Get Amazing MPG in an RV!? Safari Trek Motorhome! Class A Trek That Gets 14 MPG?!

Get Amazing MPG in an RV!? Safari Trek Motorhome! Class A Trek That Gets 14 MPG?!


3 года назад

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@gabriellechilton5902 - 06.03.2022 21:54

I love Antonia’s back splash

@WisconsinWanderer - 06.03.2022 22:45

Wow that’s great mileage for a class A. My E250 gets 13 in the city thank you

@Frantic618 - 06.03.2022 23:03

I would guess that she gets the good gas mileage because it's lighter than the average rig. Most of them are crammed with stuff made of cheap-junk HEAVY pressed wood. Open air doesn't weigh nearly as much.

@martna1 - 06.03.2022 23:03

Nice cozy home.

@gailjohnson6670 - 06.03.2022 23:57

Thank you for the video. Blessings to you.

@1tlb0k61 - 07.03.2022 00:20

I have a class B that gets 14mpg freeway & a 22ft class B that gets 9mpg. Good for her! I will need to keep a look out for RV w this engine. Travel blessings

@qnslanman - 07.03.2022 00:33

Hammock in a cargo trailer, could it work?

@agr8h2o - 07.03.2022 01:15


@paulb5907 - 07.03.2022 01:30

very nice camper , i wonder why she didnt like side pop outs , what was the thinking there ?

@AngelaJonesCreates - 07.03.2022 02:55

She has a very pretty home. thank you for the tour

@rayleo529 - 07.03.2022 03:26

Hi Bob. I have been a subscriber of yours at cheaprvliving for years now. On a episode a while back, you were talking about some of the work one can find on the road. I believe it was a clip from a prior RTR and you were talking about hauling new RV, travel trailers, etc. from manufacturers to dealerships, or even dealer to dealer. What are some of the manufacturers and how would I contact them? Love your content Bob. It is because of your content, and others who I now follow that you interviewed, I have chosen to embark on this lifestyle myself. Can't say enough thanks.

@eveorlando3389 - 07.03.2022 03:42

I love that room it's perfect.

@binthrdonthat - 07.03.2022 04:05

Please please people don't wait for tomorrow it may never come. Was getting ready to retire and I was diagnosed stage 4 cancer am now in hospice Take the bull by the horns and go out there and live your life. Enjoy the road and take in all the world has to offer. I will live vicariously.through my nomad brother and sisters

@dannyfromquebec7750 - 07.03.2022 06:12

very nice RV .. and lady ;)

@angelafitzgerald7407 - 07.03.2022 06:46

Beautiful home on wheels love love your camper.

@larrywebber2971 - 07.03.2022 07:47

I love the older 4 cylinder diesel Trek Safari. I had the opportunity to drive a brand new one "back in the day". It was admiitedly challenged on the Interstate Highways but I loved it. We avoid Interstates in my home state (Indiana) as much as possible and now that we're retired, we can pick most of our routes and avoid them. Even stock the little Safari was the best use of space of any RV I've ever seen and Toni has improved on this with her modifications. Nice job Toni!

@Rachel20285 - 07.03.2022 11:08

Wonderful rig!

@davidw_52 - 07.03.2022 18:26

Thats a nice RV, so big for being so small. I have a Class C 21 so small I can either sit at the dinette or in the driver/passenger seat. Just starting out so I am not sure about the mileage but someone told me to expect 10 or less mpg. Gas V10 Ford E350

@fillhixx - 07.03.2022 19:31

You can make a good hammock hanger with two vertical 2” metal posts and a spreader bar across the top. Then the spreader and posts are taking all the stresses.

@saltwaterbohemian2538 - 08.03.2022 01:46

She is an absolutely lovely soul. Really interesting to rour I love her touches of home.

@janetjacoby9507 - 08.03.2022 01:59

Hi Tony!!! Fun to see you again!!!!Damit Janet!!!❤❤❤

@denisewittman975 - 08.03.2022 03:16

What a great set up. Good luck Toni!

@keyplayer5 - 08.03.2022 08:57

I want one! Such a great video.

@tomreilly1232 - 08.03.2022 09:20

I had a 1990 Gulfstream sunsport 26 ft. with a 454 carbureted Chev engine and it got about 14 mpg at 55 mph.
I now have a 1996 Fleetwood flair 24 ft. 454 chev. Fuel injected with headers.... catalytic converter removed. Best I can do is 8mpg.
What the????

@brianasamuels - 08.03.2022 09:30

I have a 31 ft 1992 trek safari pathfinder With the Isuzu engine! It is incredible and gets 19 miles to the gallon diesel Very consistently. Because I have stripped all of the heavy interior out and I began to replace it with the lightest materials I can find. Next I will remove all of the propane and generator systems and go with 100% solar on the roof’s and 10 kW of battery storage. Looking forward to being on the road very soon.

@christywilson694 - 08.03.2022 12:13

Really nice!

@justme.9711 - 08.03.2022 16:14

Do you or anyone you know have vid on an 18' box or pantech stealth/diy motorhome/camper. I am thinking of putting a simple set up in it because I want some room inside, like a house, not so cramped for full time living and it will be pretty lite because it is not cramped full of stuff.

@StarrCre8tions - 08.03.2022 16:17

I really wish I could afford a motorhome. Every month I worry I will one day be on the street with my son. I am disabled and on oxygen and only live on $850 a month, my rent is $550! Really doesn't leave me anything after all bills are paid. It would be amazing to have a roof over your head and not have to live in fear all the time! Love your videos. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

@davidmurling4252 - 08.03.2022 18:34

Nice rig. For me, I would take out the jackknife sofa and replace it with a futon. That would be comfortable for me to sleep on.

@liveelevated8264 - 08.03.2022 22:46

love this rig!

@BTNomad - 08.03.2022 22:46

Oh man, that's totally what I want!

@BTNomad - 08.03.2022 23:09

What model is this? I have a 30' Lazy Daze, class C, but I want to go smaller.

@joshpigeon7507 - 09.03.2022 02:18

Trek's stock just shot up a hundred points. I've gotta say. The Japanese are really the mechanical masters of all. All I see in California roads is Toyotas. And for a reason. They have a well earned reputation for engineering and workmanship. Not a surprise they make a great RV engine as well. Those Harbor Fright solar panels are the worst. Not a good value either.

@mamaluca1958 - 09.03.2022 22:08

Its really nice, but one thing did it have a bedroom in the back. Just asking cause normally they have a bedroom in the back??

@maehay4065 - 10.03.2022 19:41

Smart lady who knows how to pick a great rig. I don’t have her experience with what she knew before buying a rig with a Safari engine but I do now. My brother has been kind enough to buy me a small RV which I totally appreciate. So in the near future I will get to live out in the desert with my family.👍

@pamettmayer2391 - 22.03.2022 17:03

Bob thank you for your channel. I feel a real connection with your viewers. Appreciate what you do for the community showing us the way.

@marijohoffmann1906 - 23.03.2022 20:19

Enjoy your videos about your own rig. You give just the right amount of detail...could do it if I wanted to...but don't bore us with too much. Good job.

@ProjectPete - 26.03.2022 09:39

What a great lady and what a great blessing to have you profile her life and style.

@valeriefrench9405 - 03.04.2022 00:15

Bob I saw your video on the smallest Mr. Buddy heater and the three way propane hookup but I haven’t been able to find any online or in local stores. How would I be able to obtain one of these three way hookups ?

@jimbeaver27 - 11.04.2022 12:57

I just bought a class c RV based on an ISUZU truck, 4.8 liter diesel she should get good mileage too. Mine is a 2006 and I am in Japan, seems they did stop using Isuzus here around that time, I have not seen one newer. Mine is 4WD with rear dualies and good clearance it can go almost anywhere.

@sxs4l245 - 02.08.2022 06:35

It's not deigned to go a million miles. The heads are not rebuildable so that's an issue if it occurs. 14pg is great! Trannys can be hit and miss on those. But the Trek is definitely a heavy competitor in the used market. At around 8k they area highly affordable unit! Enjoy your travels.

@docalexander2853 - 09.09.2022 07:32

How about 4 feet longer from a 24 to a 28.

@OWK000 - 06.10.2022 02:22

Nice kitchen, but where's the bed! I would get some comfy foam on that coach. A hamock, really? Must have been a trapeze artist in another life.

@randomkadrmas2630 - 06.03.2023 04:47

How hard is it to find camping spots in a Class A that can weigh 40,000 pounds? I would be nervous driving on anything other than paved roads.

@davidc3648 - 09.01.2024 21:35

I wonder about those Safari's about the bed. What could go wrong with the mechanical electric "Magic" bed? So I can give her credit for getting that thing out, if she did it. But a hammock??? I cannot conceive as to how uncomfortable those things are. I need a flat surface, one way or another.

@bdwillis8284 - 16.01.2024 22:08


@Waynzo-i3w - 08.07.2024 21:14

I find it funny that Americans get excited about 14 MPG, in UK terms that is ridiculous mpg.

@lindalbishop7329 - 04.09.2024 05:25

Lovely rig. What year is it. I would love to have one no longer than 24'. Also, what engine does it have. Linda

@ELORIGINALDELASIERRA - 17.09.2024 00:30

Has it overheated if not any ideas on my 91 peaking

@TattedTommysTv - 05.12.2024 15:44

We’re picking up our kalahari today but it’s got the 6.5 diesel hope it gets near that fuel mileage that’s amazing we used to get that in our ambulance
