Nature Study Reveals the Deadly Danger of Anti-Trans Laws

Nature Study Reveals the Deadly Danger of Anti-Trans Laws

Rebecca Watson (Skepchick)

11 дней назад

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@hypotheticalaxolotl - 16.10.2024 09:08

I feel like a lot of these "anti-trans attitudes leads to more trans people dying" things kinda misses the point that for a lot of people enacting these laws and empowering these attitudes, that's... well, that's a good thing to them.

@Aarenby - 16.10.2024 10:19

There's a reason i just assume transphobes have latent criminal intent

@kyoneko87 - 16.10.2024 10:50

Anti-trans laws are causing higher rates of suicide in trans youth?! Shocker! /s I have donated to the Trevor project multiple times! Also, I am a queer woman

@XKenny77 - 16.10.2024 11:49

Whatever happened to the very sound, well-researched principle that reporting should NEVER attribute suicide to a single cause. This whole issue is badly confounded by how much the gender industry directly implants the idea of suicide in the heads of otherwise troubled children. If you have doctors saying things like "do you want a live son or a dead daughter?" then it is an inevitable iatrogenic harm that the child is more likely to complete suicide. We all know this. Why are you contributing to it?

Also, you know that intolerant, conservative parent you describe, who can't tolerate a gender non-conforming child? That story is almost exactly the story of Kai Shappley. Look up the story his mother wrote for Good Housekeeping. She admits to beating her TWO YEAR OLD SON for "acting gay." That's insane. She only accepted him once a friend from church suggested Kai might really be a girl. The mother could tolerate a castrated, secrets simulacrum of a daughter, but never a gay son. It's also very similar to the story of Susie Green, former head of Mermaids and contributor to WPATH SOC-8, whose husband couldn't tolerate their "probably gay" two year old son, so they transed him. Stop accusing other people of causing the exact harms that your mad cult causes. It's gross.

@Sarah-qo9bu - 16.10.2024 14:00

Women just don’t want men in their bathrooms so they can take advantage. Let’s be real.

@caterpilllllar - 16.10.2024 14:30

My area's mental health charity (in the uk) just started a trans peer support group. Theres only been one session so far but its already made a huge difference for me. Sometimes it felt like me and my partner were the only trans people in the area and the only people who cared and were educated about it, but of course that isn't true. There are even local business owners and some people who have lived a little or much longer than me and have stories of being supported in their workplace and other communities that made all of us feel safer and less afraid despite the discrimination here. And it seems like such a small thing to just meet and talk but it makes a huge difference. ❤

@queenvagabond8787 - 16.10.2024 15:56

This video is down, how come?

@gothboschincarnate3931 - 16.10.2024 16:51

Autism has a high suicide rate, but in a capitalist society, nobody cares.

@scottmacconnell592 - 16.10.2024 16:57

The point about pro-lifers wanting to punish women is so apt. A gay man I dated 15 years ago ( I'm also a gay man) and recently got back in contact with, was in his words, redpilled during covid. I tried to ask him why he was so against abortion, and even with confirmation, the answer was women should be punished for having sex.

@josephreynolds2401 - 16.10.2024 17:01

Bullying and shunning trans people results in poor health and deaths. All sides in the discussion know it. Any side that doesn't have data and operates on how LGBT people make Cis-straight people feel othered are ignoring the most important issues. Death and disenfranchisement as opposed to hurt feelings. The "straight men under attack" shit is getting old.

@aliothspectranet5678 - 16.10.2024 18:27

Me reading the title only half awake: anti-trans laws are doing what to the squirrels?

@kiloalphahotel5354 - 16.10.2024 19:27

Thanks for the vid.

@snowflower64 - 16.10.2024 21:36

This is trans genocide

@yan-5495 - 16.10.2024 22:46

Now and again I notice how much I appreciate your videos and this is one of those times. Thank you for what you do, it really means a lot.

@ThomasMullaly-do9lz - 16.10.2024 23:55

Boys Don't Cry made me understand enough.

@TMTM584 - 17.10.2024 00:52

Transgenderism doesn’t exist. It’s a social construct made by pedos.

@AlexsGoogleAccount - 17.10.2024 02:23

Using trans people as a political scapegoat and passing laws that restrict their ability to engage with society is terrorism. And if that sounds hyperbolic, this is the evidence right here.

@duewhit310 - 17.10.2024 05:49

The schools are facilitating the trans stuff because rich people who like that sort of thing (school age trans) are paying them to brainwash youngsters.

@cosplaymistake - 17.10.2024 06:54

I recently lost one of my childhood friends to suicide, we had grown apart over the years but I was still upset by his death. Jayden I’m so sorry I never got to talk to you again. Suicide plagues the trans community and it is horrible how we experience the deaths of our peers. It’s an epidemic of this community

@Lugeix - 17.10.2024 07:54

What happen to the video??
Why the Suicide Hot Line Sign???

@tfodthogtmfof7644 - 17.10.2024 09:07

I thought about suic!de 4 to 5 times a day, everyday, from the time I was 9 until I was almost 44. I would talk about it or reference it in conversation because it was such a constant and prevalent part of my life. I did not understand how or why it bothered people. Those thoughts and the actions that came from them were simply a part of my life and daily struggle. What I did not expect as part of my transition, was about a month after I started on HRT I realized that I was not thinking about it and I could not remember or pin point the last time I had. The ideation was gone. The fantasies of some horrible accident or tragedy giving me a guilt free escape from life were gone. I looked to the future with plans instead of dread. It was a very profound change in the very essence of my existence.

All I can say is “for those who understand no explanation is necessary, for those who don’t no explanation is enough.” - Thomas Aquinas, Franz Werfel, Ziad K. Abdelnour, or whoever it was that actually said it first. Thanks for talking about this Rebecca!

@benimanah - 17.10.2024 09:29

I'm sorry but do they need to do a study on the laws made by people who want to genocide trans people to see if they actually genocide trans people

@elisebrown5157 - 17.10.2024 21:28

For any kids or teens reading this who are contemplating suicide because they can't foresee things ever getting better - the real world is so much larger than your current world. There are people who will accept you, love you, be your supporting friend group - and you will find them. They're looking for you, too. There are support services, jobs, social groups and cultures where you will fit in, and you'll find those too. You may feel trapped in a situation where you can't even be yourself, but it's not forever. Getting your drivers license, that first job, and graduating high school all open up so many more doors to freedom. With freedom comes choices, but also access to more experiences and data from which to make those choices. And thus your world grows. Please stay alive long enough to see this. Right now you may feel so squeezed into a mold that doesn't fit and actively hurts, but like a seed, you're a lot packed into a tiny package. Under the right conditions, you'll grow and bloom. Yes, it sounds trite, but it's true. The world is so much wider than it seems.

@d20Fitness - 17.10.2024 22:03

Where is the share button on this video? It’s disappeared for me. That happen to anyone else?

@georgH - 18.10.2024 12:50

Beware, once they get away with trans laws, they'll turn to gay ones.

@johanneshalberstadt3663 - 18.10.2024 15:47

Haven't we already seen this during the Obama years and after the introduction of gay marriage? The suicide rates of teens went down significantly. It's such a no-brainer for me

@johanneshalberstadt3663 - 18.10.2024 15:50

And just ask the kids themselves. Any struggeling LGBTQ kid could tell you from experience that the social climate affects them deeply, and the tone is set by the people in power.

@michaelmcquate8719 - 18.10.2024 19:25

If you give children one supposedly sure way out of the distress that they're feeling, and then the "big, bad Republicans" who "hate trans children" are pointed to as taking that one path forward for kids to relieve their distress because "they're monsters"who don't care", is it any wonder that there might be an uptick in kids offing themselves? Trans ideology has sold them a lie, that you can change your sex, and you probably should if you don't fit into outdated stereotypes that only they themselves seem to be upholding. Then when sensible lawmakers who are trying to protect children from harm and being in lifelong servitude to Big Pharma, try to pass laws to stop the insanity, they are angrily pointed to as being the ones doing harm. Ya'll have it exactly backwards.

@duewhit310 - 19.10.2024 11:30

Its time for people to research all the poisoning of our food and waterways & agriculture.
All the information is abundantly available. You can start with the video about 50 USA food products banned in other countries. Pay attention to the chemicals & substances that are named as direct or contributing factors to being banned. Other countries care more about their own people than the US government. We are in very dark times.


@Lois-xg5xu3yh6t - 20.10.2024 05:58

Why not be skeptical about something that’s presented as being progressive, when it’s not?

@jacobhope6164 - 21.10.2024 04:55

There has to be some serious limitations to that study. You make me want to check it out.

@markrussell3428 - 21.10.2024 19:50

Pathetic! So how much misinformation can you generate each minute? Protect children? Really? The one thing you did present is the study where social pressure works. Yes - this is the grounding that validated Gender Affirming Care. So lets look at societies where trans-radicals do not create hysteria around suicide - you know, these would be the corrupt researchers who keep asking children why they have not yet tried to kill themself. It is a very sick ideology. If we look at actual progressive countries like Sweden and Finland the research is very clear - if you transition you increase the actual outcomes. The outcome? The suicide is actually completed. Why did they stop with blocking puberty? Because they have not confused "care" with "cult".

@markrussell3428 - 21.10.2024 19:50

Pathetic! So how much misinformation can you generate each minute? Protect children? Really? The one thing you did present is the study where social pressure works. Yes - this is the grounding that validated Gender Affirming Care. So lets look at societies where trans-radicals do not create hysteria around suicide - you know, these would be the corrupt researchers who keep asking children why they have not yet tried to kill themself. It is a very sick ideology. If we look at actual progressive countries like Sweden and Finland the research is very clear - if you transition you increase the actual outcomes. The outcome? The suicide is actually completed. Why did they stop with blocking puberty? Because they have not confused "care" with "cult".

@redbrazos - 22.10.2024 17:42

Billboard Chris on X ... When she was 12, Johanna Olson-Kennedy at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles put her on puberty blockers.

@redbrazos - 22.10.2024 17:43


@ohyoudidntknow93 - 22.10.2024 19:14

Conservatives do not want to protect children, and they do not want to protect women. This is about hate, plain and simple. That must never be forgotten.

@AnalogOsprey - 23.10.2024 08:44

That statement really says a lot: “We want to be normal, not happy.”

@KtVogtF - 23.10.2024 18:29

I appreciate seeing this topic covered, even if I can't really bring myself to watch it and just run it muted while I do other things because I am a transwoman in the deep south in October 2024, caught between arming up and not arming up and debating which is safer.

It would be really nice to not walk around in the outside world certain that at least 30?-40?% of the people in my area secretly or not-so-secretly would rather see me dead (with god's love of course). Would also be nice if YT didn't simultaneously auto-delete most of my comments and also push videos at me that are actively harmful to my health from earlier mentioned people, no matter WHAT I DO to encourage the algorithm otherwise. (Using a feed-reader for YT is a much better experience and I recommend it to everyone)

Anyway, as a token of appreciation here is one unit of engagement.

@gayghostprince - 24.10.2024 03:33

thank you for making this video. This video and the study are going in my debunking playlist.

@ZacharyGrove-zk6ik - 24.10.2024 19:11

This is not a science or a skeptic channel because it openly promotes intersectional feminist propaganda that there's dozens, hundreds or even thousands of different genders. Intersectional feminism isn't scientific it's all about politics.

@FreeTheDonbas - 24.10.2024 20:19

"Deadly" – even though 100% of those surveyed didn't die. None of those laws sounded anti-trans, since non-Western trans-inclusive cultures (& now Scandinavia) don't medically transition children, nor do they make single-sex spaces unisex. Americans are too insular to have informed opinions on this topic. You should look up studies on desistance & talk to detrans people. Btw, ever noticed how dead the feminist movement is compared the American, straight, white, male self-ID movement you're handmaidening for in this video? Do you think there might just be a connection between the two?

@longshank59 - 25.10.2024 22:07

TY Rebecca for standing up for us. Use to say I wouldn't wish being Trans on my worst enemy but thinking back there's been people who've stood behind me who've said "If people could see the beauty that you see in other's this world would be a more wonderful place for everyone."

@EODTex - 26.10.2024 05:23

I know you wouldn't support him, but I want you to know that while watching this video I got an ad for Ted Cruz promising to end the "scourge of abortion." I don't know if there's anything you can do to stop that, but I thought you should know just in case.
