Plague Cure

The Failed Cures for the Plague Good Enough 3,427,775 1 год назад
Weird Plague 'Cures' (The Black Death) Simple History 1,154,833 5 лет назад
Why the Bubonic Plague Still Exists Today Seeker 214,546 4 года назад
Why plague doctors wore beaked masks TED-Ed 1,852,831 2 года назад
Just-In-Time Training for Plague Response: Plague Treatment and Prophylaxis Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 902 2 года назад
The Deadliest Infectious Disease of All Time | Crash Course Lecture CrashCourse 2,221,317 11 месяцев назад
Plague 101 | National Geographic National Geographic 2,300,730 6 лет назад
Bizarre Black Plague Medicines and 'Cures' Inspire Education 7,556 2 года назад
A Cure for the Plague The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered 62,636 2 года назад
What Made The Black Death (The Plague) so Deadly? The Infographics Show 8,458,753 5 лет назад
How did people try to ‘cure’ the Plague? (Flagellants) Simple History 888,102 5 лет назад
A Cure for the Plague AmazingFacts 20,087 9 лет назад
What Made The Black Death So Deadly & Who Were The Plague Doctors The Infographics Show 1,937,155 5 лет назад
THE PLAGUE IS BACK Washington Post Universe 942,235 7 месяцев назад
This Disease is Deadlier Than The Plague Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell 8,996,450 8 месяцев назад
Plague Inc. Fungi are SCARILY Accurate!! Phy The Neutrophil 309,608 1 год назад
Weird Cures for the Black Plague - Candied Horseradish Tasting History with Max Miller 465,979 4 года назад