Is Canada Better Than the USA? Pros and Cons Compared

Is Canada Better Than the USA? Pros and Cons Compared

Make That Change

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@jholly5747 - 27.07.2024 14:46

Canadian here, born and bred in Toronto. Just where are you getting those housing prices for Canada $550,000 per house??! As I live very close to Toronto just to get into the housing market now you need at least $1 million Canadian. I think it down payment now is $50,000 or more. I don’t think you could find a house in Canada for $550,000 unless maybe a live weigh in the sticks maybe Tim or talk to Tuck and the northwest territories.

I have visited America and, I definitely would rather live in Canada. No one is packing a gun here in Canada, unless you’re a criminal. I feel safe in Toronto even walking around at night time, can you see the same in the US?

@kevinmoore8780 - 28.07.2024 17:27

Thank you for the effort in making this video. As a Canadian who has traveled and lived in the States then I would agree with your conclusion but disagree with some of your points and assessments. Some times you lump too many factors into one category - such as the main cities section where you lump climate and habitat diversity into a huge category. Occasionally your facts are off such as in the section on gun control. And considering how broadly some other categories were, this one could have been better by including issues such as gun culture and legislations such as stand your ground and open carry. A few times I thought your assessment didn't give the value to a certain factor. For example, as a Canadian, I can't think of any advantage to not having basic legal enforceable labour standards. That is different from work culture. I think there are two items that could have deserved their own point. 1) Collectivism. This isn't just a work place issue. It impacts our entire life. Overall Canadian feel we are more welcoming although if you talk to some folks who represent minorities, they might disagree. It would be an interesting point to elaborate on especially incorporating different provinces especially Quebec which has a poorer reputation for accepting newcomers. 2) Overall Anxiety or lack thereof. This is often disregarded or incorporated into other attributes. But I think it should be a separate factor. Yes we have some issues with health care but we never worry about not being able to afford it. Especially for our kids. We don't worry about going bankrupt due to some medial issue. American friends of mine say anxiety over health care cost is frequent in their lives and a deciding factor in many life choices. We don't leave university or trade school with huge financial debt as we are beginning our career. We don't worry about things like labour standards, vacation, sick leave, maternity leave being up to whatever employer we chose to work for - which allows for ease of job changes or geographical movement. With no open carry or stand your ground legislation then we don't worry if the person we are passing on the street might be armed. Depending on your job selection or income, you can move anywhere you want and people often do move out of high rent/mortgage areas to lower accommodation cost areas. Even if you don't want to move now, you know you can do it so that helps with anxiety. For example I have a teaching degree so I've known that there has likely always been a job for me if I wanted to go to rural parts of many provinces or up north. I didn't do that but it allowed me an internal comfort level while raising my kids. So we do pay high taxes, about 30% on $100,000 on average but we live in a society where our overall anxiety is far less than I see in many of my American friends. So just saying we are "chill" really isn't enough. Almost every Canadian I know, when they return from the USA (if they still visit there), no matter how wonderful the visit was, will tell you they feel a sense of ease and relief once back on Canadian soil. Both by plane or just driving across the border.

@boatnut64 - 30.07.2024 19:11

As is typical, you have very limited knowledge and info, about firearms and their restrictions and licensing. 😔😔😔

@michaelz4037 - 01.08.2024 14:44

I think some of the happiest Canadians in the world are the snowbirds living in Florida.

@The.DirtyWitch - 08.08.2024 01:59

All the points! 🍁

@Mybabyboysofunny - 09.08.2024 06:15

I’m tired of some Canadiens comparing themselves with America, let alone saying they are better outright lol. It’s factually not even comparable.

@Khanji743 - 09.08.2024 07:48

In 2024 the comparsion would be much easier.

@D33Lux - 09.08.2024 09:27

Good video, but you're grossly misinformed about firearms ownership. You can own semi-auto rifles and shotguns with a non-restricted. Handguns were banned by the trudeau liberal government and crime in major cities have sky rocketed. I personally have witnesses shootings.
Never before was there such violent crime as of 2015 because of justin trudeaus open immigration policy. Drive by shootings, extortion of businesses, robbery and home invasions was unheard of 20+ years ago and now its on the news daily.
Cell phone retail stores lock their doors and have to buzz you in because crime is so rampant and self-defence rights are not recognized. You have a nation of victims courtesy of this delusional, inept government. Another issue is incredibly high taxes, rent, inflation and safe injection sites that attract drug dealers, gangs and have drug addicts on the street. Housing is so inflated by foreign buyers that the average Canadian will NEVER be a home owner. Healthcare is getting worse, the majority of Canadians don't have a family doctor and wait times to see a specialist can be up to 8+ months.
The trudeau's, both father and son have ruined this great nation.

@jaytravel-12 - 14.08.2024 20:17

here I come candida

@ocean1233 - 15.08.2024 16:36


@austinchen2986 - 15.08.2024 18:45

I would still say Canadian healthcare is still better overall. Yes we have "freedom of choice" for our providers, but the extreme cost of uninsured healthcare makes it so the average person generally stays in their insurance network, which, for the most part, is assigned (unless you have a PPO healthcare plan which are generally more expensive insurance plans, and requires the patient to be on top of medical records management between medical facilities).

Likewise because Hospitals and insurance are mostly private, hospitals tend to hike prices, and Insurance tends to Nickle and dime us for services. For instance, when a doctor recommends a medical procedure, it is and INSURANCE COMPANY AGENT who has the ultimate say on whether that service gets covered, not a medical professional. some insurance adjuster, who's only guaranteed to have received company training, not medical training, is in charge of deciding whether a medical procedure is necessary.

Also finding a Timely doctor's appointment issue is also the same here. This is speaking as someone who used to work scheduling and customer services for a Healthcare Plan. Because our medical system is like the wild wild west, a lot of hospital systems are over taxed with patients. This only got worse because of COVID. We've gotten to the point that a lot of peoples don't even have doctors for their Primary care, they have a Nurse Practitioner, or a Physicians Assistant. Yes we can "go see another" doctor outside of our network, but again that would cost us an arm and a leg (anywhere between $300-$1500 for a visit depending on what services and procedures you want).

this is why so many in the US are uninsured avoid healthcare like the plague, and will let their physical issued go unexamined for months. The system might kill us with debt.

so while Canada pays higher taxes and coverage is dependent on province, there is that guaranteed that your healthcare is covered, and that provincial care is coordinated. The difficulties that Canadians face between provinces, Americans face between different health groups and hospitals in each city. I would gladly pay higher taxes if it meant I didn't also have to navigate the hell scape of the American medical industry.

@IddrisuAbdul-cc6ix - 16.08.2024 16:39

Canada is better than USA the reason is lowest cost of living and good health care

@clanyoung14 - 16.08.2024 20:49

The Canadian "Old Four" are also some of the best universities in the world. McGill, Western, Toronto and Queens are excellent universities. There are other top quality universities and colleges as well.

@Artursamvelyan-ny9zk - 16.08.2024 22:49

The world is like a prison. Everything is hard in any country almost , like its made to frustrate us. You just have to choose a country thats atleast slightly more easier and cheaper

@Felice_Enellen - 17.08.2024 10:14

Canada is great if you're young. But if you're older and your health has inevitably started to decline, you don't want to live there. The healthcare waitlists could kill you.

@JamesBegg - 18.08.2024 02:53

Canada always wins. There better then USA. Because it’s a true story. Jeb is eyes meet knows. Biggest criminal, police, soldiers, gangs lesbians. And eyes one life Canada true story. It’s meant to be. Eyes seriously eyes true story. Canada wins easily forever eyes meet true story. Doesn’t matter how use cheat Canada eyes wins forever true story even every country. Canada country always wins forever. Eyes one life is a true story knowledges with every country. You don’t invite me your country. And you don’t get invited country true story. Jeb eyes one life. Canada country wins forever. Eyes rest of the life’s eyes meet the one. . I’ll do the talking. Shh. Canada wins gangs. True story. One life. 😊❤. Make it to the end eyes all knows country’s. Because it’s a true story. 😊❤.

@JasonBonnette-k7v - 19.08.2024 00:43

I really like the throat of the girl in the pink...

@phuonghongphan491 - 19.08.2024 12:28

In The United States Is Too Cold.

@phuonghongphan491 - 19.08.2024 12:28

The South Korea Is Coldest Than The United States.

@phuonghongphan491 - 19.08.2024 12:29

Japan Is Coldest Than Canada.

@Caydos - 20.08.2024 06:43

Lived in the US for 4 years and bought 5 rental properties in my home country. Now I'm retired at the age of 34. It was the best decision I have ever made. I am now building a business and want to expand to Canada for my actual retirement. The US is great to work but when it's time to settle down I'd rather choose a slower country.

But tbh it can also be achieved in a good republican state in the US but I am assuming there will be a civil war there with all the woke ridiculous stuff happening there. Hopefully Trump gets elected and stop the WW3 Biden is aiming for.

I also heard Canadian health care system is a big fat bubbly lie but at the same this is a field the US can't even win against a fifth world country.

Guns? I love guns and support personal militarization fully. Private property and your personal protection is utmost important.

As a business owner I would never choose Canada because why would I even pay out of my pocket for a girl I don't even know or benefit from at all to give a birth in the first place? Is their kid going to work for me for a full year for free or what?

So in my perspective Canada is only good to settle down and if I were to build my life I would go for the US again without hesitation. It clearly wins in every aspect.

Actually you know what? F Canada, I'll probably move back to the US. Its my land, my private property and I don't accept no prince charles or trudea declaring random crap on it.

Besides making friends in the US is easy AF. I bet in a lot of other countries it's not.

Yeah nah 🇺🇸 all the way baby.

@jayboydakid8299 - 23.08.2024 00:05

English is the #1 language in America but that is quickly changing with all the spanish arriving and the 1”s that are already here.

@TYUIO11111 - 23.08.2024 05:44

canada is better easily

@garywillier4303 - 23.08.2024 06:24

No because Canada and the Americans are both supporting the war against Russia.and Canada is also supporting the Israel murdering Coward who mass murdered innocent women and children and babies the truth

@TYUIO11111 - 23.08.2024 06:58

if you get fired in u.s you have basicly no protection in canada BY LAW you have to give severance and notice u.s has none of that severance is on employer

@kentuckyqueen1166 - 24.08.2024 07:15

I live in the US but I really want to visit Canada! Some people do wear their shoes in the house in America as I’ve seen it but I can’t stand putting shoes up on furniture, especially my bed! To me, that’s disgusting. I’m glad most Canadians don’t do that!

@alleneng - 24.08.2024 12:25

Greater vancouver is 3rd in population. Where are they on the list?

@conicalplanes9258 - 26.08.2024 00:07

Canadian propiganda

@PaulKeenan-g1t - 28.08.2024 12:53

Absolutely disgusting accent

@razmikartashes9992 - 28.08.2024 22:46

Regarding Canadian Gun Control, a few clarifications, just to show the difference with the US and how Canadian gun owners are some of the safest and law-abiding people:
1. All licensed Canadian gun owners go through a rigorous vetting process before being granted, with references and even the consent of their conjugal partner. They take safety courses and they have to pass the tests at over 90% score
2. All licensed Canadian gun owners get their background checks done every 24 hours. Every single day. More than criminals.
3. Licensed Canadian gun owners can own semi-automatic firearms with magazine capacities of 5 or 10, depending on the type, and they use them safely every day for hunting and sporting purposes. So no, not ALL semi-automatic rifles are banned. Same thing with shotguns.
4. Non-semi automatic rifles and shotguns have no magazine capacity limits.
5. There is an urban vs. rural misconception among Canadians. Those who live in the big cities do not understand the reasons to own guns, while generally those who live in the country and isolated areas have many reasons to own guns, such as hunting, pest control and predator defence.
6. Canadian gun owners do not have the right to carry handguns in public. They can only be taken to the range and then back home. They have to be unloaded and locked the whole time. You can only load at the range.
7. Canadian gun owners do not have the right to carry rifles and shotguns either, the same way as in the US. When transported, they need to be unloaded, locked and hidden from sight in your car at all times.
8. Finally, fully-automatic/assault rifles have been banned in Canada since 1977.

Having put this case aside, the majority of gun crimes happening in Canada come from illegal guns smuggled from the United States, not by law-abiding licensed Canadian gun owners.
Hopefully this will help understand the difference in culture between the two countries.

@marbelitomamaril9443 - 30.08.2024 15:50

Soon...i'll go there..

@mundifantastic2949 - 31.08.2024 05:21

In the USA I bought a house for 60k and another one with swimming pool for 90k. 400k houses in the USA are bigger than a mansion.

@themonrovian8441 - 03.09.2024 14:17

Don't be fooled by this. Canada is hell if you're a creative, motivated, hard working person as you'll be taxed and regulated to death. This video has a very female bias. She's right about Canada having a collectivistic culture - for me it's all a big yuck!

@mahtabsoin7239 - 03.09.2024 23:45

Canada is an absolute dumpster fire, which gaslights everyone about how awesome it is.

@CanadaMath - 05.09.2024 16:50

In 2004 I wrote a somewhat famous article called 'Top 8 reasons not to immigrate to Canada'. In short, the Canadian authorities tried to destroy my life. They made it so that I could not be employable in Canada. So I moved to the U.S. in 2005 and then some years later I moved permanently to the Philippines. I am happy that so many years later videos like yours are saying essentially the same things that I did. I was ahead of my time. I will never go back to Canada. Not to live, not to visit, not even a connecting flight. Too cold, too expensive, taxes are astronomical, no culture, no freedom, no jobs, no opportunities, only modern slavery, worst healthcare system, unbearable political correctness, crime infested/drug infested, xenophobic people, too depressing. It has become a North Korea style dictatorship in the western world.

There are many reasons why Canada has fallen apart. But the number one reason is ‘multiculturalism’. My friends, multiculturalism simply does not work. Different cultures do not come together and mix, different cultures come together and clash. The world is divided into different countries for a reason: because people hate each other and only want to be with their own kind. The number two reason for Canada’s demise is ‘socialism’. In this modern era of aging populations, it is mathematically impossible for socialism to continue. The government does not have the money to take care of old people and provide healthcare, pensions, welfare, unemployment benefits, disability benefits and the numerous other programs, even with the astronomical taxation that burdens hard working Canucks. Well Canada, you had a good run. Time for Canucks to move to an emerging country. We welcome you here in Southeast Asia.

Multiculturalism destroys the fabric and identity of a country. Socialism bankrupts a country.

@robertwerner6208 - 07.09.2024 15:43

I was born & raised in Vancouver, BC and spent most of my life in Canada. But in 2014, I relocated to America and now enjoy the life of a Digital Nomad here. I would NEVER move back to Canada.

Your video is interested but extremely biased due to your European upbringing.

@petehboy2 - 07.09.2024 19:44


@migdon470 - 13.09.2024 20:45

America sucks, unless you are a greedy person who likes to overwork yourself, judge others and pro capitalist, then America is def for you.

@RodolfoEusebio-se2vh - 19.09.2024 15:11

What I like most in Canada is the free health care to all PR's and Canadian citizens.

@GeoMikka-i9o - 21.09.2024 23:20

Ahahahahaa are these two stupid???😆😅😅

@path1400 - 24.09.2024 06:03

I have lived in the USA all my life. First in New York then in California. Now I am a writer and book illustrator. I enjoyed visiting Canada but as I am a senior I am not welcome to move and live there from more then six months at a time.

@danbruno5945 - 24.09.2024 20:12

Canada is nice because the homes make you feel like your living in a Last of Us 2 video game

@jino2786 - 25.09.2024 14:34

So do gun laws apply to criminals too? What are the self defense laws there?

@NathanWong-g9u - 01.10.2024 05:12

The video states Canada has only 5 cities with a population over 1 million but omitted Vancouver, the 2nd largest city in the country... Oops.

@ispeed1971 - 01.10.2024 06:26

USA is a toilet , there is no comparisn ,.

@Cade467 - 02.10.2024 23:58

This is a very biased video... very over generalized. Their US knowledge is limited to only a few locations, probably the East. The East coast is very different from the mid west and south.

@fabriziocamisani5477 - 07.10.2024 00:34

Climate aside, yes, IMHO as an Italian who lived in both countries.

@AndyHall48 - 08.10.2024 06:38

Yep and gonna make an arrangement to travel to Canada next year. 🇨🇦🥰

@peterbutz642 - 10.10.2024 19:39

Canada used to be a better place to live until Trudeau and Liberal’s government turn Canada into a Banana Republic US by a country mile now
