8 Simple Pronunciation RULES to Speak English Clearly  Powerful!  (Part 2)

8 Simple Pronunciation RULES to Speak English Clearly Powerful! (Part 2)

English with Greg

2 года назад

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@armosargo1155 - 14.12.2022 16:33

It is all about British English, in America you need just stressing on the first syllabus both nouns and verbs.

@iWhacko - 14.12.2022 21:04

well in your first example you can pronounce it differently if you want to differentiate. "they INcreased the prices in stead of DEcrease them". same with your numbers"shes not seventeen years old shes EIGHTeen" even though its at the end of a sentence

@mariebcfhs9491 - 14.12.2022 21:48

I also found that rule regarding "the's" pronunciation has an exception, if the word after it begins with a consonant, but that word is an Italian loan word, then it still gets the "THEE" pronunciation. Because it is more natural to say "thee" pizza and "thee" piano. I like to think that "the(e)" has a distant relationship with "die" in German since all Italian loan words in German also get the female gender and hence preceded by "die".

@sergeykrasnytskyi2279 - 14.12.2022 23:25

You are cool as always!

@paulagardner3218 - 15.12.2022 00:16

In the US, we stress the first syllable of television.

@loquito57 - 15.12.2022 00:49

and when he says vegEtable, you instantly know that you can ignore the entire channel.

@alexanderschastak1459 - 15.12.2022 01:03

First time I learned about this number role. Just noticed that I would do the same pronunciation differences in German. Weird.

@forestfrost9676 - 15.12.2022 02:34

'Ey up Greg, I just discovered you set of videos and as a native English speaker I really like your explanations of rules I never knew were rules.
You may have covered this in a previous video but could you explain to me why people in the UK use the preterit form of the verb as an adverb(?) instead of a gerund for an action that currently happening? I'm stood here looking at the scenery vs. I'm standing here looking... Thanks.
P.S. you spelled 'realize' wrong. 🤭

@shrimpoffthebarbie - 15.12.2022 13:57

I don't stress any of those word differently. Am i weird. I'm British. Also this dude sounds very strange to me. A little like an adult talking to a two year old or a dog. Adults don't talk like this.

@TheJademan85 - 15.12.2022 21:50

veselă veselă. 😁

@rolithesecond - 16.12.2022 01:33

It's pretty common to say ASAP as a word now, though :)

@orrling - 16.12.2022 02:42

Nothing will make me spell realize/organize etc with an s

@isilder - 16.12.2022 08:08

The alternative way to pronouncs ncrease = in cre ah say?

@isilder - 16.12.2022 08:14

Btw anericans do the stress other ways ... For example ,contribute.. they are saying contri-bute all over the media .. no its contrib-ute or contrib-bute

@adamclotfelter9875 - 16.12.2022 09:58

In American English, you usually stress the “adjective within the compound adjective”; ie, the first word, or emphasize them both equally (or at least the first syllable of each). In some American dialects (eg. more Southern), the second word of the compound adjective is sometimes barely pronounced (if it’s not the end of the sentence).

@Boberrosini - 16.12.2022 15:25

Hmm such nuances never occurred to me or I don't remember them. I see I pronounce vegetables so bad XD
When I was young I achieved C1 in 3\4 areas but now after years of absence I could barely keep it on B1-B2,
It is interesting how the society brings the language level down, it is not uncommon that people speak and write incorrect grammatically - after some time you get used to it and speak the same.

@jorgenke4145 - 16.12.2022 16:03

There was a lot to learn for me. Thanks! About the pronunciation of "the", I find it funny that in "the unit" and "the umbrella" the word "the" is pronounced differently. But as you said, it is not the vocal, but the vocal sound that matters. And unit sounds like "junit".

@johnawalker9261 - 16.12.2022 17:32

Doable is bad English. Stupid word from the USA.

@wardrich - 16.12.2022 19:41

As a native English speaker, these videos are really interesting - these are things we just do without even thinking about them. But at the same time, it's doing that thing where it becomes a manual process like when you remember you have to breathe lol

@IWantToKnow2 - 16.12.2022 21:23

as a native english speaker, its weird that i have never been given these rules... but i seem to know them in my speech lol

@anthonywhelan5419 - 17.12.2022 03:03

The different ways of saying words because of regional dialects is called allophonic variation. Castle and chance are examples of this. The homographs you mention can either sound the same and are therefore homonyms (words that are spelled the same, sound the same but have different meanings), or homographs (words that have the same spelling but have different meanings, such as refuse). Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. My Dublin father never said the, but duh.

@BariumCobaltNitrog3n - 18.12.2022 00:17

Rule 6- If using the word THE to differentiate between a bar, any bar and the bar you got thrown out of for barfing on a pretty girl, one might ask, "Is this THE bar where you...?"
"Yes. Keep driving."

@MarcelVanderWerf - 18.12.2022 02:40

Can't help it, but for someone who is all about language and pronounciation, 'Eight THimple pronounTHiaTHion ruleTH' does sound a little bit off...
I am sincerely curious why you pronounce the letter 'S' the way you do, since your video's are about language. As far as I know the letter 'S' is never produced by letting air pass between your tongue and your upper front teeth, because that would sound like a 'TH' like in...yes...'teeth'. but as a non-native speaker I might be wrong of course.

@drfill9210 - 18.12.2022 06:07

Any "tion" words have equivalents in Spanish. Messes them up terribly. Ps hadn't noticed these rules.. native speaker. Fun vid

@Christopher-pp6nl - 19.12.2022 17:13

I am a bit confused with the pronunciation of vegetable. I learned the second e is silent. But Greg used a clear pronunciation of that e. Does it depend on local dialect?

@crawford1083 - 20.12.2022 12:55

Another rule - don't be like thicky Northerners in England who pronounce the "g" at the end of words that end in "ing".

It is not "good-looking-GUH" or "hard-working-GUH". Or "speaking-GUH". Simply LOOKING, WORKING or SPEAKING!

@leechgully - 21.12.2022 07:00

I have a personal gripe about how the verb 'Contribute' has changed in its pronunciation in popular discourse. It now seems common to put the emphasis on the first syllable 'con' rather that the latter two in 'tribute',which used to be the accepted pronunciation. This has the effect of making the word sound like 'contrabute' which disguises its Latin root. It means a kind of co-payment hence its a kind of 'tribute' and we can see this in the idea of a payment or award. Imho, the classic pronunciation highlights its derivation more clearly and is more elegant.

@DarkVoidIII - 21.12.2022 09:25

So, which of the four do we pronounce 'gh' in? I've already watched the video you linked to, and don't remember the answer. Because of course that's how my brain works. Or not. I really wish you wouldn't cross-link questions to answers in other videos!

@forsakingfear3652 - 21.12.2022 09:58

Or tha can saa "price on grub hez gotten aboon har mich at we can pay".

@ericanderson2482 - 31.12.2022 19:24

What about police? The police will police the crime scene.

@quizify33 - 02.01.2023 16:39

This guy is a goat....😧

@Marcos.ACSantos - 24.02.2023 13:16

After putting my name and my e-mail, I didn´t get the .pdf file: The system didn´t send it to me. What is going wrong?

@lydiafife8716 - 07.03.2023 20:44

As for THE, in Canada we say tha the (shwa) and thee
I would say tha day, thee other, and the (shwa) thing
The (shwa) day is okay too
I think tha day is more to emphasize the day in particular
Thee is for in front of a vowel OR to emphasize a noun
Sometimes one has to just get the meaning before using the pronunciation - in time

@jolantamentrak-pj8ql - 08.03.2023 01:57


@annaanat - 10.03.2023 08:31

Mamma Mia! 😮 Why don’t you have one rule for all cases?

@anuradhawijesinghe6010 - 19.03.2023 22:10

Hi Greg, thanks for this informative video. Stress rules for numbers 13 to 19 was very clear. But what is the rule for numbers from 20 upwards ? Would you be able to generalise it, maybe in another video ?

@silviarosellini1 - 22.03.2023 02:59

As James Gonzál I never heard about the number rule, but I realize that my pronunciation in the different situations was right. Having a B1 I never heard about many other rules of that kind, but all the same I realize that in most cases I pronounce correctly. Wow so interesting about the stress, which was so neglected when I studied: it was as if we had to learn it just experiencing it. Thanks 🙏

@Nika-my1zo - 11.08.2023 21:35

@tcxtn3903 - 03.10.2023 06:50

I didn’t know -able in the word vegetable was a suffix

@olgacornejo3030 - 24.11.2023 23:24

Thank you.

@presentgaming786 - 09.12.2023 14:53


@audiolivroscomdoen6883 - 20.12.2023 01:03

Very good . Thanks a Lot.

@cmtwei9605 - 24.12.2023 01:09

Someone else pointed out 'vegetable' has a silent e, I think both forms are in use, perhaps the silent e is more recent or in fast speech. I went to British school decades ago and no one said anything about the silent e, the second syllable ge would sound lighter but not totally absent.😮

I normally stress the first and third syllables in television and engineer or at least the differences aren't that much. Actually the British people commonly just say the telly.😊

Not all abbreviations are pronounced by their letters, UNICEF as a name is normally pronounced you-nee-cef.

@florakhamraeva9034 - 01.02.2024 13:32


@The_Long_Walk_to_Freedom - 27.03.2024 01:46

Nice pronunciation tips, thanks.

@ВалерияАврамова-ф9ч - 23.10.2024 11:01

👍👍❤️ I'm delighted with your lessons! They are so helpful and make so much sense! 🥰
