What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

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@aprilk141 - 17.02.2025 00:39

Stimming is not disordered!

@bethalpha - 12.02.2025 09:11


@Potencyfunction - 09.02.2025 19:29

They are horrible, they have repetitive behaviors, they cant understand how idiots they are, they live in another dimension. Parasites for normal people. They shall have a medical care instead to give normal peoples headaches. I cant stand them as I dont need retards to talk with. If you are sick and idiot go the psychology and stop bothering us with your level of mental retardation.

@rei_takayama - 20.01.2025 22:04


@SharlenesJourney - 07.01.2025 17:40

The peek a Boo thing 😂😅

@nancyfacey5173 - 04.01.2025 23:57


@stephenward3468 - 24.12.2024 02:04

I only found out i have Aspergers about 5 years ago.I am 65.I knew i was different but never heard of my condition until someone said to me i am on the SPECTRUM.I have many interests like engineering,i am a bench jeweller by trade and an army veteran.

@bhainooromin592 - 14.12.2024 17:27

How many come here coz. Of Jiya Rai

@coreyconstruction3695 - 12.12.2024 01:26

Imaging their routine is being quite and sneaky 🥹

@coreyconstruction3695 - 12.12.2024 01:25

Artificial Intelligence popping today good to see you again🫵🏾

@coreyconstruction3695 - 12.12.2024 01:23

AI back interacting with the crowd 🫵🏾😁 nice to see you again struck a nerve

@trap_kyun90yearsago52 - 04.12.2024 13:47

So basically everyone I know including me has some kind of autism..

@kuupluk333 - 21.11.2024 16:22

God I wish I was Normal, seeing other people enjoy live because they had a social capability to interact with others fluently sometimes makes me feel envious and unimportant at the same time, and I had this weird naive dream during high school to make dozens of friends but ultimately failed, because I'm different.

The real question is, Why me? 😢😢😢
I'm ungrateful, but at least im honest with that.

@chapachuu - 16.10.2024 21:37

This is fine, but it would be more helpful to understand the why behind all this. We have difficulty with this stuff because 1) our society was not built for us, 2) our nervous systems are different from non autistic people, and 3) the double empathy problem. There’s nothing wrong with autistic people, we’re just different in a world that “others” differences instead of includes them.

@j.v.5027 - 17.09.2024 16:24

Im watching this, reading this chart, as a 23 year old male, i perform literally 90% of the things listed on his board. My communication is crap, i physically struggle to communicate now with people at times, even developed a stutter in my late teens. I struggle to focus on most tasks where there are too many variables as i hyperfocus on what i am doing and lose the big picture, i forget to eat or take care of myself, i constantly fidget and cant make eye contact well unless i get irate or am comfortable with you. I could go on. Never saw a doctor, was raised "normal" i guess, but recently found myself in a situation with an autistic kid and thought he was undisciplined to find he had autism. I wasnt quite aure what autism is, but have noticed it used a lot around situations with rampant kinds throwing temper tantrums about something i would view as unimportant in the slightest. I wanted to educate myself, so here i am... Huh

@capt.bart.roberts4975 - 11.09.2024 21:31

Mine cursed me with a good memory. Sometimes it's politic to say "I must have got that mixed up."

@bo-audhd - 04.09.2024 08:24

The title is misleading. I heard names and symptoms, lost 9 minutes and the video didn’t answer the question what is autism

@ericgrim6849 - 28.06.2024 19:39

Why are "social interaction" and "communication" separated into two categories? Since we're not talking about animals, communication is a part of social interaction. Makes no sense to separate them.

@ziba1298 - 06.06.2024 07:55

There is very little changes were added to the list in the past 20 years. I feel this is based on an hour of exam Can you start a parents add list and perhaps organize it. My child was running but could not step up to a stairs until 2, was afraid to go down a slide, would not go in a splash park because the water was cold, would not eat berries out of fridge only room temperature., never put his hands above his head during sleeping, did not cry when born, Can not cry or scream if a bee sting him, but can scream if upset. Can not blow a flute or ballon.

@suanach - 06.06.2024 05:18

Wow, how many more misspellings could you fit in a PRE-prepared diagram??? What, nobody can HAND-write anything anymore because they all rely on spell-check/autocorrect?! I'm autistic and can't even hear or TRUST what you're saying for all the errors! "Others" feelings (no possessive apostrophe), "inuendo" with ONE "n," "stereotyed" (is that like tie-dyed?) ... How may more did I miss?

@bolinhong2598 - 05.06.2024 18:43

Dr. Oyalo's autism herbal medicine brought remarkable improvements in my child's behavior and communication skills. Highly recommended

@bolinhong2598 - 05.06.2024 18:42

Dr. Oyalo's autism herbal medicine brought remarkable improvements in my child's behavior and communication skills. Highly recommended

@Because223 - 22.05.2024 20:30

You just explained how my entire life thus far

@JMBPro - 01.05.2024 10:56

I went to speech therapy when I was younger, they were trying to test me for autism but at the time it was a very unfamiliar condition which caused me to be treated the same way as people with autism but on a completely different level were treated, making feel like I was incapable of doing things when I could do the stuff, it was just their interpretation and lack of understanding that was the problem, mixed with my inability to communicate and express myself

@Pruffin334 - 26.04.2024 18:42

Amanda Seals brought me here with her interview with Shannon

@SayWhatYouNeedT0Say - 19.04.2024 16:58

This list is so broad that it seems like every person I know, including myself, fits in one of those descriptions.

@maryc.grider2691 - 21.03.2024 00:48

❤❤Read Anthony William. Mercury & aluminum poisoning is the culprit. Hawaiian spirulina and cilantro every day with organic fruit. Avoid dairy, gluten and processed sugar.

@BresheaD - 17.03.2024 06:01

50/50 rare alittle on the You mixide truthfully incredibly intelligent but different way most do not know how to understand deal with ..no real way
Think low iq or actually high iq as said very gifted..really pose to seek private school or private academy so grow into withbother comfortable like.

@phoenixkali - 06.03.2024 18:59

What is the name for those in the last category? The ones that need round the clock care? I worked in care in the community house in the nineties. It’s a neurological disorder that also manifests physical symptoms like twisted bowel and coeliac disease, and no medication in the world can make it go away. They are mostly childlike in mental age and can hardly grasp their own name despite what autism means. Most people hate keeping the autistic term suffer from social anxiety caused by systematic isolation in last two generations relying on gadgets for company. I’ll probably receive a lot of hate comments but I want to know the up to date term for those needing round the clock supervision.

@JoseGabrielMattaGonzales - 30.01.2024 16:06

ese video aplica a niños.

@PD_incredible - 24.12.2023 11:19

Can it be treated ?

@Melissa.Garrett - 25.11.2023 20:18

Wow. Could you generalise any more, or be more patronising, about Autistic people? Every one of us is different, and to be honest the idea of a “learning disability” channel even covering this subject is implying that we all have learning disabilities. Only 15% of Autistic people have learning disabilities, and many of us don’t have half the traits you describe. Some Autistic people have some of them, some have others, and in varying degrees and combinations. Stop putting forward such dangerous stereotypes that further diminish us as people.

@DoubleCheeseFries - 31.10.2023 17:30

He said the high need for sameness and routine is frustrating. How does that make sense?

@Yakuo - 20.10.2023 06:10

Thank you for this education!!!

@jonathanpabon4477 - 29.09.2023 08:48

I'm gonna be honest autistic people are too weird for me to deal with. I know most people try to be nice but the reality is many of us think they are weird too but don't want to say it out loud. Hopefully there's some sort of therapy or cure to this some day.

@maureenchisembe4546 - 07.09.2023 01:39

Well elaborated Sir Thanks Very much

@JasonMomoa999 - 28.08.2023 01:27

I like to dance.

@JasonMomoa999 - 28.08.2023 01:26

I can kill in self defense.

@JasonMomoa999 - 28.08.2023 01:26

I'm a bitch.

@syce - 21.08.2023 09:23

I have just realized that I'm an autistic person. 😭 I'm from 3rd world country & never heard of what autism really is and always assumed that my behavior is normal.

@DevoutFollowerofYeshua - 08.08.2023 11:56

we do not have disabilities we have gifts that you so called "normal "people don't have, that's why you don't understand us.

@nickolehogan - 23.06.2023 17:54

I’m 10 I have autism, you can’t really tell if you have it because you are so used from looking away when talking, wiggling a lot, and tons of more intense sensory issues, when I was in regular school, my number 1 enemy was fire drills, because of my autism, fire drills were a big deal for me, but when Covid hit, I was homeschooled for the rest of the year, then summer came and I was like, Mom, I want to homeschool for the rest of my school life, and she said yes, I’ve been doing it for 3 1/2 years, and here I am living a good life.😊

@Stopcolonizinglebanon - 21.06.2023 17:42

It seems to me this is going to be the next masssive social contagion. Big pharma is going to love it.

@wowdog9385 - 20.06.2023 12:11

my boy mickey mouse

@kaceyh7057 - 19.06.2023 18:27

I wish I had seen this video 10 years ago 😢 I missed so much

@gemmabryden6378 - 16.06.2023 11:34

I have Autism My mum found Out I had it when I was 2 when I lived in South of London.I struggled with my first school because I couldn't understand what was going on but My mum found me a special needs school near London area but that was better for me.I got very good friends now Who don't have Autism and they know if I have a melt down they are lovely about it and help me out if I struggle

@KAHHHH8548 - 04.06.2023 15:56

Very misleading video, as always blurted out by an american who thinks they know autism 'inside out' but instead it makes it easy for his narrowminded brain to attempt to compartmentalise autism into traits with which he appears to understand (ie. Something horribly misleading which will no doubt stereotype people with autism, which is a SPECTRUM disorder, which means that every individual person with autism is different, and will not present the same symptoms, and even the symptoms of which they will present will vary accordingly)

For one thing and for your information: I have high functioning autism. I am in fact very sharp with recognising certain aspects of social interraction (eg. Knowing when to change the subject, sensing the persons demeanour), and am very good at anticipating certain answers/reactions etc, that ironically, alot of the so called 'neurotypical' people seem less capable of and less attuned to. I am frankly quite offended that this apparent 'proffessional' wants to, for his and other unintelligent peoples' convenience, slap all people with autism into this block of very unflexible symptoms which definitely do not always apply to the millions of people on the autistic spectrum all around the world. Misinforming stereotypes are enforced yet again with this video, feeding the cycle into further misunderstanding and potential ostracising behaviour by people, which can lead to innocent autistic people being mistreated, to the extreme end, but that is definitely plausible and by no means doesnt NEVER happen.

Thankyou for enforcing unhelpful stereotypes to the naive public yet again 👍 < (sarcasm, which ironically you proffessionals think autistic people arent capable of, lol)

@hannahkoeczko9782 - 04.06.2023 00:09

Well done; thanks for sharing. Very informative.
