20 Amazing Games I Wish MORE People Played

20 Amazing Games I Wish MORE People Played

Krypto Mac

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@LiveGoodMemories - 13.10.2024 06:26

Thanks to you I'm about to play greefall. It's free on Prime Gaming to claim for GOG games.

Wish me luck!

@LiveGoodMemories - 13.10.2024 07:34

amazing video! subscribed!

@Tamaromarou - 13.10.2024 08:07

If you ignore everything else on this list, please do not miss control, one of the best games of the last generation.

@Andeijogando - 15.10.2024 02:47

knack 2 baybeeee

@abbynormall207 - 15.10.2024 03:23

If you liked Diablo 2 give Grim Dawn a try, it’s awesome!!!!

@Oldmanpeace - 15.10.2024 16:36

Prey was an amazing experience.

@artit42 - 16.10.2024 20:22

The Council was intriging at first.... only the later episodes were just lazily made and just a big waste of potential.

@rodneyabrett - 18.10.2024 11:57

The Surge 2's directional parry system was so much fun! Loved playing that one.

@BikerLobster - 19.10.2024 02:23

I would add Evil West to this list. A great beatemup/shooter game in a cowboy setting

@acousticmango0 - 19.10.2024 19:23

I feel like Plague Tale is on every list lol

@AtomicEy - 21.10.2024 04:17

words beyond the page
under the waves

@honoredegg-f4v - 21.10.2024 06:26

Bramble the mountain king is also an amazing indie game

@lars653 - 22.10.2024 11:13

Control, Mad Max and Enslaved are all amazing games. I agree completely that more people should play them

@KaRed403 - 22.10.2024 15:13

Really nice recomendation

@agauerm - 25.10.2024 03:18

Prey is horrible, you basically fight the same enemy the whole game (those little black goo things), I Dropped it halfway through.

@FullBeardSk8 - 26.10.2024 13:38

Mad maxxx

@otg4088 - 28.10.2024 00:08

My favourite underrated game is Styx, one of the best stealth games in my opinion

@rajut_lensa - 28.10.2024 13:50

Digimon Cyber Sleuth also available on PS Vita

@michealhanyr - 29.10.2024 11:18

Just for you to know that's a great list away from trends

@zachreed1495 - 05.11.2024 19:36

Your videos are excellent. Also, props for including Order: 1886. That game was super memorable.

@rahulkunche7934 - 07.11.2024 18:19

A little unknown Nintendo Switch game that consumed my life for a month : DARKWOOD. It is an indie that absolutely deserves your love and time. It's also on Steam so don't miss it. Sheer Terror. Incredible Stress. Goofs and Laughs. And more. 😂

@njdarda - 11.11.2024 14:35

knack mentioned

@benfrese3573 - 17.11.2024 22:16

Knack 2 baby

@itsdantaylor - 21.11.2024 00:47

I played and liked a lot of these games. If we were going FURTHER back one game I wish more people played was Breakdown by Namco on the Xbox. It was a First Person action adventure game, that I loved as a kid. For the first time I really felt immersed in a First person game. You had to eat/drink to restore health and it showed your eating/drinking. For the first time in a first person game I didn't feel like a guy permanently locked in a 'hold the gun' pose. While I feel a lot of fat could have been trimmed down from the game and there were few plot holes, the overall game experience still stands to me, and in my experience, still too few people have played.

@nathanhargenrader645 - 21.11.2024 05:51


@tobybll - 25.11.2024 02:31

Greedfall really hurts after seeing how they butchered the 2. game..

+ totally agree on A Plague Tale. The two games are straight masterpieces

@paultougher907 - 01.12.2024 01:50

This is the game list I’ve been waiting for. Please do more if you can figure more out. Thanks

@Paradox-es3bl - 01.12.2024 11:47

Having played several of these and reading reviews on some others, I mostly disagree. Most of these aren't good. I will say, everyone who played Mad Max except seemingly literally just me, seems to have really liked it. I hated it. The world feels empty, the combat feels like Arkham with 500lbs too much weight to it, I get its meant to be weighty but they should've only like doubled the weighty feel and instead they 20x'd it. The driving is ok but that's not nearly enough... and the car combat wasn't great. I can literally only recommend it to big fans of the series. But maybe I'm the crazy one.

AC: Syndicate is my favorite since 2. I highly recommend that one. Of the few I believe belongs on this list.

I saw a lot of hype and love for Control... I think it's overhyped but good. People were acting like it was a 9 or 10/10 and I think it's a 7 or 8 at best... and I personally always get disappointed if something is hyped too much and falls short. So I do recommend it to anyone who thinks it looked at least a bit interesting... but temper your expectations a bit. Expect good not great, imo. If you have lower expectations and something surpasses them, that's always more enjoyable anyway, right? So even if I'm wrong and it's more like great but still not amazing... going in only expecting good, not great, is better. And I honestly think it's closer to good, anyway.

I only heard good things about Enslaved. I think I played a demo at Wal*Mart back in the day or something and it never did anything for me... but I don't thing that was giving that a fair chance.

From what I read about Technomancer, it's either highly flawed or outright crap. (Highly flawed but with good parts is the best it could be, imo) I also played I think the demo and the full game briefly, but sent it back to gamefly because it was rough trying to play. Too many technical issues.

Greedfall seemed right up my alley... many of my favorite games are RPGs and BioWare used to be my favorite devs... Witcher 3 was great... but Greedfall? Highly overrated imo. Having played several hours of it? Meh. For reference, I'm about 80% sure I'm at least in the double digits of hours played and got off the first/tutorial island and a bit further... some of those games ARE kinda slow burns... I mean Persona 5 sucks for like 20-30 hours before letting you do more things with your day and stuff, imo. (I mean, it's great for like the first hour, then sucks a bit, then is fantastic again) MAYBE Greedfall is similar? Maybe I didn't play it enough? But idk. I think maybe it's just kinda the wrong kind of RPG for me? Feels a bit more Bethesda-style and that's clearly not what I liked. I can't recommend it, but idk if that's mostly a "me problem" or if the game is flawed enough to not recommend to most people. (Though honestly, not in the same way as most Bethesda games. I don't remember bugs lol. So I can't even recommend it for Bethesda fans)

Anyway... I heard good things about at least one Knack. Idr which.

Didn't like Killzone: Shadowfall and I usually kinda like that stealth stuff. Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, AC, Far Cry 5 at least... and it feels way more FC... but eh. Just didn't do it for me. Didn't finish it. Several hours in again. I think I was playing on the hardest difficulty, though? So like I put in enough hours to beat it on easy, probably... but obviously didn't get that far on hard. I guess I can recommend it still for people who really like the more Far Cry stealth. Especially since I think I got it for like $5 5 years ago? Probably easy to grab for super cheap. Though I doubt Sony remembers to discount it these days lol

Plague Tale seems pretty good. Can pick up both games for around $30 these days, I think?

The Order 1886 seemed like a tech demo. I hear it's like 5 hours, tops? That's half the reason it flopped. I'm not paying $60 for 5 hours. Even if it was an escort lol. She'd be too cheap to trust at that point. And nobody likes escort missions, anyway. If you can pick it up for $5 then maybe it's worth it? But I don't think they'll ever do anything else with it. It probably should've been a movie at that point. Or they should've just doubled or tripled the story and length of the campaign/gameplay. I hear it's quite good for what it is, but it just wasn't worth a damn.

@TheDonner82 - 10.12.2024 13:38

Tip! Always display the game name during the entire segment with the game. People watch these videos to write down and search for new games.

@Tezcatlipoca-e9n - 13.12.2024 13:33

Plaguetale is a super game. Not to mention that the interface is superb.
Clean, well balanced, descriptive but not wordy. Really nice game.

Control is a super game.
I got it for free on Epic Games and I liked it so much that I bought it on STEAM (dlc included) :D

@lofijedi - 18.12.2024 19:18

lmao what??? prey, madmax digimon, killzone, code vein, and control are all HUGE popular games. you just start gaming?

@Skobeloff... - 30.12.2024 07:12

Hellpoint deserves a place on this list too, as does Ashen, both are better than Code Vein, although that is worth playing.

@caos024 - 10.01.2025 06:56

So many good games here. Prey and Control are my favorite from the list. They are too damn good.

@justsophia22 - 11.01.2025 19:07

really enjoyed The Order: 1886’s world building, happy to see it here. And I will never stop singing the praises of Remedy games, Control was incredible and I love seeing what those devs work on. 💜

@thewrongaccount608 - 12.01.2025 07:55

Greedfall was an unexpected wonderful game. So many great games on this list.

@bjpadill27 - 20.01.2025 06:34

Great list....i was hoping to see The Accent however.

@midkick - 26.01.2025 22:45

control is one of the best games ever made. well rounded, awesome story, good graphics, nice gameplay

@sergengöksu147 - 11.02.2025 13:14

Spec ops the line 😢

@germanCouchWarrior - 21.02.2025 18:19

Played most of them. I am a huge AA fan. I am happy that Greedfall, Technomancer and Bound by Flame got some love. They are clanky but for me they have charme.

@djtoxicdhg - 24.02.2025 11:01

Teckno manser was a blast of a game

@manofsense7859 - 26.02.2025 03:37

Killzone Shadow Fall still looks great but the game is garbage.

@Original-Juice - 28.02.2025 23:06

Here we are well over 10 years later since Shadow Fall released. Can only imagine how GREAT LOOKING a New Killzone game would be! WE MAY NEVER KNOW

@AlperAkcoltekin - 02.03.2025 04:50

The Council is truly a hidden gem, one of the most memorable games I've ever played!

@twigGXC - 02.03.2025 18:32

Lazy using footage of knack 1 to talk about knack 2

@TXRager - 10.03.2025 22:42

The Surge 2 was my favorite game and I beat it 7 times in a row. I really got my moneys worth. I legit was addicted to it. Mad max was insane the combat was amazing. Greed fall was really a surprise not really my style but I did love it in the end.

@999ADAMANT999 - 12.03.2025 02:37

Except PRAY, ELEX other games looks like offer for teenager like every new games.
