Caryn Gardiner

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@von-chaemicole1160 - 25.01.2025 03:11

I deliver mail to a complex here in Denver that recently changed owners and their name and it was Greystar. They fired all the employees and brought in new staff. They said the rent went up astronomically and the turn over rate was ridiculously high. Ppl moving in and out all the time.. wow 😮

@prettyflytraveler - 25.01.2025 21:49

Wow, that explains a lot. Thank you for exposing this issue.

@slippingjimmy7539 - 26.01.2025 16:27

Camden is all over the northern va area- particularly fair oaks/fair lakes
The rents in the various locations are all set at similar rates. Thanks for this!

@Star-dz3ei - 27.01.2025 14:27

Finally doj is looking into this rental matter. Major commercial landlords have been rental gouging tenants for years. The government needs to get involved to stop this from happening. Its pure greed for max profits. Hope this lawsuit goes thru and commercial landlords hands grt slapped with a huge fine and they can never do the sneaky algorithm again!

@wanderingdoc5075 - 27.01.2025 14:47

Landlords are regular people, many immigrants, like you and I. This video is rage bait. Being a landlord isn't some magical lizard person, it's just a regular person. You can become one just like anyone else.

@zx10rguyable - 27.01.2025 21:50

Something that needs to be discussed is also how big investment firms are buying up huge swaths of homes to convert them into rentals. Not only does this drive up pricing competition with the regular home buyer as these investment firms are paying cash, it takes away inventory that many times helps balance out rental pricing. So the rental pricing collusion is only a part of the problem, one has to also address the problem of institutional investors buying up residential housing inventory.

@1974dodgecharger - 28.01.2025 00:10

Bastards is a cuss word?

@ChelissaMoon - 29.01.2025 01:40

Oh my landlord 🫣

@ChelissaMoon - 29.01.2025 01:47

How long until this changes? Do they maintain this behavior while this is going on?

@niadevaughn9007 - 29.01.2025 17:52

Cortland owns a lot of properties in Georgia

@karinnamarie2131 - 29.01.2025 18:41

Oh please we all know they won’t be held accountable. They never are.

@tuber6382 - 29.01.2025 18:46

Geez the US government agencies all conspire to raise your taxes

@geraldalexanderjones - 30.01.2025 02:06

Greystar I sued them last year

@MarkSimon1975 - 30.01.2025 02:24

what can we do about our landlords who used real page

@rsproductions5 - 30.01.2025 05:32

"The problem is lack of housing, that we can buy(with incentives from the government for affordable housing initiatives) to continue expanding our choke hold on the American people and ring them dry for as much money as possible"*

I fixed their statement for them

@AmericaFirstFLL - 30.01.2025 06:16

Lawyers are behind the fraud. I own one of the largest Corporations in the business. It’s exploitation. Sam Zell was a Client.

@AmericaFirstFLL - 30.01.2025 06:18

I’m a RealPage Vendor…my lawyer was Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer. The CFPB is of course a friend of the business.

@soulsclarion4074 - 03.02.2025 20:29

( ALEGEDLY ) PHX AZ is experiencing record high homeless not just adults but children! the AG here together w/ some owners of rental properties are suing and the AI is allowed to run while the landlords are being sued. Some LL once they realized what was going on they wanted out but if they signed a contract they were forbidden. ALEGEDLY Price fixing is illegal. Disabled Navy Vet my husband and I are having so much trouble getting housed going on 4th month and we might end up on streets. No body wants to accept HUD-Vash or SSVF

@EarlGreyTea628 - 10.03.2025 04:55

have lived in several places✨️run by grey~star•one in a prestigious area in arizona. i contacted an attorney✨️at the time to ask about these tiny little extra fees popping up that were perplexing✨️and he told me it might be far less expensive for many to finish out the lease rather than hire an attorney🫣😔
