Herbal Tea Update: Hibiscus

Herbal Tea Update: Hibiscus


12 лет назад

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@skiddybop780 - 06.03.2013 18:45

do a video on the most foods other than animal products that contain B12? im vegetarain and i taking a feroglobin supplement i think it was called for iron levels. It helped but it made my stomach really dodgey. =[

@skiddybop780 - 06.03.2013 18:45

i was*

@tamcon72 - 06.03.2013 18:50

Wonder Bread is no more, so that takes care of that! Mexican vegetarian cuisine, and some Middle Eastern, relies partly on dried hibiscus flowers as a vegetable ingredient. I will have to assume that reconstituting the dried flowers in an infusion of water, as for tea, but then sauteeing them for an enchilada filling, say, cancels out the benefits illustrated here. :(

@OfftoShambala - 06.03.2013 19:36

as for plants that contain B12, aloe vera is the only plant source..you can grow an aloe & harvest the gel/liquid & drink it in smoothies/juices, not sure how much & there are concerns regarding consuming aloe, but most people seem to be able to handle it fine, aloe is "penetrating" & is a "carrier" & if you mix it with a toxic substance & put it on your skin, it will take the toxic substance along with it (so i've been told)..not sure how much B12 it has..do ur own research..cont...

@OfftoShambala - 06.03.2013 19:43

2) if you are willing to stray from your dedication to vegetarianism, clams are the all time best source & my research has lead me to believe they are safe, as in they don't absorb & bioaccumulate toxins like other water creatures do.. i have not found any reason not to consume them, other than they are kinda gross straight up IMHO, but i occasionally make a healthy version clam chowder just to add B12 to my diet (appx 2 servings of clams gives you enough B12 for a week)

@TheStewieGriffinShow - 06.03.2013 23:14

Your body can store enough B12 for approximately one year.

@romeroldn - 07.03.2013 02:07

So to confirm, you blend the hibiscus and drink the whole thing including solids, as opposed to brewing it and throwing the solid away (like in a tea bag)?

@valnaples - 07.03.2013 03:30

I like to brew a blend of Red Zinger dark berry hibiscus WITH organic green tea...one bag of each in 2 cups of water...then I drink it at work all day. Tastes pretty nice! Got the idea from Dr. Greger's prior tea video. Kudos to Dr. Greger for his awesome work & videos!

@pat557 - 07.03.2013 03:34

I'll stick with Ceremonial grade Matcha, Thanks anyway

@MrDarrylR - 07.03.2013 11:42

There are no reliable plant sources of vitamin B12. Supplements (IMO best) or breakfast cereals, fortified non-dairy milks, & some nutritional yeasts are the vegan options. I recommend reading the B12 section at veganhealth org Dr. Greger has done several videos on B12, I've collected them at watch?v=B-kUdDro7dw&list=PLWGs_R99V5Z3VnjiCuB9bf5h5O1QbfzZJ

@shoopdeedoop - 07.03.2013 16:11

I grow the dark purple ones, they are bigger and have more flavor.

@shoopdeedoop - 07.03.2013 16:11

So, you will need to add some caffeine to that Hibiscus tea, get yourself addicted enough to drink it every hour...

@joshuapickett2321 - 19.03.2013 10:59

until................................. NOW..

@cubiq1 - 24.05.2013 18:03

This stuff is SO good! Thanks for the heads-up Dr. Greger

@skiddybop780 - 01.06.2013 14:20

Ok thankyou sir

@315Rosi - 20.07.2013 18:00

There is some information is circulating that there are high levels of pesticides in 'Celestial Seasonings'. I could not find any studies to verify this information. Are you aware of any research that has been done on this? Thank you in advance for your response.

@TheJohnnyg111 - 24.07.2013 05:26

will the white and pink work like the red ? i have hibiscus all over my yard and would love to try this tea

@WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 19.08.2013 17:10

It's the red pigment which makes it so beneficial. It is supposed to be the most red pigmented food there is. A big 8 ounce bag of the stuff is only 7.35 on earthshiftproducts. c o m that's where I got mine and it's probably gonna last around 5 months. I make 1-2 big pitchers a week. 3 heaping tablespoons in water at night left out, 2-3 raspberry tea bags to make it taste really good. morning take out tea bags and done. It is like a concentrate, I mix half with water. tastes really good.

@mattn2470 - 22.12.2013 04:53

Can I use the flowers of the common hibiscus in most American gardens: Rose of Sharon? Or do you have to use the tropical hibiscus people keep as potted plants.

@sniro1984 - 12.01.2014 14:09

great video. i have a question... there is no hibiscus tea available in the stores in my area. i did find dry leaves of hibiscus (very cheap btw), will these have as high anti-oxidant power as the hibiscus tea you mentioned in your videos ?  thank you in advance.

@mrcharlesecurry - 03.05.2014 05:57

The hibiscus referred to is commonly known as roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and known locally as Florida cranberry. It is not the flowers as such that are used but the calyces (sepals become fleshy after rest of the flower drops) and these are what are used to make tea. Roselle is a weakly perennial plant and is usually grown as an annual from seed.

@PatriotBabe - 25.05.2014 02:31

You can find Hisbiscus in many Mexican stores.  Just ask or look for the name:  Flor de Jamaica

@peacock821 - 02.02.2015 10:59

I drink ionized water which has an ORP of -400mV, how does orp compares to orac when it comes to the ability to supply anti-oxidants or fight oxidation.

@krisg7596 - 23.02.2016 18:56

PLEASE do a video on Hibiscus Sabdariffa! It's a small red flower used in a drink called "sorrel", widely used in the Caribbean and Central America. You can either get these leaves dried, or fresh. They are VERY sour (high in vitamin c) and need to be steeped in water for at least an hour (sometimes over night). I was just wondering if this drink may have the antioxidant power of the tea you were referring to as, although they do come hibiscus plants, they are totally different species.

@camercial1 - 23.03.2016 07:59

so i should drank in every 5 to 19 hours or every 2 hours

@rafdecc - 15.05.2016 22:19


@SunilKeshari - 05.06.2016 11:20

ॐ true nature

@4gegtyreeyuyeddffvyt - 06.06.2016 09:59

I shall have some hibiscus tea with my steak tonight.

@Gijera - 28.07.2016 04:57

How does this relate to his previous staple, Green Matcha Tea?

@Justin-jh3kb - 25.12.2016 18:10

So why does it neutral out so easily shouldn't your bloods antioxidant power decrease in the same rate not faster than the water and cheese? I really want to knoe

@bdmesq - 07.09.2017 17:23

Hibiscus tea maybe nice as a tea and "healthy" in general but i have not seen any antihypertensive effect of hibiscus tea or capsules [the best brands] as seem to be published

@aldocammara8258 - 16.09.2017 17:33

Is the Karkade tea the right hibiscus tea? Or should I search for another kind of hibiscus?

@batfink274 - 31.10.2017 14:13

And did you notice any health benefits sipping your Hibiscus and lemon tea throughout the last year? Or is it impossible to know because you're unable to determine which of the many sources of antioxidants is causing the feeling and what should better health feel like anyway?

@eppyz - 11.11.2018 23:39

Isn't Clove more antioxidant rich than hibiscus? I drink a chai black tea that actually has pieces of clove it's a natural tea that I buy it's amazing I would imagine that it's antioxidants are probably off the chart if you ever get burned out on hibiscus.

@kasamkhan3666 - 15.01.2019 21:36

Nice 919460774697

@SuperleclercY - 17.07.2020 17:51

Does Hisbiscus needs to be BOILED first or cold brew or... Does it even matter?

@Ryansarcade9 - 11.01.2021 07:12

Got Amla, whole mexican oregano, black cumin (sativa nigella), broccoli seeds for sprouting, and generally eat a plant based diet. Feel great!

@ainsleyameerali7622 - 20.03.2021 20:20

But my question is dr gregor ...why make tea ? We in trinidad are fullllll of hibiscus trees .. can we just eat the flower petals ..... trinidad

@ananse77 - 23.02.2023 07:15

Your video depicts the plant known as sorrel in Jamaica (also known as "roselle" or "flor de Jamaica"), but your video thumbnail shows the pretty hibiscus 🌺 flower, which is a very different plant. Which one has been the subject of the studies you refer to?
