The host sucks😂😂😂..
ОтветитьI have to find the lady in White asap…husband over here and how many kids you want?
ОтветитьI’m here to slay the dragon is crazy 🤣
ОтветитьSocial media based dating shows are for entertainment purposes only! The female contestants come on these shows to boost their egos and social media profiles.
ОтветитьThat chick in the black is the worst one up there with the most to say bih you got a Nike basketball cap that whole $3 outfit looks crazy.... Y'all ngaz are doomed out here if this is whats left to offer y'all.. Not even gonna start on that thing with the red hair
Ответитьfirst dude was buggin NY dudes way too confident
ОтветитьCrazy how Arlette just posted an hour ago and already surpassed the views.
ОтветитьThe funny thing is most of these women are going to be single a very long time! They are over 30 years of age bad attitudes, rude, very picky, delusional and trying to find love. They men they are looking for have way better options and aren't looking for them and that's a painful FACT!
ОтветитьHypothetically, which one would you chose? A rich man that cheats, or a broke man that is faithful. This question is asked for yall to chose between the two options. Ain't nobody asking for you're opinion. PICK ONE. The only lady that answered was lady in black. Atleast she was honest why would you pick the green lady?
ОтветитьFirst lady got a bandana on like she a gangster, don't know the difference between gold and bronze. The outfit got the designs and colours on them and she saying he mix and matching.
ОтветитьLady in green has a tight dress on, tattoo on her chest. You want a man to tell you you're beautiful on a bad day, as if you don't have an instagram getting validation 24/7. And want to go on a date where you decide. Are you the only one in the relationship?
ОтветитьBrown dress really think she special. You look like a serpentem. That's latin for a snake. You got blonde hair like a dragon ball z character as a black lady.
Just like the devil be tempting us to sin, four of these females are trying to tempt us with their attire.
Blacky got a cap on indoors covering her eyes, and don't even know what she is saying herself most of the time. You said man lost his confidence when they told him to take off his shades. Even if it were true why are you pointing it out? To embarass him. Yall are weird as hell.
ОтветитьBlue has her v shape private area for erbody to see. Red in her hair, tattoos. Atrocious outfit and is giving advice like her word is fact and to be taken into consideration. Maam you're wearing a costume, aren't you looking for validation?
ОтветитьU looking for 6ft.4😂😂😂...6'4 comes out & U STILL want more😂😂Ladies!?? That HEIGHT thang gonna KEEP yall LONELY & looking STRAIGHT GOOFEY...Also U say U want CONFIDENCE?? When he gives U that U call him SASSY🙄tf.
ОтветитьThese black ratchet women think they are so special and will keep on thinking that until they are old and used up and never married. Passing up good men because they want the bad boys. Losers!!!!
ОтветитьI truly see why black women are the highest unmarried in the world: the amount of eligible black men, well rounded and trustworthy is near to ZERO!
ОтветитьLove these shows. However I only visit once if it's not Arlette. Lemme see. BRB
ОтветитьNOT One of these people has any idea about astrology!!!!!!!
ОтветитьDamn red ! You in Jersey ? 👀😍
ОтветитьAll y'all fine ! But red, let's get some dinner lunch or brunch 😍
ОтветитьAnd wassup w this host ? He’s garbage 🗑️
ОтветитьWatch homeboy really become the next Kevin hart 😂
ОтветитьWhitey with red hair loves the sound of herself talking. You are annoying af.
Goliathquiesha. Davidisha gon find you.
A woman proud to be tall? maam you are an abnormality, unusual, strange, oddity.
Whitey with red hair face looks confused, you're eyes look confused.
Anyone that goes under the knife, got mental problems not to mention the excessive makeup your wearing.
Lady in white is a hyena. Disgusting
In spotted hyenas, females are larger, more aggressive, and dominate males in their social hierarchy, a reversal of the typical pattern in most mammals, with females also exhibiting a "pseudo-penis" for urination, mating, and childbirth.
Booooooring! Where is baby Arlette?😢
ОтветитьThese girls need to stop disrespect these men they dont even look Good
ОтветитьThe 3rd guy annoying
Ответитьsure you probably can dunk on a 5ft rim 🏀
ОтветитьTalking about this guys appearance and natural beard but wearing hair that’s not theirs is crazy work 😅
ОтветитьSad part is I personally know 2 of em & that standard to their personal life doesn’t add up 1 bit, this generation cooked
ОтветитьThe 8ft tall girl with the red hair was very much the COMBATIVE one.. very rude and prideful 🥱
ОтветитьThe last 2 are worst than the tall chic. They nobody's top choice but up there just to trash guys with a tiger woods hat and romper on.
ОтветитьHomie fumbled the best lady with the durag on. He picked that green dress malibu wanna be talking bout he want to take her to the park😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьHa! This was fun to watch, @etmreacts brought me here!
ОтветитьTerrible woman
Ответитьthe Guy need to get your game up,,, I see why the ladies are with each other, learn how to talk
stop dressing like you still in high school... cornballs all day😯😳
ОтветитьThey had 2 prospects…. They gone be single Forever 😊 Lonely and lonely
ОтветитьThe fact that women keep saying that they mature faster than men is crazy, especially with the reasons they give for popping their balloons, proves that's a lie, the women on these shows are very immature, and emotionally unintelligent. They all deserve to be with the third guy as sister wives, so the rest of society doesn't have to deal with them 🤷🏾♂️
ОтветитьWhy is this show banned the exact same as with the hostess Arlette?
Because in my personal opinion this show it's very boring in comparison.
Damn the only good looking man was the 2nd to last one all the others horrible
ОтветитьI hope the first 3 women, ESPECIALLY, the tall red head, only find suffering in their pursuit for romance.
ОтветитьWe all have more than 1 sign