No Crank, No Start Diagnosis - EricTheCarGuy

No Crank, No Start Diagnosis - EricTheCarGuy


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@robertdiehl9003 - 08.02.2024 03:30

Check water level in battery plus connections..

@robertdiehl9003 - 08.02.2024 03:32

Open oil cap and crank. If valves moving that means engine not seized plus timing belt good.

@brittanyallen7442 - 11.02.2024 23:12

2000 honda accord engine turns but no start

@jimgarcia16 - 13.02.2024 22:58

My son has a 97 civic that he drove home from work turned it off and now will not start, trys but will not catch on.. so after talking to shops here in montana the guess was the CPS, so i replaced it, set the valve cover on put plug wires on to see if that was it and it started right up and i let it run for 20 seconds and turned it off, it was late and cold so i put all back together the next day and to my surprise no start again, cranks but no start. so i checked again for spark at the plugs, power at the injectors, gas at the filter like your video, and checked the timing.. has everything! any idea's thanks,  Jim

@movaughn20 - 14.02.2024 19:49

I was about to check if my 98 accord would turn over manually. No oil on the dipstick, sitting a year. Saw some corrosion on the starter wire crimp connection. Bypassed that connection. Started. Oh thank god!

@paulaclemons7175 - 23.02.2024 14:54

My jeep hap no power what can I do I’m stuck it won’t start nothing

@Ray-ni2le - 26.02.2024 16:45

I would of checked starter relay after the tapping on starter moter as if your battery is good say 12 volts jumping starter relay could of been your answere to good video though 👍

@alinovasseko5034 - 28.02.2024 05:46

Hello boss man
I have a Mercedes 2007 s550
The key is locked and it won’t turn to start position radio play and light on inside the but no light on the odometer

@kentkelly5301 - 04.03.2024 19:32

Beside just quick checking the connections, take them off and clean them. Even if they look clean, often they can have a film that prevents a high amp load to the starter! I can not tell you how many times I have seen this over my 75 years!

@otonieldabeast - 23.03.2024 23:51

Lol. You know what men. Thats why i watch your videos. I was going crazy pulling my code reader getting a multimeter. And when you said not to overthink it, i calmed myself down and run all the simple test you just did. I knew the topping on the starter but i was already thinking about a transmission or limp mode problem. It was the starter 😅. Thabks Eric.

@josetonyserrano8224 - 07.04.2024 20:35

Hi Mr. Car guy ,my name is Tony I have a Honda element 2003 I went to inspect my car and it failed because the check engine can't turn on ,I don't know where to find the problem. Can help me where to find the right problem . Thank you and God bless you.

@rafaelfres8745 - 10.04.2024 03:53

I put new inition, gas pump, new mait relay . and still not star. Have not power to spark plugs.

@dgirllamius____x - 15.04.2024 15:56

I've just had this problem. Wanted to go out for a doctor's appointment, turned on ignition, then engine...nothing. Everything just died.

I checked the battery with a multimeter, it was reading 12.6v. I then wiggled the negative and it was very loose. I tightened it and it started.

I was about to lose my shit 😂

@Treemastergutierrez - 16.04.2024 07:31

What if I have a no crank no start but since my truck is stick shift you can push start it

I put a new battery all fuses are good a new starter cables have spark and power going thru em you think it can be the ignition switch or a clutch safety switch

@jeremywhittington7605 - 27.04.2024 07:27

I figured out my no crank no start issue… I wasn’t turning the key!

@tsubakitengai - 11.05.2024 16:41

I just want to share some info. I recently bought a 1998 Civic LX manual transmission with 1.6L engine. 266,000 miles. Coolant fan didn't come on at temperature it should've, couldn't find the problem, all the individual parts seemed ok. So I added a switch and a bypass until I could fix it right. It ran ok, little bit rough occasionally, after a month it died while driving. No codes, no ECL, crank but no start. No spark at plug, no spark at coil. Proper voltage to ICM, voltage to injector, good signal to injector, but no flashing on ICM blue wire with tester. Replaced coil, then a new ICM, NO GOOD. Then a new distributor because you can't just replace the pickup coil. STILL NO SPARK. So I ordered a used ECU and when I swapped it out I immediately had spark. It ran beautifully, AND the coolant fan problem was gone. Also it was smoother and ran cooler than before.

My takeaway was that the rough running and loss of coolant fan was an indicator of a failing ECU.

ALSO, I did not reprogram the ECU.

@topk1790 - 17.05.2024 22:08

My 91 Accord is having a no crank no start Issue but the engine Rotates im leaning towards Ignition Switch *the 🔑 a bit hard to get out sometimes An the wheel is locked up , only Hazards Come on 🤦🏽‍♂️

@tijanihajji - 18.05.2024 23:13

Hi I’m TJ, need help for my Toyota Avalon 2004, tryed to clear codes by removing both + &- connectors and touch them together,
The car won’t crank and start
Need help and advise plz

@jaymungo2828 - 31.05.2024 20:52

So what if I’m not hearing the clicking just the lights on dash nd beeping inside car

@kenabraham377 - 04.06.2024 17:44

I put a motor in my Silverado and the starter is good , I bought a Napa best battery, I hooked it up and it had 12.5 volts, went to cut the grass and the voltage had dropped a lot , I shorted the starter and it cranked and turned the flex plate but will not crank with the key ???!

@barrypenaflor5706 - 15.07.2024 06:56

Thanks alot i just taps on my starter now it works ❤❤❤🎉🎉

@2035jim - 16.07.2024 00:29

I get taking the spark plugs out to check that the engine is turning over as it should no plugs no compression it should turn without resistance

@StrongPoliticalViews - 19.07.2024 14:35

I am so tired of women saying, "I'm a single mother..." None of that matters; there's guys out there who know nothing about cars.

@StrongPoliticalViews - 19.07.2024 14:50

OMG, women stop saying, "As a single mom, as an older single woman, or as a woman." None of that matters- you jaskasses. There are guys who don't know anything about cars, guys aren't born automatically knowing about cars. Men tinker. Guys are also watching this now to go tinker more.

@pedroruiz4716 - 20.08.2024 04:58

i have a 2012 ford fusion se 2.5L NO CRANK / NO START it wont turn or nothing no lights but the batteries are 9 months let me see when i go home and mess with the spark plugs also ..

@MlamuliNdlovu-w8f - 27.08.2024 21:42

What hapen no kraken we you stra the car is vw pray

@DelightfulKoala-gr8fc - 29.08.2024 06:00

Only a click no start been over everything but can roll start only no head light s and ideas

@cincouno3314 - 31.08.2024 02:07

You can simply take apart that engine and repair that I hate mechanics who find issues with motors like this and automatically say engine needs to be replaced

@drewharris12984 - 06.09.2024 11:03

Totally missed the name. Not “EricTheCarGuy”, but, “EricTheCarMan”. Then, you can jam out to “hungry eyes” or “turn the radio up”, while introing & outroing.

@corrina7893 - 11.09.2024 04:22

I got a 99 Chrysler 300M you can turn the key I don't do nothing at the stop sign one day start it up once after it died no I won't start at all

@corrina7893 - 11.09.2024 04:29

I got a 99 Chrysler 300M this is Dominic end up at the stop sign one day and it won't start back up after that I don't know if it's the computer or what it is

@hucklesnook1848 - 14.09.2024 17:22

I don't see the Honda in description of video...

@salvadormartinez2670 - 17.09.2024 22:45

Once again EricTheCarGuy saves the day for me

@jknk6916 - 21.09.2024 03:56

I'm so tired of disconnected men attacking women who are forced to shoulder responsibility of absconding fathers as well as take care of vulnerable and dependent kids while completing duties as single guardian, the job of two from the outset.
What the single mom meant was she is overloaded mentally and physically with affording full care and support for her kids, future adults in society, that any unexpected problem generates greater anxiety and may blow a fuse. Financially secure woman is a very strong woman.

@mustafamalik785 - 03.10.2024 19:06

You did well but mate.. you missed one very important thing to check before making decision of the engine replacement.

The alternator. Being a car guy I assume that the alternator was dead and needed to be replaced.

@debradavis681 - 04.10.2024 22:27

no crank no start 2000 Ford tarus

@muhammadahamed2686 - 20.10.2024 22:14

Good explanation

@familiabonilla7646 - 03.11.2024 16:53

Will the fuel pump still prime when the starter is bad? My fuel pump ain't priming either

@corycarpenter977 - 04.11.2024 22:35

Was driving to work and went down a bumpy road car shut down got no crank no start but starter doesn’t click either I changed started last year and it was clicking when bad I got no noises now battery is full so don’t think it was alternator can’t jump start it fluids are good. Should I try to change relays? Car has 235k miles maybee she just died slowly ? Can alternator be bad and battery still be full something was making noise for a while thanks !

@frankw9836 - 03.01.2025 21:04

I have a 2010 Toyota Avensis , everything was fine until I decided to buy a new car . I parked my Toyota until the sale. The car was standing for 3 months when I tried to start, nothing. I assume the battery was dead. I charged full but still nothing. Checked all fuses but nothing. Could it be the starter motor ?? Very difficult to tap with a hammer ??

@cpul22 - 22.01.2025 16:18

Fok u dude,what a you doing just check your fuse o relay,speed must P or N, if both oky try to start using direct cable to starter if work it your starter bad

@joelwilliams3117 - 07.02.2025 01:04

Poor car, somebody dosent need to be driving

@JimMartinez-i2d - 09.02.2025 02:06

New battery in the truck will not start check fuse ok

@ntshidzenimanenzhe - 09.02.2025 22:56

I have a problem please my Peugeot 206 it doesn't want to start we trying Everything please help us

@ScottyGHTown - 11.02.2025 22:18

Swapped vetch in 2002 accord
Harness ecu all swapped over and ignition and switch
Car turns over no spark. Flashing green key light. Have no headlights. All other lights are working
Guy said wasting money getting key programmed something else going on
Do you know a solution what direction I should go?

@mathibesekoto5821 - 21.02.2025 11:48

Hello.... My astra 1.6 twinport z16xep is seized 😢so should I get it repaired or buy a new secondhand engine?

@weshoffmire1707 - 28.02.2025 04:16

"Start with the small stuff." I have a 2019 f150 and had a no crank no start this week. After stressing over the major electrical problem I was going to have to track down or the thought of replacing the starter, I began to simply check connections. When I got to the starter I found the small wire attached to the starter sentoid was very loose. A few twists of the rachet and I was in business. Be sure to take the negative terminal off before you begin. Thanks CarGuy.

@hondaphan4172 - 28.02.2025 19:06

I was getting a no crank-no start on my '98 CRV several days ago. I had done some errands during the day and it started fine all three times. Later in the day when I went to leave for work and I was getting nothing but a quick check with my digital battery analyzer let me know it was still in good working order. I had to use my wife's '05 Pilot because I didn't have time to dig into it. The next day I removed the air filter box to gain easy access to the starter and I immediately discovered the ignition wire to the starter had become disconnected. I installed it myself around four years ago...a rebuilt Denso unit. I always thought Honda's design of a simple wire connector over a post was kinda poor but I'
ve owned Hondas for forty years and it had never caused me any problems UNTIL several days ago.

@juanderexyon6567 - 07.03.2025 03:29

How about No crank no start on two tries but on the third try it starts and i note for some delay before it starts?
