Blade Show 2018 , Condor Booth w/ Joe Flowers

Blade Show 2018 , Condor Booth w/ Joe Flowers

Aim4 Survival (A4S)

6 лет назад

847 Просмотров

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@beaverking7692 - 10.06.2018 03:57

Good stuff keep it up

@Primitivebearknives - 13.06.2018 03:08

Soooo. I liked this alot but watched this in silence. Tomorrow I'll watch it with noise lol. Anyway I gave you a sub. You have alot of vids and need more subs. I don't have many subs my self but got a crap ton of videos haha. Anyway AWESOME!!!

@guns4funcajanajustin - 19.06.2018 00:59

Good stuff keep them coming brother

@fcuk_x - 10.01.2019 01:01

So where's that 40 bucks garberg killer?
