Looks like the phony "rigged election" claim gets 'em every time!
ОтветитьWhat phoney baloney's - it appears that Alex Buresewitz had a major health crisis (would not be surprised if it was not a stroke) and the bozo comes back up on stage popping jokes about a soft landing etc...unbelievable. Photographers jump on stage to grab photos of him...this is truly sickening.
ОтветитьFainting?? Really more like TIA or drugged...frmr nurse...
ОтветитьHe was drugged 🤔
ОтветитьThat was brutal. I hope he gets some good help asap. Feel Better Alex.
ОтветитьWhen the pill starts kicking in and kicking your ass mid speech
ОтветитьNever seen anyone struck down before. And mid-lie!!!
ОтветитьWho are the idiots taking pictures? That is beyond disgraceful
ОтветитьMy husband is a doctor he said it sounds like a TIA because of the slurred speech and loss of memory plus passing out a second time at the hospital. Could he have been poisoned?
ОтветитьI hope it's not serious...
ОтветитьPraying 🙏 for him
ОтветитьLook at them eat their own, care more to film him than to help. Despicable.
ОтветитьYou are not patriots. Trump sacrificed nothing.
ОтветитьDamn, it's almost like the amount of evil in the building was suffocating. Tbh, everyone keeps talking about a stoke, I say he was drugged. Steve Bannon was in the building. He's an insidious human being. The Host was also a disgustingly out of touch individual. Super cavalier, the man danced after someone fainted and fell off stage. He seemed more upset the podium was broken. Some of y'all put some seriously troubled people in positions they should of never been allowed to fill. This young man had to pay the price for that.
ОтветитьThere was no rigged election. How many times do these dumbbells need to be told. Trump sucks. That being said I hope he recovers.
ОтветитьLove it.
ОтветитьCreep has a stroke onstage. Let's dance! lol )
ОтветитьThe guy commenting after this incident absolutely males me puke!! Not one hint of sincere concern! His slick attempt at dark humor FAILED!! Hope the young man is ok and will fully recover.
ОтветитьHe'll be fine? Dude looks like he had a stroke, TIA, arrhythmia, he is NOT fine.
ОтветитьDude's speech was so boring he put himself to sleep 😴
ОтветитьHe must be vaccinated 😂
ОтветитьHope he recovers. That being said, hopefully, he will rethink his current political values.
ОтветитьI hope it's not a stroke😮
ОтветитьFeel better🎉
Ответить-but i don’t understand, why did he support trump???
ОтветитьVaccine? Thank you bill gates
ОтветитьThose are the signs of people possibly having a stroke or about to faint (fall the hell out!) but they tell us to look out for these signs and people still sit there and ignore them they would rather have a person fall out and hurt themselves
ОтветитьMy dad had a stroke in 2014.... was definitely stroke.. slurring words before collapsing.. Life can change for any of us instantly
Ответитьwhen you praise Gaetz and wake up the Gods.....scary
ОтветитьHe was spilling pure conspiracy theories n lies
ОтветитьPure Lies. Must forget what he's saying
ОтветитьThe way he speaks reminds me of a stroke
ОтветитьLooked like a stroke to me....Actually made me feel kinda sorry for the scumbag.
ОтветитьDoc here. It’s syncope. Not stroke.
ОтветитьWe gonna see a lot of this, till it's trending.
Trump warped speed Vaxxidents legacy.
Trump will save you.
ОтветитьStroke? Seems like the doctors by now have assessed this. But curious if this is what happened.
Hopefully, it's not as serious, maybe a flu or dehydration? hmm.
Prayers to this young man.
That’s what evil brings
ОтветитьOmg did he dance and say what can you do? Yuck how about we will be praying for him
Ответить…hurry take a photo! What is wrong with people! Poor dude!
ОтветитьHe was your pivatol point? 😅
ОтветитьHe’s almost slurring as much as Trump
ОтветитьDidn't he laugh at Nancy Pelosi husband? Karma is a bitch. Kay off the drugs
ОтветитьThe man who commented on the fall, he seem very unworthy .Like he had som🎉 ething to do with the man fainting🤔
ОтветитьFake news already saying he was drunk clearly a stroke God bless this young man with unfailig health
ОтветитьMost people don't know what to do in a medical emergency. So they compartmentalize with humor it's a defense mechanism. Shame on all the neg. Comments. People should spend their energy praying. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it. May God's hand be on this young man. Let no one feel quilty how they responded. Dr's and nurses do this all the time in truma situations it's a coping mechanism.
ОтветитьPeople need to be faster to process and react. One could clearly see and hear that he was NOT OK. A room full of people, and NO ONE protectED him from the damages of a hard fall. I am absolutely stunned at the stupidity. React, and respond, People! Don't be sheep and wait to be told what to do.
ОтветитьF*** those people who only cared to take pictures of a man who fell down
ОтветитьHaving one too many before a speech doesn’t work. Watch an earlier video of him talking to this video. He was already under the influence at the beginning of his speech.
ОтветитьHe got light stroke 😢