But server processed wrong submission! Understanding Race Condition - RubyConf Indonesia 2017

But server processed wrong submission! Understanding Race Condition - RubyConf Indonesia 2017

141 Просмотров

About Mufid Affif : Mufid is a language-agnostic and culture-agnostic software developer from Indonesia, with focus on distributed system and high-scalability software. Mufid has worked on several tech companies in Indonesia, ranging from early startup to high-traffic, established software company. Mufid loves to craft with code. Most of the time, he forks open source software with permissive license and makes his own customization. In spare time, he loves to come to programmer meetups because he believes software world can be better by leveraging communities. He also loves to cycling and photography. He loves to go to Sentul, one of beautiful place near Jakarta for biking and photo hunting.

Topic: But server processed wrong submission! Understanding Race Condition

You built an application. Then you scaled up your application, added more user, added more servers. Everything would seem fine until at some moment, server may get different outcomes processing data with the same data in high traffic application. It might be race condition: altering/submitting data in unsafe manner. It can be SQL, thread, or even multi-machine communication. Race condition is catastrophic because it does not show up in small, low-traffic application. In this talk, i will tell what race condition is and we will see common pitfall in building high traffic application. Of course we will also discuss on how to avoid it in Rails.

This is a talk at RubyConf Indonesia 2017.
October 6th & 7th


#ruby #indonesia #jakarta #rubyconf2017 #id-ruby #muhamad_mufid_afif #perkodi
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