Where i live the thread body wasps do not sting.
ОтветитьI was bitten by a mud dabber and it would not let go, after 10 hits it finally let go and flew off. The pain was extremely excruciating and my leg is still red the size of a tennis ball and the itching goes further out of the red patch. This happened almost 6 days ago and it is not showing any signs of improvement. There is something white where it bit me and the skit around it is extremely hard. Nothing is coming out no poison, blood or the white hard dot that could be a fang from taking a box and hitting it over 6-10 times. I have delt with them around my garden. including the metallic blue, green eyes, black with red stripes and they were only a nuisance because they were eating my raspberries. I know that they paralyze and there prey doe before taking it to the nest and I have had to exterminate them myself because they were destroying my produce. If they stayed away from the raspberries I would have not cared because they keep the grasshoppers alone. So a bite verses a sting are not comparable. I would like to see one bite and latch on to you until you can get it to let go and then give feedback. The wasp stings are nothing compared to this hornet bite and wanted to eat my let pumping venom in until over a minute I could get it to unlatch from my leg. I see my doctor in 7 days.
Ответитьfinally the one sting i wanted
Ответитьatleast he gives real reactions
ОтветитьThanks for your video! The pain level as you explained it helped me to realize that I was not stung by what may have been mud daubers that I saw in my yard when I was doing yardwork. Decided to go to the doctor and it turned out I had shingles. Lots more painful than these.
ОтветитьMud Daubers are non-aggressive, and their stings are not horrible. The only hazard they present, is to airports. They like making nests that can cause emergency landings.
ОтветитьI got stung by 5 of them and they hurt like a s.o.b. i just wanna mow my yard dang it lol
ОтветитьNot too long ago, one of those little dudes wandered into my house. I was using my computer and had not even noticed the little guy looking at me curiously. I had finally noticed it on my hand, and i had thought it would sting me. It did not. It just wandered all around my hand I loved the little thing, but since this was not supposed to be in my house, I went outside and i thought it'd fly off but it just came back. I let it stay until it had studied me thoroughly enough.
ОтветитьDabber? I've never been so offended and irritated in my entire life
ОтветитьDid Coyote retire??
ОтветитьI have 2 mud dabers nest by my house
Ответитьcorrect me if i'm wrong but i'm fairly sure he's exaggerating the reaction
ОтветитьBro stop pronouncing it "mud dabber" blud it's called a mud DAUber
ОтветитьI miss Nathaniel (Coyote) Peterson
ОтветитьAs a Floridian i can confirm these creatures are harmless. Even when removing their nests ive never even been threatened not to mention stung by one.
ОтветитьI found those mud piles within gas filling doors and by the battery of my motorcycle.
ОтветитьWe have these quite a bit in the summer, living in Arkansas you see them quite a bit and they are typically chill for being a wasp. I’ve walked by their nests and gotten really up close and they don’t really care all that much. If you mess with a nest they just fly away majority of the time.
ОтветитьArent mud daubers called “Dust riders”? Idk i heard a girl say it at my job when i was working at Six Flags and err body was screaming when one of these came inside the restaurant 😂😂
ОтветитьI suprised one of these a few hours ago in my mango tree, it either stung me twice or bite and stung me. Still hurts, feel like someone cracked me on my funny bone with a hammer
ОтветитьI know everyone has different pain tolerances but some of them he has to be playing it up.
ОтветитьFor someone who is the exact opposite of a ghetto hardened gangsta rapper you say not gonna lie way too much.
ОтветитьI would love to see a video after your done with all the stings ever, and go to a doctor and they get some of your blood, I just want to know how many immunities you might have!
ОтветитьFun fact: despite being docile wasps, mud daubers, maybe just one mud dauber, was responsible for a plane crash that killed 189 people. In the Dominican Republic in 1996, a Boeing 757 was sitting unused at an airport for 20 days. The staff neglected to put covers over the pitot tubes, which are used to help measure the airspeed. A mud dauber nest built in one of the tubes during that time blocked the air flow into the tube which caused an erroneously high airspeed reading on one of the airspeed indicators. Thinking they were flying too fast, the captain reduced the engine thrust and caused a stall.
Ответить😂 Dude!
ОтветитьOne landed on my lap while I was having a beer.
I started petting it and it fell asleep, I think.
Then about 10mins later, it just flew away. 😂
I can't believe the shape of their bodies. That middle part was the skinniest part I ever seen in a wasp. The color is still something that still different.
I can easily see the stinger. It was a really small one. I did see the stinger go in. After I've seen the aftermath, it sure did seem very harmless than what I expected. I sure feel as though I could be fine being around them, after watching this video.
Will a cicada killer sting a human or bite them
Ответитьtoo much yapping and loud background music. 1/10
ОтветитьMe watching this after one stung me it hurts 😵💫
ОтветитьI'm a big fan of your channel, you guys really do a great job for conservation and education. Just out of curiosity, have you considered adding the executioner wasp to the bite sting index?
Ответитьi feel like you need to have one pair of tongs in each hand so you can readjust the grasp of the bug without using fingers
ОтветитьI am terrified of stinging insects. I’ve gotten over bee stings because they typically do not want to. I have a wasp nest that occasionally crops up by my back patio door. And they would terrify me. Especially when they would get inside the house. And I mean to the point where I am almost in tears staring at them. My brother told me that they were mud daubers and how they were not aggressive. This actually helped me not be as terrified with them. Still do not like them!
ОтветитьI thought I was stung by one of these as a kid. I remember the pain being very intense and the sting left a scar. After watching this video, I did my research and found out that it was more than likely a paper wasp. They look so similar!
ОтветитьI had one of these build a giant nest in my window over the winter. We didn't open the curtains because of the cold and somehow it got in and built a nest the size of a 4 cup measuring cup. I finally freaked out enough for my boyfriend to destroy it by slamming the window open. It was definitely not happy. All of its dinners and leftovers came falling out and it came flying at my bf. Luckily we managed to crush it before it took its aggression out on us.
ОтветитьThis is perhaps one of the deadliest wasps around, and not for the sting either. They have been either directly or indirectly responsible for over 259 deaths in two separate airplane crashes.
ОтветитьIt's funny that depending on where you live, these are called different name, here in southern Oklahoma, they call it a dirt dobber
Ответитьever tried a katapo spider bite from New Zealand?
ОтветитьDo the mud daubers we have in New York. They are way bigger than that thing
ОтветитьI moved to Tennessee this past summer and got stung twice by these on 2 different occasions while in the yard. 1 on the finger and one on the inside of the forearm almost exactly where the guy in this video had the wasp sting him. The finger hurt way worse but went away quicker than the forearm for some odd reason. The forearm hurt but it itched for well over a week. I am thinking the itch is mainly from a bacteria from the wasp and it takes the body some time to fight the almost infection off
ОтветитьI've been stung by a species of mud dauber before, it wasn't too bad. Definitely not nearly as bad as a red wasp sting.
ОтветитьMy dog used to dig a hole in a very specific spot every summer by my house in the shade so she could cool off when she played outside. These wasps would visit us every day and take mud from her spot. They never stung either of us once. And I was a kid when this was going on and I was pretty scared of the wasps at first but after a summer of no stings I realized how friendly they were honestly
Ответитьpeople says its not painful?
ОтветитьMan these things suck! I’ve been stung by one and it is the worst feeling ever.
ОтветитьYou can be stung at every wasp! Don't be so ridiculous, did you know that I am terrified of mud daubers, I am terrified because their buzzing is strong and intimidated to see.
ОтветитьMud daubers are like dragonflies but scary
ОтветитьI’ve been stung by one of these. It hurts so bad😅😭😅😭
ОтветитьPsalm 91:3
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Ответитьi always called them dirt daubers and youd say it like DAW-bers