.01.2023 23:09

This will help but it’s only foolish to think your opponent will attack this way too

@usamahussain4461 - 05.03.2023 10:07

Defending is, to me, the most awful thing to do, especially in FIFA 22.
I usually score 2+ goals in seasons etc. (Div. 7 rn) and control most of the possession (since I'm an admirer of Pep and Klopp).
But in defensive side, I suck and concede way too many goals, especially when opponents have players like Mbappe, Diaz, Messi or the likes. I would tackle one player, he would get passed and BOOM... Goal. On the contrary, when I won't tackle, he would get past me anyway.
I'm so angry with my defensive side :(

@MAXIMUM_FOOTBALL_GAME - 15.03.2023 04:17


@AB-qs5rm - 29.06.2023 08:08

Nice video. Thanks. But my problem is, I can't control my players. They're very slow, they gives most of my passes to the opponent. Also, they can't hold on to the ball. When ball get to their legs, I don't know how it happens, the ball will get bounce back to the opponent. My goalkeeper too, always pushing ball into the net or back to the opponent. And the one that annoys me the most, 80% of my shots hits the goal pole. What do think is the problem? My internet speed is 600Mpbs. It's frustrating.
