The BIG Problem Of World of Warcraft Lore And What Must Be Done - Shadowlands

The BIG Problem Of World of Warcraft Lore And What Must Be Done - Shadowlands


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@vladimirseven777 - 01.04.2021 03:10

What about of "How to prepare to day 183 and what to expect" series?

@TheSavlow - 01.04.2021 05:30

I liked this

@cjhan47 - 01.04.2021 07:01

for me, the daily quest (The chores) up through MOP didn't seem like work to me but more like something I wanted to do for the purpose of making my character better. unlike now where it seems like a requirement that I have to do in order to not fall behind in the game. MOP was for me that last time that didn't seem like the case.

@MrHuntervad - 01.04.2021 09:48

I don't like that we as characters mean soo much to the game, we are just soldiers, gw2 had this, felt too much responsability.

@brandon1352 - 01.04.2021 13:12

It is amazing there’s no place to call “home” in Azeroth, considering the earliest version of player housing I can think of was in 1995 with Breath of Fire 2. I’m sure there might be something even earlier, but that’s almost 30 years of rpg games that have established a sense of player housing. Cmon blizz!

@Ehxx - 01.04.2021 13:31

Ive been kind of over this game since wotlk ended. They should have used the same engine and made a new game instead of classic imo. Change/rework/replace stats, maybe do a New World style of combat even.
Go back to the open world rpg feel and exploration of a brand new world people had in vanilla. 1000 cutscenes, world/daily quest chores and everyone having ridiculously flashy gear and 1000 mounts makes nothing unique or cool. Wow blows, sub numbers have shown it. Make something new and exciting where people can explore and figure things out.

@kennethlesley - 01.04.2021 15:10

This is why many people are calling for a wow 2.0. Essentially rebooting and fixing the many things that need fixed... like plotholes... maybe even give the gameplay graphics a little upgrade.

I can run ESO on ultra and still get 60fps with no stutter and all I have is a gtx 1060 3gig edition. So what would be the problem with giving WoW a graphics upgrade?

@michaelkpate - 01.04.2021 20:29

WoW storytelling is like one of those tv shows or movies where they defeat the Big Bad and then immediately roll the credits and you are are left without any sense of closure. At least with LFG everyone gets to see the Fight but they need to do a much better job with epilogues.

@renaultellis6188 - 02.04.2021 04:55


Maybe try to cleanse Sargeras' sword of its chaotic energies

@kaana4860 - 02.04.2021 06:45

the problem is that a slow burn expansion doesn't sell and if look at MoP people hated the first story at first because it didn't have a big bad as well as people finding pandaria too upbeat. for a the leveling content to be good you need either a big bad threating people, everything to go very wrong or the environment to be really dangerous like bc or wrath. a good example of this is kul tiras were the only leveling story really liked was drustvar because everything had gone wrong. i agree that a slow burn is needed for the story but healing after a conflict doesn't sell anything particularly with wow

@blacksmurf8627 - 02.04.2021 06:53

With all these expansions. All the titles, achievements, world and end game bosses, borderline immortality. How do or characters not stand on the same footing as the faction leaders? If me and my crew saved the world from oblivion 5+ times, how do you order me to do grunt work? The lore for WoW is so strong, but the story telling and pacing has been off since Cata. BFA was supposed to be a back to basics expansion, but they made it sylvanas bad, old gods, and fish people.

@Spyrit2011 - 02.04.2021 07:20

Anduin needs to wield the tapestry of the light and the void, how else would you defeat death magic? Wield the power of creation.

@EdgedShadow - 02.04.2021 11:59

I wonder how they would market this. Basing every expansion on some huge world ending threat seems to really hype people up.

@gracebonez - 03.04.2021 01:42

I'm beginning to not be ok with old content being closed off once you level. All those old zones we pass by that are only good for leveling and them bam, shadowlands: The rest of the world doesn't matter now.

@suckmecok - 03.04.2021 03:13

I started playing WoW during TBC and simply cant take this game seriously anymore.
They've irreparably driven the narrative over a cliff. The storyline has just completely gone off the rails. They wanted a litchking 2.0 expansion but shadowlands just sucks ass.

@emcrae4764 - 03.04.2021 08:28

I miss being able to run around all over what azeroth has to offer and lend a hand to help it's people

@Avlon2206 - 03.04.2021 12:02

Don’t think you mentioned the scourge, aren’t they a big problem too? But you could have, I do have a case of selective hearing

@japreet_kah - 04.04.2021 02:51

Wows dead. I quit after 15 years. Not officially though because I'm on classic now. 1000000 times better.

@japreet_kah - 04.04.2021 03:01

Its too far gone now. The only save I see is to go back to basics. Remake the world. Go back to just horde vs allience. Oh and bring orges to horde and high elves for allience.

@Myrdden71 - 04.04.2021 06:33

Too many things left unresolved....almost as if each new expac is really just a huge patch to the previous one, and things left undone just get left behind. Resolution is a great feeling, and it's lacking in so many cases in the past several expacs.

@malighos - 05.04.2021 20:38

I despise Blizzard nowadays (reforged, HK, etc.) but I love the warcraft universe. One night I was super drunk and I bought shadowlands from a key website (still drunk would refuse to give money to blizzard). I decided then fuck it, I'll play the month I have and see if I was wrong. Nop. Story is complete and utter garbage. Gameplay is fine, art direction is top notch as always but god is the story garbage tier. Like I didn't think it could get worse than BfA but it somehow did.

Also it feels like they are afraid of keeping bad ass dudes alive. Like every cool dude gets killed off, while all the moppy dudes somehow survive (Thanikos dead, Krexus dead, etc). Fuck you Thrall.
And every woman is super duper strong with no flaws in their context and no nuance.

Honeslty the only character I like thus far is Tyrande.

@r.r9999 - 08.04.2021 12:01

Burocratic system at Bliz. and nobody takes the responsibility for the lore and bad story writers cause of inside helping friends coming in to write the lore so in one word they have no PLAN before they were stealing ideas from good writers or games now they have no PLAN where to steal ideas

@lobsterrj - 08.04.2021 16:26

the hand of sargeras... man, I love that idea of expansion, I thought nzoth was wasted, but u showme a lot more.. sadge

@DrewPicklesTheDark - 09.04.2021 20:31

Revert the game to Wrath, continue the story as if Deathwing didn't blow up the world. Also return to the world being the main character, and stop having it be a club of lore characters with ours. The reason the focus on these characters worked in Warcraft 3 was because you were playing as them, it doesn't work in a MMO, plus the player character must remain vague and undefined so that literally any class, race, or player type can fit the role. It sucks. Bring us back to when the world is the main character and we define out own characters.

@gelbaits8362 - 11.04.2021 22:39

game is dead brotha

@Skollshorties - 12.04.2021 05:53

We really just need a break after Shadowlands. I really want another expansion akin to Mists of Pandaria of just being laid back and focusing on characters and the world again. Not cosmic entities.

@Trygvar13 - 15.04.2021 02:22

N'zoth was not defeated. We just did his work for him. We have not seen the last of him.

@cottermcg123 - 17.04.2021 13:00

World of warcraft: shadow of sargaras

@bcpond - 21.04.2021 20:39

Peacetime that unemployed most of the heroes could be interesting and push many of the hot lore characters into turning to rival factions to horde and alliance creating a nonplayer evil faction. Imagine the Scarlet Crusade, Defias Brotherhood, Clan Blackhoof, blood trolls, drust, and others joining forces to war against the Alliance and horde under the leadership of lore characters we love

@yoshimitsu8922 - 24.04.2021 07:03

They have to keep making it crazier and crazier for player retention. That's what I believe anyway. I gave up on the Lore after Sargeras was defeated at the end of Legion

@PancakeShoes - 22.05.2021 23:46

WoW lore is getting as convoluted as Kingdom Hearts lore at this point. They might as well call the next expansion 'World Of Warcraft: The light vs The dark'.

@dale6497 - 15.06.2021 19:12

it started 2003 and you are saying like it is days, omg, so you are saying we have to wait 10 more years or what :D

@rabl3535 - 27.06.2021 15:37

People complained the player character wasn’t relevant enough in Cataclysm because Thrall was the one who “defeated” Deathwing. In the time since the player character has barely done much more of note except stand by while other npc’s “do the thing”.

@KnightofEkron - 29.06.2021 08:55

uwu sexy blood elf angel uwu

@andrewamata - 04.07.2021 20:50

This is so on point

@brandonlewis3379 - 04.07.2021 21:48

I wish that they would stop with all the systems and focus on new talents and the classes and get creative with content I have friends that suggested great idea's that the dev's never could have thought of.

@plincoln21 - 14.07.2021 22:16

sounds like if you don't raid then you miss out on 99% of what is happening

@iljagaimovic9166 - 16.07.2021 10:46

I like how it was before, war for own selfish interests.... Terriories! Resurces! Glory!
Now everybody just try justify everything...
Uhhh... You burned our tree...
Uhhh... You have no right to attack us even if we are at war.
Uhhh... Lets hold hands and defeat all evil with power of our love!

@gregorypeckary3163 - 11.09.2021 21:51

I remember when they let Draenei become DKs despite them only having been on Azeroth a short time. That was my first "Eh?" moment, and then they decided Goblins and Worgen could be too, along with every race that followed. I actually stopped playing when WOTLK dropped. I play MMOs to be immersed in the world, and if it isn't consistent with its own established lore, there's little point in trying.

@lancepatz7200 - 13.09.2021 20:30

I wish they would of continued the artifact weapons

@lancepatz7200 - 13.09.2021 20:31

But yes the lore is going by to fast

@maxineviolet - 09.10.2021 01:13

10.0 needs to be a hard reset of WoW and I’m hoping they are already ahead of us with shadowlands being the “death” of this era of wow and a major time skip on azeroth when we return, finding it vastly different than we left and returning us to an exploration of a world we know and have long since had no reason to return to. There should have been so many expansions where we returned to old zones and see their stories profess instead of having a cluttered map of continents, planets and now planes of existence. I hope they learned a lot from why players desperately wanted to return to a simpler time in wow Classic.

@jorgebellidolavado6382 - 28.02.2022 22:08

Even with 9.2, there are too much damage.
It would be impossible for 10.0 to repair that

@adamdunn9219 - 06.03.2022 02:39

I'd love to see a bit more permanence of our characters achievements, instead of having borrowed power every expac that resets every time we have to shill out 60 bucks. Bring back the Legion halls as what grounds us and have these extra systems be tied to our class not the current content

@ICannotStandLeftards - 05.06.2022 10:22

Fire all the writers. Retconn everything from Cataclysm and forward. Start from there.

@ExelArts - 16.09.2023 01:09

The lore started going down hill once they retconned the night elf lore and adding evolution but it needs a complete restart one thats focused on fantasy how it originally was.
