You'll be fine, and you're far from being broken, just knocked down, but there you are, up and about. So, give yourself some time and life will get back to normal.
By the way, how did those late planted soybeans work out? That was quite an accomplishment, I'll bet? Such tenacity is very rare which is another reason why I'm sure you're going to be just fine..., so lighten up a bit..., please, and have a happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year..., and while you're resting get married and get started raising a bunch of kids..., farmer kids.
You can have a accident on any job, I was a tank builder and pipe fitter for 40 , and I got hurt more than I cared for , now I have advanced prostate cancer so you never know what life has for you, I just put it in the hands of GOD
ОтветитьYou will always be in my thoughts and prayers, sir. Farming is the backbone of this country. I owe a lot of gratitude to you and other farmers. My dad is a salesman for a John Deere dealer and if it wasn’t for farmers, my dad wouldn’t have his job.
I’m a huge advocate for mental health awareness. I wasn’t always that way though. 6 years in the U.S. Army taught me that stuffing your emotions, even when two of your good friends were killed overseas, was the only option. Hang in there, brother. 🙏
Keep praying and thanking and being with God. Thank you for sharing your difficult journey. Most of us have been through tough times and it is good to know you can lean on God in these times.
ОтветитьWhen I was your age I got blown up by some gun powder,I fell backwards off the top of a telephone pole I was climbing, rolled a van end over end on an icy road and I got hit by a friend who was jumping his motorcross bike when I wiped mine out in front of him.. Yet here I am, I ended up working on four different continents and never looked back. At your age you will bounce back. I always liked your videos because of your energy and enthusiasm. You will find your mojo again. Someone once told me “ Don’t look back, you are not going that way. “😊
ОтветитьHey Mathias, I'm sorry that this happened to you. We both know that farming is a dangerous profession. When I was 16 I fell off a plank and into a silo, waaay into a silo. It all worked out, I was dug out of the silage. I didn't go near it the rest of the harvest. Eventually at feeding time, I had to climb up though (I was the silo unloader, lol).
Just keep in mind that it could have gone worse and it didn't. I don't believe in "accidents". You are blessed and your work here is not over. I do pray for you.
And, you message here was very thoughtful and encouraging for other farmers, young and old.
You are an amazing person!
Thanks for sharing your recovery struggles. Many people have mental health issues and it's sad that we're too proud to seek help or let others know that we need help. Good to hear from you again and prayers for your continued improvement
ОтветитьHope you make a full recovery . I always say it could have been worse . Keep you head up and thanks for the video.
Ответитьget yourself mentally ready to tackle this life on this ball of dust
ОтветитьThanks for sharing, glad you are on the road to recovery, no career happens without major bumps along the way! For sure nothing is guaranteed, as you experienced this year with the weather, price declines, what the experts say in farming you will get the perfect year, weather, yield busting and the best prices. Stay the course and stay positive. You know Farm Rescue is there to help in dier situations. Keep your faith strong! All the best each day ahead
ОтветитьYou'll be just fine young man. The universe is a beautiful place. Sometimes you get a curve ball tossed your way - but - without them, you just end up stuck and stagnant (probably how you feel right now - but there's more to it.). Rest assured it's gonna get tougher, and maybe this had to happen to prepare you for it. All the best.
Ответитьwhat a great channel you have here. glad you're okay my guy
ОтветитьBrother you are so right. As a child of God it is our responsibility to make Him known to others. That is our primary reason for life. It may not be our vocation but we are ministers just the same. I’m praying for your continued healing during this process and that He will be your peace of mind.
ОтветитьWow! Thank you for sharing your life and feelings with us. I completely understand not wanting to ever show weakness or in any way be in need of help.
As a retired nurse, my whole life has been about being the strong one for everyone else, always putting myself and my needs last. All that has changed. At 65 years old, I've been diagnosed with colon cancer. I underwent major surgery, removing about half of my colon and part of the small intestine. I've had to learn to accept help with activities of everyday life. Home health therapy and nursing are coming in to help me. It's been a journey, but my strong faith in Jesus has helped me reflect and accept all the help I am now receiving. I also trust God's plan for me.
I'm glad you're doing better, Matthias.
One day at a time, trusting in the Lord.
Excellent video Matthias, I look forward to seeing you back to full duty when you are ready.
ОтветитьWell young man, I want you to know that the words and feelings you just expressed were truly inspiring to this 60 year old man.
My situation is different than yours. But there are some parallels. I have been in my industry for over 38 years. I have reached the highest of highs, was a major player in advancements that lead very large companies to higher levels of success. And most recently, I was let go due to declining sales and company restructuring. I, like you, have been doing a lot of soul searching. Trying to decide if maybe it’s time to close this chapter and do something else? Basically starting over again at 60 years young!
But your words you used stating to keep fighting was like a good slap in the face! After all, fighting is what lead me to the successes I accomplished. And honestly, I am better equipped between the ears than I was climbing the proverbial ladder. So thank you for showing strength, courage, and the tenacity to see that after the wounds heal, you’ll be back better than ever! I believe I can and will do the same!
God Bless you and your family! I’ll be watching and excited to see you running around that farm making it all happen! Thank you again for your openness. You’re wise beyond your years!
As a 17 year old farmer I have to thank you for making this video. I know it took guts to do it. I can only imagine being in your shoes right now and I know it’s terrible. Praying you get better. God will shape you into a more mature and humble man through this just keep your eyes on what matters!
ОтветитьUr looking better good to see
ОтветитьI understand you 100 percent and support you and know what you are saying I have the same problem and I think lots more people do as well but don’t want to Amit it to show there weak I’m a good honest trustworthy farmer from Canada and love your videos and would love to come down for a holiday and see your farm more if I could
ОтветитьGreat thoughts here. Excellent reflections. So sorry for your accident, but praise God for the things it caused you to learn and remember. I think affliction, whether physical or mental, can bring such good growth and blessings, a needed perspective shift, and reminders of the Christian's true identity in Christ and our eternal, God-given purpose that goes far beyond our job or circumstances. My farmer Grandpa, who was my best friend and next door neighbor, died unexpectedly 2 months ago and it's so hard but it's been so refining to me too. God is good.
And it's in the unavoidable silence and darkness when you're forced to face your thoughts that you really start towards healing. Running away and ignoring them never helps. Confronting them, bringing them to God, and fighting them with His truth is what really heals.
God bless you!
Matthias, you rascal, still as adorable as ever.
Ответитьdon't get stuck in your head , go to therapy and keep on going life is gonna be harder than an injury kid. i wish you the best
ОтветитьKeep up the good work!
ОтветитьThanks for sharing, very honest.Keep strong
ОтветитьThis subject is very important and I wish that more farmers would share their thoughts and emotions.
Our business can be hard enough (harsh weather, long days, bad prices while rising costs etc) so why make our own mental state also as hard as the job itself can be...
Also good the talk about ist the thing with hobbies. I love this job but sometimes everybody needs to do smoething else than just work 24/7 or you'll loose pleasure over long term. Many people I know in the farming scene don't have a single hobby and I can see how they have difficulties to switch off from farming. They can't even talk about one single other thing than farming. That's also bad for mental health. Besides nobody from outside the industry would wanna talk only about their job...
Look after your mental health. It's very important. Keep moving forward. Get some professional help,and talk to someone. greetings from Dundalk, Ireland
ОтветитьThank you for sharing! The farming community supports you!
ОтветитьI can understand where you’re coming from but god knows no matter the accident I’m still going to go tinker with things or at least drive people around and be the help I can be. When you get knocked down you gotta get back up and the longer u wait the more hesitant you’ll be. Both times I broke my arm I was back tinkering within a week of surgery, concussions, torn up knee. There’s always things to do. Couple weeks ago I was helping do some framing and the framing nailer shot a nail into my wrist since it blew a knot out of the 2x4, blood squirting everywhere. Went and got a stitch and a shot, tossed on my arm brace and was back working within 3 hours. Being cautious isn’t a bad thing but if it comes to your mental state sometimes you gotta bite the bullet
ОтветитьStay strong
ОтветитьI had the same experience when I had surgery for a knee replacement. It's kind of like when you get the flu you lose your perspective of life, and it takes a while to get back in the swing of things again. But in your case with trauma to the Head it's multiplied 10 fold I'm sure. It may take some professional help to get back where you were? I really like your videos, and how you explain everything.😊
Hi Matthias! God bless you and thanks for letting us know what you're going through mentally. It's really good to see you and thanks for the video, I hope you can get back to doing things real soon. I've always heard how dangerous farming is, and you are proof of that. Take care buddy, hope to see you again soon.
Ответитьತಲೆ ದೆಂಗ bro ನೀನು
ОтветитьThank you for sharing your thoughts and your recovery. I do hope to see you soon!
ОтветитьFantastic video! Wishing you the best on your journey ahead. Happy Holidays!
ОтветитьFantastic video! Wishing you the best on your journey ahead. Happy Holidays!
ОтветитьEverybody at some point in time needs a reality check to get back on track.
ОтветитьHeavy duty Video at such a young age. Best of healing both mentally and physically.
Ответить(The wound is the place where the Light enters you)⛅, You have to looking for the one who saved you🤲🙏, he gave you another chance.
If you find him, what have you lost?, but If you lose him, what have you found?🤔, I wish you a speedy recovery. (((( i love farm life ))))🙂
As someone who’s struggled with anxiety and a bit of depression for 60 years, don’t do this alone. As unique as we all are, our struggles are not.
I finally made a decision last spring to really do something about it and sought help.
Best decision I’ve ever made.
If help is not in your area, services like Better Help are available.
A licensed mental health worker can help you recover faster than you will on your own.
Believe me, I know.
As an old man I can tell you, it's a general problem in our culture.
And congratulations, you're looking great! I feel relieved for you. Welcome back!
Such a powerful message and so well spoken!! I'm sure that your words are going to help others!
ОтветитьGood to see ya back 👍
I about lost my eye this year and now I just tore up my knee a couple of weeks ago and I been thinking how you have shared your story and you are sharing and helping us all
Thanks for sharing
These things will pass and we all can learn how to cope in a more healthy way if we help each other
Be safe Merry Christmas and best wishes to a prosperous new year !