Do Not Buy the Wrong MacBook Air! // M1 MacBook Air Review

Do Not Buy the Wrong MacBook Air! // M1 MacBook Air Review

Matthew Moniz

4 года назад

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@amirali_8280 - 30.05.2021 20:08

So good

@sammyfuentes2561 - 31.05.2021 07:57

Sorry but I bet they paid him real good to said all of that junk .all ways it’s bean intel and I have my from 2012 and it’s working perfect so I think you are been paid to said all of that crab .

@likearollingstone007 - 01.06.2021 07:45

If you don’t use major applications it is a very good deal to buy the Intel Mac Book Air at low price. You will be satisfied.

@sudipchand2371 - 03.06.2021 19:57

Is MacBook air M1 color accurate ?
Can we color grade in this machine ?

@dudagmsantos - 14.06.2021 06:23

can i play minecraft on the m1?

@ranaali6125 - 15.06.2021 19:02

Did you say 75 Celsius?

@chasingways - 17.06.2021 09:28

My Mac air is a 2014 and I've had it since 2014 and it's 2021, I'm finally looking to upgrade. Mac airs are hard as f*. They will last alot longer. Take care of your products, as the longevity lies in your very own hands.

@smookerji - 17.06.2021 23:04

Am glad that I do not have neither one of these. I do have the old one (USB - ports and the Apple logo does illuminate).

@User-ec9yl - 21.06.2021 15:14

Brother, will M1 air 8GB 25GB ssd version with an external Samsung T5 500GB ssd be good for music production like Recording, making beats, music, etc?
is there any heating issues in music production and video editing?

also If I use a Usb c hub will my audio interface and midi keyboard work fine?

@MrPatspp - 02.07.2021 17:28

I've been using no laptop at all but the work one since +5 years now (since I graduated from college) and this MBA M1 convinced me to make the buy. Hopefully I can keep it +5 years and it's a hell of an inversion.

@merjaymermanph - 17.07.2021 11:20

I am glad i bought one last March to replace my 8 year old macbook air 2012, lol

@thihal123 - 17.07.2021 21:42

Agreed. Anyone who is ready to buy a Mac laptop should not go with Intel Mac anymore. Macs are moving to M chip family.

@robertbrianheath1629 - 27.07.2021 05:30

@leslievernon9870 - 27.07.2021 08:00

The full beard looks dope bro 🔥

@finder7063 - 01.08.2021 17:02

I still use my early 2008 core 2 duo iMac

@camilo8cheryl - 01.08.2021 23:33

Intel sucks this era of the M1 and ryzen

@93ChayZ - 04.08.2021 09:19

He said “at least 3 years” because most freaking mutant people HAVE TO HAVE THE LATEST APPLE PRODUCT” so really he was just being nice and not saying “at least a YEAR!” 😂

@yuugaouzuki18 - 06.08.2021 14:29

if i have this laptop, i'll keep it for 10 yrs. 😂

@idc20627 - 06.08.2021 20:20

You’re dragging it bro. I run two ide’s and several broswers on an intel 5 chip with no problem and no ram swap.

Is m1 better? Yes but saying intel is only good for browsing and emails while not being able to handle more is outright a fucking lie.

Thumbs down for spewing bullshit like this.

@ChosenNEO777 - 17.08.2021 04:55

Only leaving a comment to make them 667 ;)

@leahfikermariam2838 - 21.08.2021 08:05

Not me coming across this video as I literally unbox my new MacBook air

@DarkShroom - 23.08.2021 00:32

it's happy treason day for americans really! :)

@funkboylazar - 25.08.2021 19:33

This is all bullshit. I use a Radio Shack TRS-80, it woks just fine. A freakin' clown show.

@loriwitkop1389 - 05.09.2021 13:41

I bought the air book air M1 yesterday. FYI, the Intel was more expensive.

@fallseason5163 - 15.09.2021 20:52

Does application have to be purchased??? Pdf free for only 7 days??

@edcipriani8873 - 18.09.2021 20:13

Matthew's reviews are always reliable and help consumers get the best deals, although I don't always agree with him on his recommendations. Even though the M1 Macbook Air/Pro are great laptops, and they are both a big improvement over the previous gen, but after having macs for a decade, I still chose to buy a Windows laptop at the end of 2020 instead, and have no regrets about that decision.

I think the Macbooks have taken a back seat to the iPhones for years, and the quality and reliability of these laptops really started to decline around 2015 with that butterfly keyboard mess. The M1 Macbooks are hopefully an indication that Apple is finally getting serious about their laptops again. I have known too many people who have bought Macbook Pro's over the last few years, and they are not even close to being as reliable as they used to be when I bought my first Macbook Pro in 2010.

@bakemono15261 - 22.09.2021 22:13

Hi Matt, I love watching your laptop reviews and I decided to buy the "Macbook Air M1" for my son's online school..
But I have a question, is the "Microsoft Office Applications", "MS Teams", and "Filmora Video Editor" will run on this new MBA M1 without any issues? Please let me know. I hope I can buy the MBA M1 before the "Education Sale" expires. TIA.

@GhostedStories - 08.10.2021 22:23

Glad I saw this vid. Thanks!

@AJY6396 - 19.10.2021 07:34

3years??? my macbook air is now 9y/o and still it’s working nicely!

@rashmikawickramasinghe6937 - 21.10.2021 08:24

I am planning to buy an m1 MacBook air for architecture school but I heard that it's not compatible with softwares like Revit , should I go for an m1 MacBook air or buy a PC?

@APKDeZ - 23.10.2021 21:47

3 years? Are u serious?

@scogginsscoggins - 26.10.2021 16:38

Why does Apple charge so much for extra storage? There is not logic.

@froilankent - 26.10.2021 22:39

watching this from my newly bought MBA M1 and I couldn't be happier with my decision!

@LuisCruz-yg6rs - 30.10.2021 01:52


@TheCapitalistCat - 30.10.2021 21:19

My MacBook Air 2012 has just died, after 9 years of near perfect working condition :/ … so I’d expect more than 3 years .

@ashleymurray2700 - 02.11.2021 05:42

Thank you very knowledgeable

@amir_tavoosi - 24.11.2021 00:04

hi i studying computer major
its my 2nd year of learning programming like c#, python, web development and...
i wanted to buy this laptop for my collage with 13inch and 8 gigs of ram ... is it enough? or is 13 inch too small?

@Dessert_x_Tat - 26.11.2021 12:21

Thank You Matthew.

@mustangnawt1 - 29.11.2021 17:13

Would be super unhappy with ANY computer that lasted me only 3 years. U must be spoiled!

@haneenhirzallah2590 - 04.12.2021 21:01

what is the difference between m1 core 7 and m1 core 8 ?? what is better ?

@ysidrovasquez4591 - 20.12.2021 00:35

Hey, the M1 is garbage, I hace a macbook air M1 and it does not do anything more than browse the internet. you cannot run windows programs at all

@internationaltrailers2815 - 12.01.2022 07:24

This guy didnt mention about added p3 wide color on m1 mac but still claims to give a good opinion on which to choose. This has to change

@amogus69 - 10.03.2022 21:24

If ryan reynolds had a beard and was intrested in technology

@cocolemon8942 - 30.03.2022 21:23

My macbook pro 2015 just expired 3 days ago.. ive been using my baby for 7 years everday and it is worth it.

@cristhianocampo8889 - 03.04.2022 21:13

I have 1300 dollars but I'm not sure what is the best option of laptops. I was thinking in MBA M1. Somebody can help me to decided please 😭

@sharioni4292 - 08.06.2022 12:18

Hello! I'm about to be in high school in 2 months, im thinking of buying the macbook air m1 or m2 In july, what ssd and ram do you recommend?❤️🙏 (1)

I'm thinking of buying 512gb ssd, and 8gb ram because i have a desktop and an ipad so i wont need to open that much tabs in only 1 device! (2)

But what do you recommend because i'll be using it everyday in a science high school (In our highschool we do a lot of essay writing, blender, projects which require video editing, a lot of 3d model projects, etc.) (3)
