Brian Cox Just Announced Mind-Bending Theory Of Time

Brian Cox Just Announced Mind-Bending Theory Of Time

The space Wind

1 год назад

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@conspansion - 05.01.2024 14:09

Could the inertia of a rotating universe distributed amongst the masses in the universe create what we call gravity?

@VictorAndersonNYC - 05.01.2024 16:15

But the most interesting thing here is what scientists do not yet know. Consider, for example, an electron of the hydrogen atom, which is an element that is part of the composition of water, living organisms, and natural resources. It is also one of the most common elements in space. The atomic orbital that surrounds the nucleus of the hydrogen atom is spherical shaped. This is what the present day science can detect. But scientists do not yet know that the electron itself is twisted into a spiral (helix). Moreover, this helix (one and the same) can be both left-handed and right-handed, depending on the charge’s location on it. It is thanks to this spiral shape and a change of location of charge concentration that this electron easily changes from the particle state to a wave and vice versa.

Here is a figurative example. Imagine that you have an orange in your hands. Using a knife, you carefully remove the whole peel from it in a circle like a spiral, moving from one of its vertices, let us say conditionally, from point A to another one – point B. If you separate this peel from the orange, then in the usual folded state it will be spherical-shaped, echoing contours of the orange. If stretched, it will be similar to a wave-like rope. So in our figurative example, the orange peel will represent the electron helix, on the surface of which there is an external charge in the area of point A, while the internal charge is in the area of point B on the inside (on the white side of the peel). Any external change in point A (on the orange side of the peel) will lead to the same instant internal change, but opposite in force and influence, at the point located on the white side of the peel under point B. As soon as the external electron charge decreases, the helix becomes stretched under the influence of the internal potential and the electron changes into the wave state. When the external charge reappears, which is formed due to an interaction of waves with matter, the helix compresses and the electron changes back into particle state again. In the particle state, the electron has a negative external charge and a left-handed helix, and in the wave state, it has a right-handed helix and a positive external charge. And the whole transformation happens due to ezoosmos

From Allatra book by Anastasia Novikh . I enjoyed it

@iStabbedASwordfish - 07.01.2024 09:09

Gravity is simply a byproduct of mass. Time is not something that can be studied. There is no other answer than that it happens.

@DankePlace - 07.01.2024 12:34

Gravity is just something that is time constant, which when you use the hypotenuse, you can find the alternate evidences that drive time forward.
Time has mass therefore is of equal measure from the inputs of trajectory.
Given when you get close to the sun, that's the speed of light.

It's actually not that hard to understand.

@Leonardo-ql1qu - 09.01.2024 05:03

Time does not slow down, it is matter that ages at a slower rate when the speed goes up!

@steveschafer1256 - 09.01.2024 21:46

Too many feeble ideas in this one. Is it the interpreters or the scientists that are lacking in IQ?

@calayugankings - 10.01.2024 04:15

To comprehend Gravity, you need a dream. How to get a dream? Simple. Srinivasa Ramanujan simply asked himself. He said, to himself, every night, "I need a dream to visualise mathematics." His unconscious mind did not disappoint. He dreamed solutions to several interesting problems. The point is, trust yourself. There must be an answer to the question of "...why does gravity exist?", and yet we don't know if the question 'why' really is something that is separate from the human mind. If the question "why does gravity exist?" is not separate from the human mind, then I would hazard a guess that there is an answer. No universe can exist that denies its own primary conscious beings the answers to the primary questions that they ask. No God is required, the only requirement is an open mind to your dreams. So grab your notebook and before you go to bed tonight tell yourself ..."okay, tonight I'm going to write down my dreams in as much detail as possible." I can guarantee that your unconscious mind will reveal to you the answers that you need.

@daniel-b4h7w - 11.01.2024 16:28

Nu inteleg...... Cum? Poate masa (greutatea) sa se transforme in energie si invers energia revenind la greutate (masa) anonimuldigalati

@daniel-b4h7w - 11.01.2024 16:39

Trebuie sa se inteleaga foarte clar acest termen "relativitate" relativ inseamna aproximativ sau egal si se aplica numai miscarii, legea relativitatii este o regula al legii fizice quantice, o stare de fapt fizica la propriu poate avea doua evolutii diferite in acelasi timp relativ egale, aceasta regula al legii fizice quantice se formeaza in anumite conditii, adica se creeaza conditiile artificial sa se poata forma si aplica relativitatea, de exemplu scoarta planetara are o prima evolutie prin rasucire in punct fix (axa imaginara) scoarta planetara avand si o anumita pozitie inclinata, aceasta conditie a fost creeata artificial, datorita acestei conditii aceiasi scoarta planetara are si o miscare (directie, traiectorie) in acelasi timp, adica scoarta planetara are o rasucire in punct fix si o traiectorie in acelasi timp relativ egale comform regulii relativitatii (anonimuldigalati)

@daniel-b4h7w - 11.01.2024 16:47

Timpul este o unitate de masura al miscarii, precum metrul care este la randul lui o unitate de masura al distantei. Miscarea in sine este timpul in stare fizica, timpul este relativ, pentru ca sunt miscari diferite, va rog nu imi mai bagati nimic de einstein, nu am nimic cu el, atunci pe timpul lui se gandea intr-un anumit mod astazi trebuie sa gandesti altfel (daca se vrea evolutie cu adevarat) anonimuldigalati

@Smokabowlski - 13.01.2024 04:59

If this guy does not say that time is in every dimension he is also wrong.
How big is the dot in relation to what?
How long does it take to traverse circumference of the dot.
How Long Does It Take to get between two dots on the linear plane, which is very rare if at all in nature?

@davidtrindle6473 - 15.01.2024 22:49

Why do we call them? “laws of the universe?” They are not lost. They are assumptions, hypothesis, models, proposals. Not even close to being laws.

@klaviantsigetur3027 - 19.01.2024 23:19

With Heavyside, physics was sent into tragic dead end. It happened when he and his associates "simplified" Maxwell's original quaternion based equations, omitting potential density which is dual to the current density, and not equal zero. When the potential density is restored to the equations, quantum theory with all its postulates is not needed at all. Mere field theory can describe all the particles, and calculate their masses, which quantum theory by the way cannot do. There is no need for strong or weak interactions, no dark energy, no quarks, no color force and other non-sensical postulates. Just pure electromagnetic interaction, and field dependent length contraction. Concerning time, it is absolute. Its dilation is an illusion caused by field dependent length contraction, which changes physical dimension of the clock. Clocks don't measure time, they are just pulse generators, and pulse interval always ALWAYS depends on clock's physical dimensions. You change physical dimension, you get different pulse interval = magic time dilation. Same goes for speed of light. It is variable like any other speed. But we will always measure c, because meter has changed due to local field conditions. c is therefore constant of measurement but not constant of nature. Who wants to know more, look for prof.Kostantin Meyl's Potential Vortex book series, and other books.

@awfab3517 - 21.01.2024 21:43

Space has much less density than the objects in it even gasses.
Gravity is nothing more than the difference of two different substances density.
To prove this pour a few inches of clear oil into a clear glass then put a few drops of water into the oil. The oil drops almost instantly become round because of the pressure of the oil around it and when those drops of water hit the bottom they kind of settle together and you can see flat spots where they are trying to combine. Just like objects orbiting a planet, eventually they will combine because the pressure of space.

@MrGiggles257 - 24.01.2024 16:00

Measurements are concepts of the mind. The same thing that made up time for measuring "Matters in Motion Here."

• HERE - a placement of the being. Though doesn't exist as an actual existing being
• MOTION - a direct force inside of the being. Though doesn't exist as a being of life. Not a living structural being. (Vortex)
• MATTER - a constructed being of placement by fluctuating dissonance. (Made up by motion in placement) so technically, doesn't exist as what we mentally label, specifically.

Conclusion: Nothing/All is existing Here.. All except for the knowledge made up to describe our motions made here to beLIEve in..

But science will "sell" you a Dream/Sol.. key word, sell..

P.s. we exist in a black hole known as the "Eve of Night" where we beLIEve days exist due to a blue Mirage 😂😢

@DrrTrevis - 02.02.2024 22:10

I always had issues with time and speed of light. Time always felt to me like something we are just using to understand what is happening to us. It's a perspective not a law of physics.

@Nebulaeczar - 06.02.2024 07:19

Time , gravity, space are simply dimensions and we'll never know shit about them .

@eric9806 - 08.02.2024 12:41

Why only gravity can bend space time, what is the nature of spacetime?

@Leonardo-ql1qu - 12.02.2024 01:16


@DANMOTYL - 13.02.2024 03:58

What happened before this theory?

@retr0.1337 - 17.02.2024 02:16

There's no day no night at space, there is no time in space if it's not in time and place

@swampgod8244 - 09.03.2024 07:27


Soundwave : longer wavelength - soundwave can’t travel through vacuum but it can travel through our atmosphere, allowing us to hear music

Lightwave : shorter wavelength - light enters our atmosphere colliding with tiny particles of matter scattering light in all direction. Our atmosphere provides the medium for light waves to pass through our atmosphere. Light has different wavelengths, and when they collide with particles and molecules in our atmosphere, they change direction, reflecting different light based on their position in space. That’s how our eyes perceive color as it enter our eyes.

If we can’t hear music in vacuum, how would we perceive color in vacuum? waves react to mediums but there’s no medium in space … light in vacuum does not have the same effect as light inside of a dark room, because there are particles in that dark room, but there is no particles in the vacuum of space so that would be an inaccurate experiment to conduct to explain how light reacts in vacuum. Would you agree? What is the color of light in vacuum if not white as we see it in a dark room?

@johnmorrison3465 - 11.03.2024 02:40

here's the thing, the light, does in fact, travel farther from its source to the observer than the traveler

@stewiesaidthat - 13.03.2024 22:34

E=mc. Mass is stored energy and (c) is maximum acceleration. Time is the measurement of acceleration so E=t or Energy equals Time. The more energy there is, the faster Time flows.
Less energy equals slower passage of Time.
There are two types of acceleration or Time.
Acceleration of mass in Space and acceleration of mass in Time.
A rocketship accelerates mass is space. Energy from the sun accelerates plants in Time.
F=ma -> Acceleration in Space
E=mc -> Acceleration in Time.

@niklastorshagen6365 - 14.03.2024 04:02

I could listen to Brian Cox all day, I can't say the same for Neil Degrasse Tyson

@BartholomewCounty - 19.03.2024 03:20

Brian does NOT believe in god.

@guitarizard - 04.04.2024 00:55

Hypothetical physics.

@guitarizard - 04.04.2024 00:57

He's anthropomorphizing reality He's giving an intentionality. We have no evidence that the universe or any particle is in it by themselves have motive. We've only ever observed collections of particles that form living beings able to have motive.

@MrT13 - 14.04.2024 18:33

Time is the fourth law of motion. All motion creates time.

@kodi4167 - 15.04.2024 18:27

Time is a constant- it is not relative. Space and or speed have no bearing on time. 1 second at light speed is just that, 1 second. Its the same as if you were to travel at 1 mph, 1 second is still 1 second. Time doesnt change, only your perception of time has changed. We measure speed and space using time, if time were a variant then nothing would be accurate, only a prediction. No two things in the universe are exactly the same, there fore, eveything measured is a prediction, using a constant known as time. You do not need speed or space to have time, time is simply a prediction of such things. There is no continuum. The universe is chaos by its very design. If other wise, there can be no free will. This means there could be no life, as life creates itself as necessary. Or does it?

@Dickusification - 11.05.2024 04:52

If you look at the formula for time dilation just a few minutes travelling .99999999 the speed of light will mean hundreds of years pass on earth. Also, we actually die of entropy, not old age or physical accidents. Time is a human psychological construct so we can recognise cause and effect. In the block universe, future events have already happened and exist right now. Our brains apply an arrow of time so that all events dont just occur at once. It's looking highly likely that this theory is valid.

@mirmithu6722 - 17.05.2024 10:55

What a email

@grahamflowers - 03.06.2024 15:14

The future is already there without it,it would not be possible to move in any direction at all

@eric-janh.ted.8880 - 11.06.2024 03:12

Does time flow or is it nihilated "after" us and created in "front" of us. As such the "amount" of time is constant.

@SimonHirst-c5y - 16.06.2024 14:26

They say going to the moon and back yoy would travel in time by 000.5ms, So to test the pheory why not send a clock out into space exact time as its twin clock and see if the time changes by 000.5ms, seems a simple test for nasa to see if time travel is possible this way

@Paul-v8v4j - 23.06.2024 21:41

There are not four subatomic forces, there is only one and it applies to subatomic or intergalactic; it's called gravity. Time travel is impossible according to our ET friends. Time passes at exactly the same rate for all points in the universe. The ETs call our scientists pseudo-scientists. Humans are spiritual infants who comprehend almost nothing.

@akvezej2 - 25.06.2024 16:48

I think time does not exist at all. And consequently there is no flow of time. What we perceive as time - and motion for that matter - is just an incoming flow of information.

@Joke9972 - 27.06.2024 07:35

dimension 1 + time dimension 2+ time and dimension 3 + time makes us able to facilitate a variation in the relation between space and time more than 3d+time. It's not because you observe a relative synchronicity (depending where you are and what speed you're going in relation to gravitational pull) that you have to apply 3d+time. Time can slip between dimensions.

@Joke9972 - 27.06.2024 07:53

Direction is another matter. Does gravity pull time in a direction or vice versa?! We tend to think the latter. The universe expands and gravity contracts matter into stars and planets. Time seems an imperative idea creating gravitational pull. But that doesn't explain 'direction', it's a mere a definition of our observation. Photons leave energetic fields because they are light. We have syntax problems, well, a bit more than that, our conscious cannot imagine a solution to that problem. Partly because there aren't 'more variables' and partly because of our capacity of understanding. Being subjected to 'direction of spacetime' still isn't enough for us to realise in detail what happens. Maybe we should add a variable?! 'Electrons' would be nice. Our measurement of their behaviour could shine a light on what 'direction' really holds within spacetime.

@grahamh2457 - 23.07.2024 16:30

Most of Brian Cox's (and most scientist's) theories are pure guesswork.

@lucilabadillo5823 - 06.08.2024 12:45

you're not actually trying to take credit for that are you

@lucilabadillo5823 - 06.08.2024 12:46

you Newton or Albert haven't a clue

@2fishes-q5h - 11.08.2024 19:47

Never commented on a science-based video. My qualifications come from science education classes during the 1960s and 70's. Retired from commercial fishing and construction 30 years. My comment, empirical experience has proven in order to measure has start at a static position. My understanding there is no such thing as "being static" in our Universe. Therefore all human measurements are relative outside our visual perspective. All we really know is, "You are here"
Postscript note: nobody has actually measured the speed of light

@mapharim.jsadiki254 - 22.08.2024 07:50

Thank you

@jstering121 - 01.09.2024 20:52

I think this an AI generated video

@undetected2088 - 25.09.2024 18:38

How many times are you gonna re-explain the same garbage ?

@DavidDancs-ei7pr - 11.10.2024 20:06

No time in space.

@rogerjohnson2562 - 09.11.2024 06:58

Brian Cox's name is just used as CLICKBAIT. And nothing about this video is new and certainly not 'mind bending'; earned a "DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANNEL" from me.

@dongilroy3554 - 03.01.2025 22:34

Say what
