God forbid 60 minutes showing her captors as actually treating her as a human being.
ОтветитьFake news
ОтветитьStop spreading lies And fake news
ОтветитьThey give her clothes they give her food and protect her👍👍👍
ОтветитьPalestine will be free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
ОтветитьWow!wow! October 7!
ОтветитьThe interviewer is a hack, trying to use this woman as a tool to get what she wants out of her instead of allowing the woman to talk. But, the woman did not allow this and shut the interviewer down many times, good for her...shameful interview.
ОтветитьIf some child and women of Gaza are still safe from Zionist regime please make a documentary on them..
ОтветитьGreat interview by Leslie Stahl.
ОтветитьWhen will you interview Palestinians?
ОтветитьWhy you dont ask also another side , Palestinians , what are they facing for the last 70 years from Israel?
ОтветитьFellows your ancestors killed giants in the time of exodus have faith like your ancestors had SHALOM🙏
ОтветитьThere is no innocent civilisants n Gaza.
ОтветитьFelt tears coming as they all saw on tv
ОтветитьDefine innocent civilians.
ОтветитьIt’s very sad, but families of Palestinian hostages don’t have the luxury to set up “war rooms” to pressure anyone to release their beloved ones. They only depend on daily prayers and tears.
ОтветитьThey want peace by hostage women and little kids ? , these people are very disgusting
ОтветитьThe interviewer is terrible omg.. shocking
ОтветитьFrom party to victim,admitted they are masters in it.
ОтветитьIt has been a tragedy since the unjust creation of Israel in Palestine
ОтветитьThe history of the reasons these specific settlements were horribly attacked is very interesting and not well understood. OneLove
ОтветитьIf you are not hypocrite , interview thousands of Palestinian kids whose parents are killed and are homeless
Ответить“I was not a person”. The same narrative as the Palestinians for more than 50 years. Grow empathy, people.
ОтветитьAt least we know that the Palestinian prisoners in the so-called moral state of Israel are constantly beaten and assaulted, and even the Israeli occupation prisons will not believe this!! It contains hundreds of Palestinian minors and some even sentenced to life imprisonment
So you will not be able to deceive us with shady advertisements, criminal occupation army
100%they have sexs with her but she not telling the truth because she is marrid and don’t want to loose her husband
Ответитьi watched the whole thing then i looked at the dislikes
ОтветитьArt of putting own words on her😂😂😂
Ответитьthey were given druges to looked happy !???🤪 😂 really !!?
Ответить3 47
ОтветитьWhy don't they interview those Palestinian people who were made hostage by Israel
ОтветитьPlease mention that these people were taken from Palestinian land occupied by Israelis. What this couple faced is what Israelis do to Palestinians on a daily basis. This has been going on for 70 years.
ОтветитьOMG, she was given hijab. How cruel to cover up with a hijab. So disgusting and inhumane treatment. On the other hand Israelis cared so much for Palestinians when they kindly consented to emigrate from European Christiandom and occupied native people’s land and drove them out of their land. The ever increasingly encroachment and occupation is done so carefully, tenderly and delicately that there is no pain and suffering to Palestinians otherwise the channel would have mentioned.
ОтветитьShut it
ОтветитьIdf is killing here and have thousands in captivity in the most unhealthy conditions
ОтветитьI have never seen a healthier captive talking about making the kidnappers care about her while others just beg for their lives devastated
ОтветитьMore than being afraid of hamas she was afraid of the Israeli genocide infact they were safe better
ОтветитьNo there was no sexual harrasment there
ОтветитьShe is afraid of being raped, but the people around her give her a blanket to cover herself. Do people who would rape do this? Don't create false perceptions. CNN is already busy with its false heroism and distortions in this world. If CNN were a good channel, it would show 10 of the 1 million women raped in Iraq. Fake America's inferior television... probably few people in the world care about you.
ОтветитьIf she was in 🇮🇱 jail her story must be Different.
ОтветитьYarden is so pretty and gorgeous
ОтветитьLol the comments trying to act like hamas is kind of saviour sick people. Her sister died in captivity shot by hamas
ОтветитьPainfull 😢
ОтветитьNo rape.
ОтветитьI thought 60 minutes was neutral. This must be one of the worst vids ive ever seen from them.