GUIDE: How To Play Jinx In 40 Seconds

GUIDE: How To Play Jinx In 40 Seconds

xFSN Saber

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@duartexcg7258 - 05.06.2024 23:02

mhhh gonna have to disagree here, Jhin, Kai'sa, Jinx and Caitlyn are the only adcs with more than a 1000 challenger games globally, all of them 53% wr + and Jinx specifically has a 60% wr. So yeah, I've learnt a lot from you but in my opinion you're just wrong with this statement.

@valentinbonchev7485 - 06.06.2024 08:18

What to play then 😭

@vernerthegreat8586 - 06.06.2024 08:43


@derechte6086 - 06.06.2024 09:47

Jinx got some agency u can follow up with e and ur r gives u openings to snowball too

@Polarshrimps - 06.06.2024 10:21

Spoonfeed . Never thought i would get such an accurate describtion of jinx. Basically just waiting until your team gets u a reset. After that its just steamrolling the rest of the team

@coolbrotherf127 - 06.06.2024 10:22

Jinx is one of the most played Challenger ADCs worldwide for the last two patches with a great win rate. Idk what he's talking about. Jinx isn't bad or helpless in lane. She can get wave control pretty easily with her rockets and CC chain enemies by herself as well has having one of the strongest passives in the game. That doesn't sound helpless to me.

@emranao - 06.06.2024 10:45

What do they even play then

@starliaghtsz8400 - 06.06.2024 10:56

Cait is a lane bully tho what, like i used to duo with a friend and we used to play cait zoe with double aery and just cyberbully the f out of enemy botlane

@famineee111 - 06.06.2024 11:20

ashe is the best soloq adc idgaf

@MusiicyPowaa - 06.06.2024 11:36

Absolutely agree. I played Jinx since release, her dueling potential is trash, even when you're fed.
However, and because the whole playerbase below diamond hasn't improved in 10 years and they're still spending 80% of games looking for teamfights with zero planning, Jinx works because she doesn't need much to win teamfights on her own (i.e.: press R, go wild)

@Banguila - 06.06.2024 21:35

That's why I play twitch and gank mid lvl 3😂 and it unbelievably works lmao

@gustavocampiortiz8188 - 06.06.2024 22:04

This guy doesn't even know how to play adc, only Cait hahaha

@E621_Rule34 - 29.06.2024 07:39

As a otp jinx. Yes

@marcopolo3936 - 13.11.2024 17:54

Caitlin Ashe are the Giga Chads

@christopherlabaniego9183 - 27.11.2024 12:53

what adc counters Cait?

@casual9435 - 01.12.2024 21:46

I love that league community is just a bunch of people hating league

@SpeedySeedys - 05.01.2025 18:31

This coming from Caitlyn otp is ironic xD
