Messing With Rust Cheaters Recoil

Messing With Rust Cheaters Recoil


1 год назад

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@dannysmith2783 - 03.05.2024 02:35

Would be funny to somehow make their guns spray silly string or confeddi

@northernraven7041 - 04.05.2024 00:42

Instead of Blue Screen, would you be able to implement a "Rick Roll"?

@zenchi786 - 09.05.2024 06:40

Been subbed for last 2 pr 3 days now man and came over from be amazed , and you are a legend my friend , i have been binge watching also like and comenting on most videos , i hope that helps abit more than just the sub 100 % would do more if i could , the world of gaming needs more admins like yourself .

Also been telling every gamer i know about it . Epic again as always cheers mate . Im gonna look into rust . Maybe try it out abit seems kinda cool.

And im at a toss up , i now love the toilet eating shark 🤣 and your land mine bear .

Bro 1 day you shpuld do a ride along with a mem of your channel that plays rust . That would be funny like a cops ride along but with momo hahaha cause u could drag a player around with ya . Might be a sweet idea for 1 milll subs , or contest idk , but cheer always a blast.

@jerousekdragon7716 - 09.05.2024 11:31

Timmy is fighting Timmy2Times 😂😂

@omfgitsfat - 12.05.2024 06:17

I can't wait for 30 years from now when the first American President has to explain their recorded video game audio.

@shammi8133 - 16.05.2024 00:06

Jay and silent bob their ass lol

@NYRICH80 - 16.05.2024 06:46

i'm American playing on Au lol

@chrispurdie9799 - 20.05.2024 17:39

camomo have you done this to me as i cant hit anything in rust xD

@spcsalty8542 - 21.05.2024 02:49

You should modify your No Damage script to still allow damage to a Teammate. Really troll the cheaters.

@Echo_Yt0 - 28.05.2024 16:13

Why cheaters attach vacuums to the mic 😂

@Balls1335 - 14.06.2024 01:49

The two dudes at the end are fucking hilarious, especially the one that kept directing insults at Camomo’s wife. Dude sounds like a 14 year old weighing 100 pounds acting hard n shit lmao

@afelonsperspective - 01.07.2024 06:30

Its not that strange for americans to play other servers. I found rust EZ and loved the ppl so i play on the EU servers cause of the ppl and the admin. Good ppl, Good chat.

@poofyjedi - 01.07.2024 11:03

LavaKush is the type of guy that just needs a RL punch from time to time.

And what's wild is that the cheaters just give free content.

@MaximumCarter - 03.07.2024 06:44

Killing nakeds while cheating is the epitome of cringe.

@michaelwoods9669 - 06.07.2024 02:37

Camomo..please, it's "My family and I" grammar my man please

@reddot6217 - 25.07.2024 21:55

Imagine moderating Ark servers 😕. Should look into it, would love to see Ark thirst buckets gone wild! Lol

@LazyVaderYT - 30.07.2024 06:57

Bro idk if I can even help I don't own a computer but I'm a dedicated mobile gamer that would love to help you catch these cheaters. I got screen recorder and if I have to get a computer I will, this is the best ever keep it up

@GamerJax100 - 30.07.2024 07:32

Don't ban someone that is friends with someone that has cheated before

@Shadowsnow91 - 10.08.2024 22:45

After a few clips, I now know why I never bought the game ;D because it's extremely contaminated with cheaters :)

@dawidhowsky - 02.09.2024 20:12

russians cant plat fair, in sport or in games doeasnt matter, they cheat... wtf are those people

@picklepopsickle - 05.09.2024 18:53

this looks like more fun than actually playing the game

@anemyclake1256 - 19.09.2024 18:20

not only does he need to buy a new account, but you make money from it. hes getting farmed

@jacktolhurst3642 - 25.09.2024 09:42

Got 0 hours in this game, still watch every vid. top notch content.

@Lannistir - 28.09.2024 20:11

"shes taking it bare back right now, shes screaming right now".... "is she?? BABBBEE" xDDD creasing

@Bacon8t0r - 29.09.2024 17:58

I'm sure the base game is fun with the right people, but some of these toxic children have always turned me off of Rust. Like, who honestly starts immediately berating people and acting hard when they're the ones needing training wheels. (new command idea speaking of training wheels, instead of the toilet, a tricycle, propeller beanie and a lollipop on caught cheaters since they want to be children about it)

@emeinc7224 - 30.09.2024 13:00

You need to "Babe Ruth it. Point, then strike with the bat. (Sand Lot Kids)

@KyranHill-y6w - 03.10.2024 04:16

we got meshind

@KyranHill-y6w - 03.10.2024 04:16


@DBrccrawling - 03.10.2024 22:41

you should turn it on and when they test remove it and put it back on

@miroi987 - 04.10.2024 05:38

ive had no idea that there are this many cheaters on rust. its insane

@LavA-R3K0N - 08.10.2024 23:15

i cannot believe a lava usernamed person would cheat i have high standards when it comes to games it goes as follows
never cheat
never be toxic
never be mean

every Lava out there should know these and be better

for context my username online is usually LavA

@Spurnski - 13.10.2024 18:23

Now this, this brings me great joy.

@TruckinGreg - 16.11.2024 10:47

Lol! Rabbit got that hawk-tuah!!

@skzz3889 - 28.11.2024 01:22

its not cheat, its a script on mouse config.

@arica8268 - 30.11.2024 13:11

Lmao, the guy at like the 38-39 min mark, was trying to say there was a difference between him and Allen.
You say there's no difference between him and Allen, and then proceed to explain the difference, he's a cheater, Allen's not. Lmao. Just thought it was a bit humorous

@DEV_Shadow - 18.12.2024 21:37

giving to user a BSOD screen it is an act off hacking from your side. someone should stop you from doing this crap, because you are just abuse admin. You should just punish them but without BSOD. you should be an admin not a another one Hacker. you just put all admin in bad light. BB

@fatfurie - 02.01.2025 00:46

i always thought it would be older dudes who would cheat cause theyre more likely to lose their edge have the money to pay for them.. but it seems like its 90 percent are tweens who are the ones cheating and thats some how even more depressing. someone needs to study these people.

@Stranger247 - 03.01.2025 13:25

Thank you for doing what you do Camomo, I’m a trash rust player so it always sucks extra when I die to one of these pos mfs, can’t even door camp them smh…

@cpl_meathead8050 - 09.01.2025 01:41

The fact that they will come to your server's KNOWING you do this is hilarious. The amount of "Oh crap its Camomo" or "Camomo stop" While in vanish ha ha

@Logical_Raven - 11.01.2025 13:38

Good stuff

@NodnarbHD - 31.01.2025 14:08

Admining looks so much more fun than playing

@jameshoover3557 - 25.02.2025 15:39

This guy is funny, i stopped playing boosted servers though because i found more hackers there than official.

@Camomo_10 - 25.10.2023 23:28

I love this addition to the plugin! Make sure you Subscribe, like, comment and share the video! ❤ Thanks for 500K!
