Leather Stamping Tutorial - Craftool Leather Stamps - Leather Tools - #leathercraft @cheaneysaddles

Leather Stamping Tutorial - Craftool Leather Stamps - Leather Tools - #leathercraft @cheaneysaddles

Bruce Cheaney

10 лет назад

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@87jstep - 24.03.2015 21:40

Really enjoy your tutorials.

@ghuber480 - 24.03.2015 23:42

I have a question about your work area.  Is that a large piece of fine granite, or a slab of cast concrete.  If so did you make it yourself?  I would like to see how your work area is set up.  I like your style of tooling, what are your top 30 tools that you use?

@christierella - 25.03.2015 03:07

I have high respect for your craft, thank you sharing! I'm giving it a go, thank you for the encouragement! 👍👍👍

@j.greggcampbell6959 - 25.03.2015 04:08

Very nice tutorial Bruce.  Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us.

@louisemissouri4410 - 25.03.2015 04:20

Thank you so much for doing this tutorial Mr Cheaney. It really helps to watch you work. I realize things I do wrong every time I get to see you work. My designs are too small for doing what your doing, and so cutting them in was really difficult and getting the pear shader in the design was rediculous. I'll increase the size and do some coasters this weekend. What do you seal them with? Do you use Resolene to help them be more waterproof? Again, thank you so much!! ATB Louise :)

@ImseetheArtist - 25.03.2015 09:08

You are awesome! Relaxing to watch, i do leathering also :)

@FatManLeather - 25.03.2015 20:39

These tutorials are great, I haven't started tooling yet but will be soon.

@deeandlee745 - 26.03.2015 06:54

Thank you Sir for sharing your skill.

@kerryg4119 - 26.03.2015 08:37

Great video Bruce.  It really gives you a feel for the entire process.  It all comes down to practice and discovering what your tools can do or what you can do with them.  Thanks for a very good tutorial.

@Waldhandwerk - 26.03.2015 12:41

Nice Artwork Bruce. Great items and tools. Take care, Sepp 

@mariocoulombe1424 - 14.04.2015 05:45

I'm a 60 years old beginner and I really appreciate your tutorial . Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.

@nick17gar - 30.04.2015 09:33

Another great video, thanks Bruce!

@Bunglerules2024 - 04.06.2015 11:37

That was very useful. thank you again for your fine Video's :)

@gregoriosantiago7684 - 03.07.2015 22:03

"{ Beautiful craftsmanship"} Bruce"

@ZeRenetteTrinket - 25.08.2015 15:03

Hi Bruce ! Thanks for your tutorials ! can you give us all the references of the tools used in this video ?

@terihager9180 - 24.09.2015 18:24

okay I have a question what tool do you use to make the texture on the loops like the slanted lines you didn't show that in the video

@golnazsaedi3933 - 13.10.2015 14:12

Hi Bruce,i want to ask you if it is possible to use a colored leather or varnished leather to use the same work ?
thank you

@angiechong7122 - 01.11.2015 19:21

beautiful and very informative, thank you very much!

@evagervais3895 - 27.12.2015 19:07

i've tried to slide the stamp like your doing and i can't do it, any tips for me

@kaboommst1984 - 06.01.2016 13:33

Sir i have a question: do one have to use much force with the swirvel knife ? Im learning carving and i noticed i cannot make suck deep cut as yours, the cut is shallow and thin, im using abit cheap leather though but im sure its wet properly. Is leather quality makes that big of a differrence on carving ? Or maybe the quality of the knife blade ?

@_crankage - 09.01.2016 05:16

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You have helped me out more than you would know with this tutorial.

@hilaryehrlich5409 - 30.01.2016 04:12

Do you sell any of your leather crafts?

@irislee99 - 31.01.2016 02:47

Thanks for sharing.

@str8tfaded119 - 12.03.2016 08:13

Is there any special stamping I could use to stamp on a piece of vinyl?

@gmail_rosy - 25.03.2016 02:10

Love your videos. Thank you for sharing.

@gmail_rosy - 25.03.2016 02:10

Just subscribed

@garbear511 - 07.05.2016 04:49

Thank you very much

@jassiebhathal3154 - 01.07.2016 13:12

Hi Bruce Cheaney...excellent work, very impressed...Do you have any experience with laser embossed or laser etched leather?

@PhotoMan - 26.09.2016 06:36

Nice tutorial - I just wish your hand was transparent, so I could see you actually making the impressions and cuts.

@jpnoll1781 - 30.09.2016 15:29

Bruce, great work as always. Hey, what weight maul do you use? I know they come in different weights.

@liamryan3419 - 21.11.2016 17:40

Thank you , very helpful!!

@marienoack8204 - 08.01.2017 15:16

Thank you so much for this tutorial. I am such a beginner and this has taught me so much. Blessings!

@davidflores5404 - 26.02.2017 21:06

I am so new to this that I have not bought my first kit.  I like that you present your viewers the kits Tandy sells.  I hope to get my first kit very soon.  I will be watching other videos you put out.
Thank you DF

@heretostayheretostay - 05.08.2017 04:46


@luciabordacajamarca1754 - 19.02.2018 18:13

Buenis dias En bogota donde encontramos estas herramientas gracias

@bodeine454 - 23.06.2019 07:10

Thanks a lot Bruce, I can't wait to start practicing tomorrow when my tool set arrives! 👍

@dinohudson1432 - 23.10.2019 19:00


@ronsites2694 - 25.06.2020 03:04

Great work, just wish I could have seen your knife work. Try putting the camera on the other side.

@jiebi6965 - 04.08.2020 18:55

Recently I just started playing with leathers, your lessons are really helpful!! Before I tried a lot, until now I realize something, thank you so much!!

@davidbravo3803 - 23.02.2021 09:35

Excellent work!! What weight is the round maul you're using?

@professorgryphonsmuseumofb5380 - 29.08.2021 02:22

Demonstrating craft needs to be close enough so anyone can actually see what you are doing. Useless !

@JuniorHarvey-zh4jr - 22.02.2022 00:46

I don't know understand what I'm doing wrong. Are my stamps just cheap? Am I using the wrong leather?? Am I not getting the leather wet enough??? You barely tap the stamp and the impression in the leather is nice and deep and it stands out. I can beat the snot out of mine and it just doesn't make that kind of impression. Got any pointers???

@fatmansbushcraft - 20.04.2022 18:35

Realy nice one... Thanks. 👍

@giancarlorivera8113 - 15.03.2023 20:24

It would be more nice if your hands is not covering the process at some areas.

@avaloncrystals1579 - 24.05.2023 16:59

Your hand is in the way

@hongspa - 29.06.2023 05:11

thanks as always

@marklewis4421 - 23.07.2023 05:12

Are u from Clarksville?

@tylerball665 - 07.02.2024 12:54

This is extremely relaxing to watch and listen to.

@Foxiepawstotti - 05.02.2025 22:43

I bought an old English saddle and refurbished it, or am refurbishing it. It was well looked after and I may have to reflock it but simply cleaning it and oiling it has done wonders already!😊 Thank you for all the inspirstional videos!
