Uncharted 4 SDR vs HDR

Uncharted 4 SDR vs HDR

Orka's Gaming Corner

4 года назад

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@claudiovic88 - 14.05.2020 22:41

I think most people have the wrong idea about HDR, for me it's not about color vibrancy but color accuracy, I feel color look way more natural, not so gamey, so cartoonish and then the real impressive brightness levels, where I notice most difference is in the skin tones especially.
People have this unrealistic expectations of HDR due to Instagram filters and photoshoped material we see every where, you see this amazing photos but then u visit places in person and it's not like that, colors are balenced, not almost fluorescent...

@SilverBoy4 - 27.06.2020 03:16

Sem HDR fico mais bonito, parece q vc só aumentou as cores e o contraste...

@Txp91 - 09.03.2021 18:25

i have a Samsung series 7 65 inch tv, without HDR it looks washed out and gray like someone put a gray curtain over the screen , with hdr it looks more vivid and the color green is really eye catching. it's definitely more clear with hdr

@dnotorious7582 - 28.04.2021 19:51

I tot my tv is broken, when i turn off hdr, it display much detail in color

@saviohenriqueolivier2327 - 06.06.2021 23:23

O HDR do uncharted não é tão bom quanto em alguns outros jogos, porém ele deixa a ambientação mais realista, porém deixa algumas partes um pouco saturadas

@PwewX460 - 21.06.2021 08:05

SDR looks better

@razor15593 - 11.11.2024 06:54

I am weird but i like more sdr in many games😂. I dont like hdr colors.
