Living and Learning in the Metaverse | Andreas Bueckle | TEDxIndianaUniversity

Living and Learning in the Metaverse | Andreas Bueckle | TEDxIndianaUniversity

TEDx Talks

2 года назад

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@frankdelahue9761 - 31.10.2022 20:14

Metaverse has terrible graphics.

@heshumajid8899 - 17.05.2024 11:16

What an Excellent talk - kudos from an Iraqi Kurdistan

@Katalina-f6w - 28.08.2024 10:11

Thanks for sharing such valuable information! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I'm using a SafePal wallet with USDT and I have the seed phrase. (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay). How can I transfer them to Binance?

@YanitAndreu - 13.09.2024 13:05

Thanks for the breakdown! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

@MenbereAlwarthan - 20.09.2024 22:31

Thanks for the forecast! 📊 I’ve got a question: 🤨 I have these words 🤨. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). How do I use this? 🤨
