Tom Myers Fascia And Yoga

Tom Myers on Yoga, Fascia, and the New Anatomy of the Body YogaUOnline 73,627 9 лет назад
How to Train Fascia with Tom Myers: Tip 1, Vectors Anatomy Trains 64,686 8 лет назад
Fascia In Movement: The Essentials Preview Anatomy Trains 97,052 9 лет назад
How to Train Fascia with Tom Myers: Tip 2 - Lengthening Anatomy Trains 32,309 8 лет назад
Anatomy Trains | Tom Myers | Talks at Google Talks at Google 291,985 6 лет назад
Reading the Spiral Line with Tom Myers | Rolling Along Anatomy Trains Tune Up Fitness 98,308 3 года назад
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Tom Myers' self-help routine for the neck Anatomy Trains 82,639 4 года назад
Tom Myers' self-massage practices for the hands Anatomy Trains 20,753 4 года назад
Introduction to Anatomy Trains Anatomy Trains 172,246 8 лет назад
How to Train Fascia with Tom Myers: Tip 4, Elasticity Anatomy Trains 35,204 7 лет назад
Yoga Anatomy with Tom Myers: Bones clip Anatomy Trains 1,477 6 месяцев назад
Tom Myers: The Art of Body Reading in Yoga YogaUOnline 16,543 8 лет назад
Anatomy Trains: The Superficial Back Line Muscle and Motion 84,339 3 года назад
Clip from Freeing the Shoulders and Arms - BodyReading Anatomy Trains 16,721 5 лет назад