Seikun No Tanbo

Seikun No Tanbo


16 лет назад

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@mnivg123 - 24.07.2009 18:59

he shouts "EYE!!!!!!!!!"

@gyffes - 27.10.2010 21:59

Nice kata. You're shouting, not ke-yai'ing.

@Karateisgoodforyou - 04.04.2013 23:42

Thanks for the feedback. I love learning and would like to know what you learned a Kia should sound like?

@David-S. - 08.07.2013 05:26

Morio Higaonna Sensei teaches students to Kiai: EE II EE. But, in regards to the previous comment someone posted that you are yelling; It does sound like you are using your throat not your Dantien. A good exercise to try is just breathing in through your nose, letting the breath travel down your spine to your Dantien, filling your belly, then out from there.
