The Best Gets Better - Nreal Air Head Mounted Display

The Best Gets Better - Nreal Air Head Mounted Display

Craft Computing

1 год назад

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@ugzz - 09.04.2023 05:34

I would SO be into these... for $199..

@daymianhogue1634 - 09.04.2023 05:36

Man these look so amazing but I'm not sure about spending $400 for them as I'm not sure how much use ill get out of em.

Also Jeff, I'm just curious have you done any VRM thermal testing on your Erying 11800k board? TechYesCity recently got one, and theirs' VRMs were crazy hot.

@snowballs159 - 09.04.2023 05:58

is triple display mode exclusive on mac

@neptune._ - 09.04.2023 06:28

Its a interesting technology but aesthetically they look really boring, they just look like a generic pair of casual sunglasses rather than a professional device.

I find something more like the bigscreen beyond headset is much more modern and professional looking, though it's more VR focused and on a much steeper price point.

@Jwalk9000 - 09.04.2023 08:06

Geez.. living in Canada sucks. I could buy a valve index for what those are listed for right now. 😕

@davidtaylor7245 - 09.04.2023 08:51

Hey, just wanted to squeeze this in here. Looking-glass from gnif would get your cloud gaming server into the LAN sector. It's good to go. I have multiple halo running on gtx 1070 with looking glass client on a rx 6600. Using vgpu of course.

@CaptainRon1913 - 09.04.2023 08:52

Great, now people will be watching the game while driving down the highway... Texting distraction on steroids

@ProjectPhysX - 09.04.2023 10:47

Side-by-side stereoscopic 3D was amazing on TVs back in the day, but now they are almost gone from the market unfortunately. I have even implemented stereoscopic 3D graphics in my own software.

@lasselindberg - 09.04.2023 11:32

How does it handle work tasks?
Working with 2 x 32” at home, but is sometime stuck with laptop or single 24” at the office.

@Nivexity - 09.04.2023 12:06

Leaving Twitter for Mastodon I'd think was a mistake, also why not have both?

@Liqweed1337 - 09.04.2023 13:48

Stop buying BS and pre-order a Bigscreen Beyond

@cutefacejay6703 - 09.04.2023 16:06

Nice. Didn't think Windows triple display was coming i might have to find a super long type c cable for mine now and test that out

@exodous02 - 09.04.2023 16:34

I'm waiting for the next release that lets you do this on the desktop. Android augmented reality is pretty useless, it would be great for work if MacOS, Linux, and Windows had this.

@everettpaul1399 - 09.04.2023 17:22

Great info after nearly 2 minutes of boring intro. Please get to the point.

@arthurpizza - 09.04.2023 17:35

As soon as Linux support for the virtual monitors is available I'll be all over these. Sadly only MacOS and Windows. 😐

@maikeru6158 - 09.04.2023 18:22

I wonder how these would do in Linux

@bohous414 - 09.04.2023 18:39

Very cool gadget. It's a shame they aren't working on the virtual desktop feature for Linux.

@drsparklagasm - 09.04.2023 20:26

Any chance of some of those features usable on steam deck? Or only on windows?

@Catboy-hr2qp - 09.04.2023 21:52

And yet so far as I know they still haven't fixed the colors and contrast issues. I'll be waiting till they come out with one with newer better oled screens or buying the new rokid max

@davethenerd42 - 09.04.2023 23:16

I watched the last video and this one. I'd really love to know what you think of using the Quest 2 as a virtual monitor for the Steam Deck, if you've tried it. I came across the app "immersed" which apparently used to work to use the Q2 as a virtual monitor with the SD, but reports say a recent Immersed update broke the functionality. The Discord seems to have a flippant group of "Linux Support" reps from the official Immersed app team who have been pretty dismissive when users have asked for help with this. Seems like such an odd waste of opportunity, really.

For context, I'm in the military and I'm interested in having a compact workstation I can use in cramped conditions while I'm on deployment. The NReal Air glasses wouldn't work for me as I need better FOV and 6DOF.

Anyway, love your videos and I'd be happy to expand more if needed. Trying to cram all this into one comment is tough. Cheers.

@TheRobMozza - 10.04.2023 02:09

Sponsorship or not, let's see you pour a beer into those glasses 😂

@danielstellmon5330 - 10.04.2023 04:10

I want add on rings that will track my fingers.

@dmarkovitz3 - 10.04.2023 08:46

I have been using mine for gaming on my PC and love them, I would love to get more info on making games 3D side by side, I have never messed around with that, any videos you have done or recommend?

@dexterman6361 - 10.04.2023 09:06

do they have stuff like ad tracking and related bloat? If not, I might buy them

@DrsHWolfenstein - 10.04.2023 12:51

Unfortunately they do not support the Exynos version of the Samsung S22 Ultra. And no Linux support. But I will keep an eye on this sector as it progresses.

@ruojautuma1 - 10.04.2023 17:22

Hunch Hunch, What Whaaat

@javiej - 10.04.2023 18:00

I don't get it. They promote this product for gaming as the main highlight, but they don't support gaming PCs, only Mac which sucks at gaming... I want to buy it, but not until they support Windows

@maikonzinho - 11.04.2023 04:47

Ginger XR works like a nebula for PC

@maikonzinho - 11.04.2023 05:03

Is it work with Xiaomi or Poco smartphones?

@Isaac-X113 - 11.04.2023 06:56

If Jeff ever gets another host he also needs to be named Jeff.

@rakhanreturns - 11.04.2023 17:04

Hey, the pirate is back

@zushiba - 15.04.2023 12:40

I want one but I need it to be untethered.

@bertvo841 - 17.04.2023 22:57

My nebula app doesn't work in Canada how about the US?

@zartancobra-bs5lk - 19.04.2023 04:25

Move over Nreal Air there's 2 New Challengers Rokid Max Glasses and EM3 Ether VR Glasses

@sticksandstones3812 - 28.04.2023 17:13

Why did you uninstall Twitter?

@ryandecker3668 - 02.05.2023 23:53

It's a 130 inch screen not 50

@jonathanhaesendonckx862 - 10.05.2023 13:44

get your twitter back

@devincurrie4145 - 11.05.2023 19:42

Sounds awesome! I hope that Nreal will add Linux support for virtual triple monitor display to work as well (e.g. Steam Deck's Desktop mode).

@OneMindNoLimit - 20.07.2023 10:38

Why has nobody used this to act as a hud for your mobile device? Show battery percentage in the top right corner, current time in the bottom left, notifications pop up in the top left corner, currently playing content in the bottom right. Just an idea.

@BoatRocker619 - 24.07.2023 11:11

I am still waiting for the prescription glasses as everything is blurry to see. However I was able to use it with my regular glasses somehow for sometime. I liked the display quality not like the shit quest 2. I still couldn’t figure how to fix the screens

@johnjohnjohnh - 03.08.2023 17:42

Tech??? And beer?? +1 sub

@cristianlira9778 - 06.08.2023 09:40

I just got them, waiting on my prescription glasses, I like them but I'm a little frustrated about not able to charge the steam deck and use the xreal at the same time.

@atiq8987 - 31.08.2023 04:17

Cheapest oled monitor so far 😂

@tek_soup - 17.09.2023 02:06

wierd they are called Xreal now.

@eighties8 - 05.10.2023 21:15

Good information but what is this delivery style? Is this guy even human or an AI generated robot with this cadence? Sing song... Every sentence has to end on the downbeat? Not just him, I see this same delivery repeated over and over again. Just me or amirite?

@footscorn - 19.11.2023 11:59

Is there not an adaptor for none DP phones?

@SkyperX97 - 08.12.2023 19:44

7 months later, nebula app for windows "coming soon" 😂😂

@SeanSR - 22.06.2024 20:16

Paid advertisement. Meh.

@warlockboyburns - 01.12.2024 01:14

hmd's that are just screens on your face infiltrate your dreams. Not healthy in my opinion
