Max Lebled 3D Animator

Carried Away (Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2021 - 1st place winner) Max Lebled - 3D animator 630,738 3 года назад
Isaac Conagher (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 257,388 13 лет назад
What does a hero truly fear? (Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2017 - 1st place winner) Max Lebled - 3D animator 4,672,044 7 лет назад
[SFM] Custom Map 3 - 1st 3D Skybox Google can eat it 404 11 лет назад
AnimSchool Student Animation Showcase 2021 AnimSchool 6,868,542 3 года назад
Wiles of the Wisp (Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2018 - 8th place finalist) Max Lebled - 3D animator 1,391,891 6 лет назад
On The Cliff (TI8 Short Film Contest - 1st Place Winner) Keller Max 1,431,622 6 лет назад
Enigma's Exasperation (Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2015 winner) Max Lebled - 3D animator 1,968,976 9 лет назад
Dota 2 Workshop: Flightless Fury (set for Vengeful Spirit) Max Lebled - 3D animator 85,232 9 лет назад
Projected caustics with the Source engine Max Lebled - 3D animator 47,182 12 лет назад
You serious? (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 550,454 13 лет назад
The Wishmaker (Saxxy Awards 2012 - Best Comedy winner) Max Lebled - 3D animator 788,688 12 лет назад
Uncrating (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 549,740 13 лет назад
Wrack weapon animation reel Max Lebled - 3D animator 22,323 10 лет назад
Serenade in BLU (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 415,276 13 лет назад
The Soldier attempts a jump (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 61,951 13 лет назад
What are you doing, Chell Max Lebled - 3D animator 275,224 13 лет назад
EarthBound Fortress 2: Psychokinesis Max Lebled - 3D animator 203,424 13 лет назад
Rust bolt-action rifle animation showcase (alpha) Max Lebled - 3D animator 102,660 11 лет назад
Literal Point (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 163,825 12 лет назад
Recreating TF2's Alpine skybox in 3D Max Lebled - 3D animator 52,938 12 лет назад
Change your perspective (TF2 animation) Max Lebled - 3D animator 652,470 13 лет назад