So GE VERNOVA is there to do all you said, is this correct?
ОтветитьGo to another planet and preach your nonsense
ОтветитьI would love to discuss this individual's 3 future trends and bring some clarity. 1) Currently, we have the following non-fossil fuel energy sources: a. Unreliable Non-Emissions Generating Sources : Solar/PV & Wind, b. Reliable Non-Emissions Generating Sources: Hydro. c. Nuclear and nuclear Microturbines (which need to have a complete NRC overhaul & be standardized) d. Reliable but dependent of other sources for recharging: Battery energy Storage Systems (BESS). We DO NOT have any other scalable power generation means that conform to Zero Carbon Emissions. 2) Regional power grids are not based off of a standardized approach, particularly in urban areas with downtown networks, suburbs with radial area substations and rural substations servicing remote, non-urban/suburban customers. Secondly, distributed generation is challenging to incorporate into the various power grids with respect to Protection & Relaying. It complicates the system. The more DG, the more complex the system becomes, hence regional control, construction and design, based upon human development and forecasted system planning will prevail for a cost effective approach. 3) HV & EHV & HVDC transmission systems have limitations. 300 miles is typical for HV & EHV systems where HVDC systems can go significantly farther. However, my point is, you cannot generate in Texas an then run transmission to New England, with any sort of efficiency. Generation and T&D are intended to be regionalized for efficiency and separated from adjoining grid(albeit with Ties) for reliability and for fault isolation. So this individual's perception of a globalized grid is pure nonsense. Before we punish the continued use of economical fossil fuels, w should be focused on A. Better emissions systems and controls or fossil fuel optimization. B. Develop a scalable, economically consumable form of energy that does not produce GHG's in the production of electric power. This would include the utilization of existing generating plants that have been converted to the new fuel/consumption system, to avoid the cost prohibitive requirement of new T&D backbone systems to interconnect to existing grids. Sorry for the long winded comment!
ОтветитьThis man is a complete liar. 7 million death's from air pollution alone? Reference please!! Fossil fuel only 60% and Green renewable energy 40%? On what planet does he refer to? Earth is not even at 10% renewable energy. What a cruel lie this man is spreading.
ОтветитьMe being Electrical Engineering student here