The best studio monitors for home studios - 2024 ultimate guide

The best studio monitors for home studios - 2024 ultimate guide


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@djy_kelsiumrsa - 19.08.2024 18:29

Thozi 🫡🔥🔥

@shanel2811 - 19.08.2024 18:37

You my friend are a great teacher. You explains things so well!!!!

@djoetma - 19.08.2024 18:49

So I guess as a music producer you'd be looking into studio monitors. Do you also have an opinion on non-studio options people should buy based on a certain musical preference?

I would really love to see what a guy like you would recommend. Or is it that as a creator yourself, you don't appreciate dynamic tuning and want to know what the insights of a creator is and therefore consider more neutral sounding options per definition superior to options with dynamic tuning?

@Yandabeatz - 19.08.2024 20:10

Let's be clear: your choice of speakers can make or break your music production. While the KRKs are undoubtedly excellent for dance music, the Yamahas and Adams offer superior versatility for mixing across genres. Here's the crucial point: regardless of which brand you choose, what truly matters is developing an intimate understanding of your speakers. This knowledge is the key to achieving professional-quality mixes. By investing time in learning your equipment inside and out, you'll consistently produce better results than someone with more expensive gear but less familiarity. Trust me, this approach will elevate your production game significantly. And speaking of quality content, that video was spot-on – packed with valuable insights for producers at all levels. Nice video Thozi

@Molefe.WorldWide - 20.08.2024 13:02

So no sound test 😭😭😭

@FrankMMullerOfficial - 20.08.2024 20:43

Indeed I agree when it comes to KRKs one of my Producer mentor Bazooka has been using some KRK for more than 2 dacades now making Maskandi or uMbaqanga or Isichathamiya sort of Black Mambazo he did it and mastering it through those monitors but now I'm using M Audio Monitors but they're good as well and JBL for mastering it gives some good sounds but I'm willing to use KRK like my bud KILLORBEEZBEAT he do use KRKs series

@djthamlas_tbs - 21.08.2024 00:29

Hoe does M audio compete?

@SP._HE - 23.08.2024 02:02

Sbonge 🙌🏾

@-_-naab-_- - 07.09.2024 10:23

Just a tip guys. I have owned the AT-m40 and m50x respectively. I would advice on spending the extra money and getting the m50x. The build quality is better, and sounds more clean.

@IcemanTheDj - 18.09.2024 13:07

The size of the woofer/speaker has nothing to do with the size of the room! If you don't want to hear frquecyes below 60Hz it's fine to go with 5 inch monitors! If you wanna hear dow to 40Hz and maybe a litle down (depending on model) you need 8 inch minimum!!! There are some smaller model that go down there but they are forced and that not give a precise representation of the bass, also the heavy cone movement of a small speaker that go so down, it distort the mids, so a larger and powerfull woofer will have very litle movement of the cone so result in cleaner mids! So if you room is small, turn the volume down don't go smaller! I have a 3 way monitors for even cleaner response and those have an 8 inch woofer (Kali IN-8 to be speciffic). Not to mention that my studio is small... 3.3/3m (about 11/10ft). So if you can, I recomend 3 way monitors (anything but not KRK 😁).
I hope my comment does not offend anyone. Cheers!

@mobeatz0113 - 22.09.2024 12:32

I wish the krk was good but they just hifi speakers

@cameobelafonte4975 - 26.09.2024 01:06

That mic sounds good that’s the one I wanted to buy for podcasting

@wizard._.49 - 02.10.2024 19:07

great vid keep it up man 🔥

@batyasf - 03.10.2024 02:29

Thanks, great video! Just one question: do you recommend 3.5' monitors for video editing?

@dalisukhanyile9651 - 04.10.2024 21:07

Mr Thozi trust you well, may I ask something off the topic. Sir plz tell me is it still necessary to buy speakerz n subs that are driven by a separate amp since therez now sub n speaker that have amp incorparated in them / active sub

@user99641 - 07.10.2024 09:41

how can i buy the Kali monitors? they not available on takealot

@subwooferroads - 18.10.2024 21:37

New m audio forty six blows all them away , mixes translate perfect to my 2024 plate Toyota Yaris, don't need acoustic treatment , presonus studio 5 are rubbish no low end them , presonus have done that on purpose so buy the sub

@robertkoops5689 - 20.10.2024 09:58

In all the video's I've seen about this topic, I never game across this clear explanation. By far the best ever seen! Thanks!!!

@KritarthMalviya - 06.11.2024 22:53

Just 1min in the video and i know you have a very in-depth knowledge of music production.
Very useful video. I will be buying my first studio monitors Presonus Eris.
Thank you

@KitKalvert - 08.11.2024 00:41

Adam are in a different league.

@mikkenieminen9603 - 10.11.2024 19:10

imo music sounds much better with studio monitors. I get stand the bass boosting that is in for example jbl's. Also the better/complicated the music is the better it sounds on studio monitors imo.

@brosephjoseph8533 - 18.11.2024 01:11

Great video man !!

@stephenhall3515 - 21.11.2024 02:49

This video explains so much about sound and physics before even getting to reviews that it is an object lesson in communication.
Not a word is wasted, enunciation is perfect, there is no hyperbole and only a couple of references to musicians one might know about or not. Subscription thoroughly earned.
This man makes sense.

@rossboyle4597 - 26.11.2024 00:47

thanks man

@sioboy - 26.11.2024 17:32

I do not want to waste my hard-earned money. What do you think about the M-Audio BX5 D3? 😅

@winta3669 - 26.11.2024 17:42

Thanks bro good job

@RobHTech - 27.11.2024 03:53

Rokit 7 4th gen for me

@emrecancalskan844 - 03.12.2024 00:31

I had the adam audio t5v‘s but ive sent them back because of the hiss (it was so bad especially in my small room and the little distance, couldnt unhear it). Which monitors would you recommend, which has no hiss also in minimal distance? And is 3,5 inches too small for making rap and rnb beats? My Room is really small so i dont know if there is any sense in buying bigger speakers if i cant turn them on…

sry for the amount of questions 😅 would really appreciate an answer

and great video 👍🏻

@stlncpcr - 03.12.2024 06:06

if have a possibility to buy 8", buy 8" :))

@Jack-h8e3v - 07.12.2024 02:02

Would you pick a sony mdr 7506 over the m40x

@ciscojguzman - 07.12.2024 19:51

Such an incredibly helpful video. Fantastic, objective overview. New fan!

@Hj4a - 09.12.2024 00:04

Thanks for a great video, mate!

@Frank290578 - 16.12.2024 05:57

Good monitors are yamaha msp serie.s . I had the msp10.. but now I have the event opal monitors these are the best to me.

@andybookann6948 - 16.12.2024 06:02

Please review Adam Audio's DV3!

@FugaziSB - 16.12.2024 19:16

That's a solid content right there!

@lexwarmenhoven - 17.12.2024 21:42

Very useful video, thanks! What's is the difference between the KRK Rokit and Classic series?

@Coskunmusic - 17.12.2024 21:58

Bro your camera settings are on point lol how the hell did you shoot this video and which camera do you use?

@GBS-nt4tt - 23.12.2024 17:30

this guy does the best of any video I have seen online, breat Job Thozi

@jorgerivera4588 - 09.01.2025 23:48

What if your only 2 rooms have windows? Or would theliving room be best?

@kevdidit613 - 12.01.2025 07:34

So he saying his #1 choice the KRKs?

@Ochaphile - 30.01.2025 17:44


@ccevideo - 02.02.2025 17:21

As a former teacher and current video production owner....well done.....I am dipping my toe in the world of mixing and making simple beats and music - and this video was really helpful. Short, simple but packed with so much information. Kudos!

@v3zMedia - 08.02.2025 19:32

I went to my local Guitar Center and the new 5's from PreSonus sounded the best by a landslide. All of the other monitors had weird EQ curves and scooped sounds. The songs sounded accurate on the PreSonus 5's. The same monitor in the 8" version sounded trash in comparison.

@LouixIskander - 11.02.2025 20:23

I’m currently rocking some M-AUDIO BX8s, but I think they’re too big for my room and produce too much bass. Also my monitors don’t sit behind my desk cuz there’s no space. I think I need some 5-6 inch monitors. I do have a high ceiling in my room though. Thinking either Yamaha, or Adam’s, although the kali speakers do look and sound great

@onursahin369 - 17.02.2025 15:26

Thanks 🙏
Perfect presentation

@joelpoitras6226 - 24.02.2025 00:05

Nice explanation.
Question for you, or anybody reading this:
I noticed almost all modern studio monitors come with digital Lo and hi cut off switch in the back to taylor the room and digital sync processing to avoid phasing issues.
I'm mentionning this because i just replaced old small mackie monitors with new modern 8" Yorkville YSM8-2 studio monitors and i'm getting a funny latency feeling when Live playing through them from my Boss guitar pedal board that i never experienced before. Same with playing my digital piano . I quit playing through PC pluggins because there was always that sluggish feeling no matter how i set buffer rate etc to maximize efficiency. So i was plugging my guitar pedal board directly in my tascam mixer and straight to my old monitors and everything was fine. So i upgraded to the latest 8" yorkville monitors which have the digital setting in the back to accomodate room size etc like all the other brands have. Though they're highly reviewed for mastering mixes etc. I'm concerned about that latency sluggish feeling i'm experiencing with them playing Live and Live tracking. It seems minimal, but i'm kind of feeling it. The same way some people claim their super low latency PC DAW pluggins have no noticible latency where i disagree playing through their setup. No clue if it's my imagination, but i'm feeling a very small latency feeling through these monitors. Most popular and respected brands have those now in their latest models including Genelec etc...Great and efficient for mixing and mastering, but for "Live" playing and Live recording and tracking?
I'm just not sure.
I think old classic monitors or even passive monitors or headphones are better than all these modern dsp infused monitors for Live playing and tracking.
What's your take on this?
