Ответить이렇게 멤버 전체가 골고루 사랑받는 팀도 드물듯~ 그만큼 멤버 모두 훌륭하단 뜻 아닐까?
Ответитьㅠㅠㅠ 미유 채고다
Ответить❤madein so much maby forever mashiro gaeun miu kang yeseo suhye abe nagomi saito serina ❤u all so much queens forever ❤
Ответить오늘 헤메코 미쳤다 특히 예시로❤
ОтветитьMadein ❤️🫶
ОтветитьI feel like the dancing is so chaotic. It should have been much simpler. It’s like the girls are trying so hard not to fall behind and it’s showing. For a few it looks natural but for most it’s so weird and forced. This dance and vocals in real life will not be sustainable.
Suhye really hits the high notes and they just pass over her like that! 🤬
If you have a vocalist who does the heavy lifting on your songs and the camera doesn’t even bother to film her….wtf
Also MiU shines no matter what, she really is the ace of the team.
I think I'm fallin for Nagomi 😍
Ответить마시로 덮머리 못알아봤네 우와
Ответить노래랑 안무랑 하나도 안어울리고 노래가 구림;
ОтветитьThank you for today too, Mashiro ❤
ОтветитьThis song sounds like a nostalgia
Ответить예서의 야벅지;; ㄷㄷㄷ
Ответить마시로 오늘 미국 하이틴영화 여주 같았음 ☺️🎉💐
Ответитьi need them to get out of their compony so bad
Ответить언제적 가사야... 놀랐네
ОтветитьWe need fancams
ОтветитьDid anyone notice nagomi voice changed from there debut
ОтветитьAll the girls are gorgeous and enjoying the time back.
Ответить노래 잘뽑았다 진짜 그룹하고 잘어울리네
Ответитьjusticeforgaeun freemadein boycott143ent
ОтветитьSERINA ♥
Ответить음방중에 카메라가 애들을 가장 잘 담아주네
ОтветитьMis lindísimas!!!!!
Ответить헤메코 레전드👍🥰
Ответить어렵고 힘든 레전드 명곡인데 정말 세련되고 서정적으로 완벽하게 리메이크 했다
Ответить후렴 말고는 다 뜯어고쳤는데 이걸 리메이크라고 해야하나요 아니라고 해야 하나요..? 이런걸 뭐라고 하나요.?
Ответить요즘나오는 케이팝 신곡보다 이게더 신선하게 느껴지네.....
Ответитьi need member fancam of this perf
Ответить어디서 많이 들었다 했는데 듀스 노래였구나. 추억 돋.
ОтветитьMiU in thumbnail~
Ответить노래가 찰떡이네 듀스 선배님들에게 감사해야 할 듯!
Ответить너무 이쁘네 진짜
Ответить다음에 엔딩은 나고미 부탁합니다...
Ответить와ㅡㅡ27년전 고1때 듣던 듀스노래 ㅎㅎ 지금은 딸이랑 같이 듣고있네요^^
ОтветитьLove the styling.
ОтветитьNagomi-chan ❤
ОтветитьSuhye OMG 😱❤
ОтветитьAre they safe from the p*do staff member yet? Because they didn't fire him, they just moved him to a different position!!!!
Ответить미유 1티어 미녀