I don’t get why everyone’s complaining about this video lol, just let the man make the video and watch it. It’s neat to know that the armor can be gained this early, good set.
ОтветитьIv been watching you for like 5 years estimate your videos have always been spot on and super helpful keep it up!
ОтветитьNivel 12 y ya lo consegui la 3 armadura XD ME COSTO 3 VECES JAJA
Si te preguntas como lo consegui siendo un nivel tan bajo
Facil llevate el lanza misiles y si te vas atras de la estructura hay un lugar como una fabrica donde te subes del todo y pues tienes que estar tanta suerte y atinarle con un lanza misiles a la jefa
Vendran jefes alado tuyo a mi me toco como 3 jefes pero si los matas y consigues sus lanzallamas uff esta bien ademss al estar stacando todos los de ahi saldran y atacaran al ejercicio de la jefa y pues el alsaltrstron la que me mataba un chingo de veces le wuedo la mitad de vida pero con el lanza llamas mientras me hacia para atras le lnzaba las llamas xd asi que le baje toda la vida y ps le gane y consegui sus cosas y los demss iba poco a poco atacando y al fisnl consegui gansr la batalla xd y asi consegui la armadura pesada jaja
Brutal 🎉❤
ОтветитьRemember if you do enough bos quests you can just change combat armour to bos combat armour on any armour workbench and vice versa
ОтветитьWhy is the map so big?
ОтветитьContraptions added the ability to manufacture armor. I do think it's gated by level and perks though.
Ответитьim obv a higher level, im level 33. but im wondering, can absolom spawn with the heavy combat armor right arm since captain bridget didnt have it?😅
Ответитьthis guide is ass
ОтветитьEsto es un mod? Porque yo no sabia que habia mas versiones de la armadura de combate
ОтветитьWhy not just make a gunner cage at the begining of the game in sanctuary (i did it at level 3 or maybe 4) now i have every settler equipped with lazer rifles and a full set of combat armour (not the top tear ones as I'm low level)
ОтветитьNo entendí nada
ОтветитьCan you upgrade base combat armor to the heavy combat armor
ОтветитьWitch mod do you have to make the grass eveywhere?
ОтветитьNope, if i correct enemy will scale by your level. So when you level 1 enemy not dropping combat armor pieces. I think after level 20 you will see its drop from many raiders
Ответитьgunner corp got the right peace
ОтветитьIm disappointed I didnt pick up the heavy combat armor when I killed the enclave at their camps. I didnt know they were all different. I figured it was an appearance thing.
ОтветитьAt Jamaica plains I have a high level ghoul that is camping the damn door.
Ответить@ESOdanny Just started Fallout 4 and loving it. Have to sday your videos are super helpful , A big THANK YOU from me
ОтветитьMission complete :)
ОтветитьWait, how does your area have trees? Mine are all dead and you have leafs in your trees?? How do that?
Ответитьdecent vid, with decent info.. but... where is the syrup to go with all the waffle?!
ОтветитьReally confused on how to find this place my map looks COMPLETELY different than his
ОтветитьMas armas en el mapa
ОтветитьI used the power armor that you can find down the road a bit from the giant sign. Much easier at low lvls
ОтветитьSal doesn't spawn in my game ! And I don't know why!
ОтветитьWill a gunner appear in the gunner trap wearing this heavy armor at some point? So far I only have a complete set of normal armor with helmet .I am level 27
ОтветитьFO4 IS ALWAYS BACK BABYYYYYY, cant wait for fallout miami
ОтветитьWhat about the Heavy Right Arm?🤦♂️
ОтветитьI kept going you told me...and ended up in Minecraftville!
ОтветитьAqua girl can get you there
ОтветитьThe light doesnt need to work because the pip boy is the light just hold O on controller idk about other devices
ОтветитьI am currently level 31 and i havent seen a single piece of sturdy combat armor
ОтветитьCaptain bridget doesnt spawn for me. What do i do?
Ответитьim level 42 and can only find light combat armor in jamaica plains? havent even seen a piece of heavy armor yet just sturdy.
ОтветитьThank you for another fantastic tutorial!
ОтветитьHa sido muy divertido llegar hasta la armadura de combate con nivel 1. No fue fácil. Muchos enemigos en el camino pero se logró. Gracias
Ответитьdude the one shot me everytime so how can you go with level 1 on thid area? 😂😂
Ответить🤣🤣Dart across the map at level 1... How many saves are we talking. Good Shit if / when we pull it off though🤣🤣
ОтветитьThere’s a very simple mod that makes the flashlight on the Combat Helmet usable. I like giving it either the Bright or Red Tactical Light
ОтветитьThis is the biggest load of crap I’ve ever seen💀
ОтветитьThank you !! I play with Survival mod, unfortunately, these tips are more than risky with this difficulty setting :)
ОтветитьI liked the Brotherhood of Steel in former games. This time no Enclave so i mod them in the game and join the Enclave.
ОтветитьHey eso i got a question, can you get combat armor with the chameleon effect, like a full set of it .plz help...anytime I write abother fall out content creator they never answer me
ОтветитьSe traba mucho en español
ОтветитьDon't know what mods your using but that game looks BEAUTIFUL!!👌 Thanks for help!
ОтветитьI've been to two locations and killed at least 50 gunners in search of just the Heavy Combat Armor Right Arm. I had the complete set except for the right arm and man, how fucking hard could it be. I'm not joking when I say that I killed everyone in the entire Gunners Plaza and only ONE dude had the right arm. Everyother Gunner how had heavy combat armor had the sturdy armor on their right arm. (I'm at level 55 on this character btw, so it should spawn in more often)
Ответитьdont trust this guy He's literally lying
ОтветитьYou're insane suggesting Hub City Auto for any armor piece. If the Assaultron doesn't kill you, the guys with the missile launchers and gauss rifles, will.