Vanilla cake protein power so good but what's in it?

Vanilla cake protein power so good but what's in it?

Coral Autumn Oceans

3 месяца назад

580 Просмотров

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@marcusmustard8285 - 19.06.2024 04:01

Vanilla cake! With strawberries and cream!

@fleetingdays - 19.06.2024 05:10

My favorite OF model!

@margarita8442 - 19.06.2024 05:38

u find dress in dumpster ?

@Uknow_whol - 19.06.2024 05:38

Damn,girl ur sexy❤

@bill2066 - 19.06.2024 05:44

AMAZING that Boobie Tube wont allow one to block anyone anymore. I guess they dont want us to hurt someone's feelings. Typical FAcebook crap in my view (Zucky is the owner).

@electronicweasel9083 - 19.06.2024 06:01


@dallitt - 19.06.2024 17:29

they get bovine serum from blood. no, it's not jizz.

@markgally731 - 19.06.2024 19:47

Looking good honey !!

@herebyhandcock3316 - 19.06.2024 20:44


@Rebmetpes4 - 20.06.2024 14:39

Hey honey

@Rebmetpes4 - 20.06.2024 14:40

I need some of that to grow out my already 41" hips 😉😉

@TOPMOSTPOP - 20.06.2024 15:22

Be careful sir. Th witches. They're putting much more powerful drugz. In th food.
I had absolutely stunning... STUNNING dreamz lass night amaaaazing.
Waznt normal.
Not normal tho I think cuz I was, i have been eating smthingz. Thingz dffrnt. Here lately.
Lucifers kids they put drugs in processed foods. We know THAT all processed& resteraunt foodz are Satans kidz.

Like th addicting thcerals I ate as a kid.

I wz stupid as every1 else was. I began smoking @age 11. Bad bad idea vry bad.
It was incredibly un BELIEVABLY addicting it took years2 finally quit.
But now here lately they are putting much more drugz
addictive drugs in their food now then they did back in that day lot more.
They can put viagra n'sht in yr food... LAST thing i need or want they are demons see anything from them, its gonna be baaad bad bad vry bad. And if u willingly take thdrugz, after u know thtruth like a simple beer or sit beside people smoking meth on thbus & figure its ok why not i will catcha buzz buthass ok... it is a spell they putting on u. It gives them legal papers in heaven heavens courts legal rights. They thus attain greater access by legal right 2more closely jinx u cast spells, drug u etc evn rape u. Thats all it takes. That1 beer.
Dont even get me sdarted on th drugz they putting in liquorstores now. Pharmecueticals. & their deadly energy drinks especially cuz those are witches potions with Satanic images memes& portals righthere on thbottle.
Ever become addicted 2a label? Specific product? I knew a rock star Brian Carrol. Who ONLY would drink diet pepsi from a specific place. Jack in th box it was crazy how he would drive 200 miles 2get it.

Yea u will get jacked there allright cuz they putting addictive drugs in thfood& Jack in thbox.. Cocaine, heroine etc.
A lady online she was measuring thfood here recently.... she found they putting a lot more in it now & its showing up in peoples lab tests in thbloodsream.
Of people who eat it.
Buy raw ingredients make them yrself. Dont let theez people touch it. Touch yr food.
I dream Ed Van Halen wz over.
He was saying how when theez Apache Warriour musicians were setting 2wack him in prison,,,
he said u alwayz knew cuz they would turn their chairs so that their tatoos would face u. Tatooz of say an eagle on a snake.
...i said yea thoze wr witches. Warlocks. They were using black magic 2place a spell on u weaken u b4 an attack.

Satans boys influence all thprepper books.
FATS& OILS. Satans secret weapon nobody talks about.
My chickens chest cavity & meat packed with 1.5lb fat in 5.5 months eating garbage meats loaded with rich marrow&fats.
Scurvy a huge hidden demon winter causes root canal.
Lemons are all over Michigan. Called sumac berries. U can infuse with lemon grass but not nescessary in slightest.
Pine needles are vital 4chickens raised in winter. Fed2 chicks chopped fine with scissors. As adults they crave& graze pine needles.
Biggest enemy not mentioned by all preppers always was always will be fats& oil.
Your organs egin fail 1 week with no fats.
Low fat vegetarian diets put more people in h*ll last t0 years then anything.
THAT is why Satans media deluge humanz with bllsht in2 buying fewest calories per dollar = lunacy. Food is payimg for fire. Zero assets when u buy food u burning money.
Humanz body is a furnace.
Fats. U cant harvest it.
Not poison fats. Cold pressed oils& animal fats.

Lucifers boys keep this 1fact hidden frm humanz. So when he inforce chip, people not only starve, they starve in much greater agony your nrain & organs begin fail die in 1week without FATS. OIL.
In deppression a major killer was rabbit disease winter. Eating wild rabbits & deer with NO FATS.
Only CHICKENS can easily produce more fat then wagyu when fed FREE FEED in form of garbage meats. For me, i use copious plentiful available road kill I gather de gut pressure cook they eat hide fur bones marrow& all.
U can bug out with couple my (my, not your) hens. While your buddies are eating bugs, u will feed thm 2chickenz.
3 of my (my) hens generate calories of a black angus steer 5 years. Eggs have FAT.
(My Fayo Giant hens eggs almost every day ave. 76.4 grams up2 89.6 grams)
One of my chicken produce 1.5lb fat a piece 5.5 months. At abyssmal feed cost.

Lemon trees:
Are all over Michigan& Canada used by indians in pemican meat& fish = sumac berries.
Fayo Giants:

This is thworlds best breed chicken. By far. Buy it thank me later. Look no further& expect only 30% hatch rate so buy 3lots.
To farm or garden u must grasp 80% humans are Lucifer kids& he owns google. He can hack reality raising food is BANNED so these master gardners & lovely cmputer animations online lecturing u on raising birds are trojan horses only engineered 2teach u 2fail.
They are cmputer controlled. They dont know they are poison.

This listing however contains only instructions will ever allow u raise birds optimally& cmpletely 4free of MONEY gathering yr own feed.

My birds can be raised indoors&
3hens generate calories of a black angus steer in 5 years.
All thworlds problems can be solved in thgarden get back 2eden where u wr placed.
Satans kids run all our schools& schools of thought they tear their house down with their bare hands have destroyed all our farmland& soil & seeds& breeds, breeds of chickens...they teach u 2fail in raising them.
#1 meat in thworld.

Of copper eyed birds = actual alpha THREE ONLY Fayo Giants used in producing eggs this listing. Rooster thumbnail = last remaining Fayo Giant in thworld today.
You can not even begin duplicate what I have done here by throwing a Jersey in2 a pen with an Egyptian Fayoumis.
Also photos of worlds best Jersey Giant strain of which 4 bloods were crossed 2fortify Jersey strain b4 developing Fayo breed.
Chickens are not either or. They have an epicenter of which all other birds bow2.
Even chickens know this Fayo rooster will dominate any flock.
Lucifer kids amass vast database endless breeds revolve around perfection&all being a compromise on th ideal. Of which they lock in2 a vault& never sell so as 2breed customer hunger& amass vast database factory & customer cash flow.

Basically they always lock thperfect pizza in2 a vault then divide th ideal in2 50 slices
all being a compromise on th ideal engineered 2 fuel parts catalogue& pack factories with inventory.
There is only 1way 2play basketball. Throw thball in2 thbasket.

..8eggs. These eggs shipped max economy.
Are Fayo Giants going viral?
Not1 other person has taken thbaton with Fayo Giant 5 years. I have given them away locally 100 farmers REFUSED them free. 10
I finally convinced2 take them, free, & they all ruined them.

*Fayo Giant not a snake oil money grab or a copyright buy & sell them.

I raise "Japanese Wagyu Beef" grade 1.5lb fat PER BIRD@ 5.5 months, so, eggs/breeding stock also thus maxed out due2 highest end feed.

@stevemiller1047 - 21.06.2024 17:08


@larsolsson2424 - 25.06.2024 21:13

