10 OPEN WORLD/SANDBOX Games I'd LIKE to See on Nintendo Switch

10 OPEN WORLD/SANDBOX Games I'd LIKE to See on Nintendo Switch

Sandbox Xplorer

5 лет назад

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@laurennicholson3794 - 17.04.2019 06:03


@knarlygnivesandoutdoors8034 - 17.04.2019 07:03

Bro this is sick, you look great by the way, I miss my hair haha, the editing and graphics you used look amazing, I’ve been planing on making my own videos on knives and outdoor things, you have inspired me to finally go for it, hopefully soon I’ll be doing my own videos, miss you brohan, can’t wait for your next video 😊

@puritychalice - 22.04.2019 06:30

From one fellow Bay Stater (Boston) to another, great video. You have an engaging and expressive personality that shines through. I can really stand behind purchasing a game several times as well. I have purchased the Ace Attorney series several times and will be buying it again on the Switch. It's funny that you mentioned Borderlands.... I thought they were going to announce it at PAX East too. I haven't played the series, but I'm a huge supporter of previous exclusives, PlayStation, and Xbox games now being ported to the Switch.

@knarlygnivesandoutdoors8034 - 22.08.2019 17:07

Bart Roberts ❤️ haha if black flag comes out on the switch we should do a funny video of me trying to defend Bart Roberts even though he is a Jerk and not trustworthy in the game and you’re explaining why in the game he isn’t that great but I’m just having none of it 😂
