ОтветитьAll great nicknames, I think sea pancake >= sea flap-flap >= flat sharks.
Also, I thought sharks cannot reverse? Is that different for rays? Or can they only reverse a tiny bit?
And another question, is the sting itself also made of cartilage? Idk, looks more sturdy than expected?
Also, have you ever been stung by a stingray?
Thank you and congrats on 15K subscribers!
Another great video! It's good to hear stingrays aren't as lethal as some suggest. It seems that a lot, if not most, of the animals in the ocean that have the potential to harm humans won't do so unless they are given a reason.
ОтветитьI love to watch your videos 😊
ОтветитьAre eagle rays dangerous?
ОтветитьIt was boring 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😢
ОтветитьSea flap flap. Hahahaha well, i am now interrested. Time to follow the sea flap flap down the rabbit hole.
ОтветитьSo glad to find your channel. I live near the Gulf Coast of Florida. I love Spotted Eagle Rays and Cownose Rays.
ОтветитьHow can you hold a wild stingray like that and it not shoot its barb? I thought usually they’re very skittish so if you were that close and holding it how did it not use its barb? I go snorkelling a lot and see them and I wanna get good shots and swim with them without stressing them out.
ОтветитьWhat a waste of 10 years
ОтветитьThank you very interesting
ОтветитьThanks for the great explanations and helping people better understand stingrays. I dive with them, and have never felt threatened.
ОтветитьI suppose the ones at Seaworld, that children can handle in shallow water pond, had their spike removed?
ОтветитьAre stingrays ticklish?
ОтветитьEvery time you say, you are a marine biologist, you make it sound like you are a rocket scientist, chill mam’ you are only a marine biologist for God sake. Cut it out.
ОтветитьToday I was snorkeling in the Dubai and saw a stingray 1 time in my life, he was big and so beautiful with leopard colors on his back, fascinating. Thank you for the video, now I know they are a bit dangerous because I swim really close to him😄
ОтветитьThanks such insightful content, what amazing creatures
ОтветитьSting ray "BACKK OUTT BACK OUTT!!! I HAVE A KNIFE!!"
ОтветитьWao! There's so much to learn about them. They're so cute!
ОтветитьCan you pet them in home aquarium?
ОтветитьDid u know him 😂 for real doe
ОтветитьFlat pancakes
ОтветитьI just got stung by a sea pancake today! 😣 owww