The Fray - Look After You (Lyrics)

The Fray - Look After You (Lyrics)

Aquarius Music

1 год назад

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@Carrot_B18 - 01.03.2025 01:43

Still listen to this song, so sad and beautiful.

@GraceChristiie - 01.03.2025 04:52

Landon made me come here

@JalynButler - 01.03.2025 05:34

The you’ve begun to feel like home part is my 24 year old brother part and I don’t like it 😢

@hannahsolodolo - 01.03.2025 08:01

Me and Landon Barker are the only people who played this song 132k times combined.

@That_girl159 - 01.03.2025 14:26

March 2025?

@nixxea - 02.03.2025 05:30

March 2025?

@TsanyyahNalatal - 02.03.2025 09:03

oh be my baby, i'll look after u (:(

@brooksouth3975 - 03.03.2025 16:59

How He loves us🙏🏼✨ March 2025❤

@Lovsx.-. - 03.03.2025 20:37

Crazy how the song is 1 years I could have sworn I heard it from my childhood

@shahadyagoub5143 - 05.03.2025 10:32

Use me as a “ here because of landon barkar “ button 🙌🏻

@peyy.1328 - 06.03.2025 21:54

20255 anyoneee!!!!

@clinegantalao2829 - 07.03.2025 02:10

a perfect song

@Fushiguro-n4p - 07.03.2025 10:05


@rnalinnn0520 - 07.03.2025 13:07

I dedicated this song to Enhypen they're my comfort and simply my safety place...they healing me

@Fortnitegamer-dt6lf - 08.03.2025 01:54

So cute

@photographaccount5019 - 08.03.2025 04:48


@JasperJean-h8b - 08.03.2025 07:40

Baka sakali....

@KaylaRenee-q7m - 09.03.2025 13:19


@shahad_kassem6966 - 10.03.2025 00:49

مشكلتي حتكون دائماً انو اني معبرت وانت محتعرف..
صح جنت ماخذة حذري وياك وبانية هواي بنايات بس بنهاية المطاف حنت منتظرتك تكسر هلحدود وتتقرب وتطمنني .. جنت اريد اجرب سخافة البدايات والوعود التافهة الي محتكدر توفي بيها ردت اجرب اتعمق وانطيك مجال تتعمق بية همين بس خفت..
مردت اروح لبناية ممستقرة واعيش بيها ..بكل مرة جنت ارفض تتقرب الي جنت محضرة اجوبة اذا صدك تقربت
بس مستعملت هل اجوبة ..انت حاولت صح بس مادري شنو جان الخلل بلساطة خفت ابقى دائماً وية نفسي وعقلي بنهاية اليوم وما احصل منك كلام،الكلام جان يهمني بس انت مجنت تعرف تعبر
اني محبيتك بس لسبب ما انت دائماً ببالي واذكرك بكل التفاصيل..مادري اذا حبيت الفكرة الي صنعتها براسي عنك او صدك عنيت شي ألي..
من صديتك اخر مرة جنت اتمنى تكلي
لا لتصديني انطيني فرصة وكوليلي شنو يرضي خوفج واني ححاول اسويه
ردتك تعرف عن مرضي وعن خوفي ومشاعري وقلقي
وشلون ما انام للصبح واظل وحدي دائماً وعقلي الي مجان ينطي فرصة مو گلبي ..هلشي غبي هسه لان محيفيد بأي حال ،،والغريب لو رجعت مراح انطيك فرصة لأن انت مستغليت الفرصة الي انطيتها الك صح!
بس دائماً ببالي سؤال عنيتلك شي صدك؟
لو بس اقتباسات وصور تنشرها
لان لاخر لحظة انت معبرتلي اصلاً انتهت قبل لتبدي حتى
داكتب هنا واعرف محد حيقرة او بالاحرى انت محتقرة وهلشي افضل بس هياتني بنهاية اليوم وحدي بلسطح اتأمل القمر واكول " ليش اني وياك نتشابه؟ دائماً وحدنا بس الفرق انت منَور واني دا انطفي شوية شوية ..

@iwanttosleep4evr - 10.03.2025 18:03

imma cry

@rose1763 - 11.03.2025 12:05

March 2025?🫶🏼🫶🏼

@nostaljiaaahh - 11.03.2025 16:58

my forever comfort song, the way this song could take my pain away that easily, this song is my top tier and will be always my numbe one fav, this song has a special place in my heart that no one could ever replace it.

@mosscore22 - 11.03.2025 19:18

March 2025❤❤

@x0vuji - 11.03.2025 21:32

who here cuz landon barker tiktoks LMAO

@joymercado-i7f - 12.03.2025 03:01

super ganda nang song😭😭

@estebanquesadaacuna9269 - 12.03.2025 07:30

Linda canción lastima que el amor sea solo para los afortunados tener a alguien que te diga que te ama y saber que piensa en ti o cómo a esos hombres que les regalan rosas o un queque para el cumpleaños que se sentirá

@Sushi_iiiii - 12.03.2025 09:28

me balling my eyes out trying to get over this stupid one sided relationship

@rachellmagaoay7691 - 12.03.2025 10:31

March 2025❤

@manjarisuraweera4825 - 13.03.2025 15:10

March 2025 ❤?

@RafaelMarques-qp8ii - 13.03.2025 18:23

I loved the song

@aliciacowan4968 - 14.03.2025 21:21


@andersonechodike9944 - 15.03.2025 17:25

I’m still here . I’ll be here forever .

@That_gsd_sirus - 15.03.2025 20:56

This song makes me thing of my ex boy bestfriend.. we met on Roblox and got each others TikTok accounts. We texted almost everyday. He made me smile, laugh, enjoy life, now he’s been ignoring me even on Roblox. We never talk anymore. I texted him a few days ago and said “hey I’m super sorry, I know you’re going through rough times with stuff, but I’m going through my own shit and I don’t need a fucking person who ruined my life on top of this dumbass stress.” He read it and left me on read for a hour. Few minutes later after that hour he texted back “sorry, but I know you know that we both know our journey has ended together. I think it’s time we go our separate ways and end this shit. Im super sorry but we cant stay like this and just hurt each other every time we ignore eachother. Our new journey ends here… I’m sorry but goodbye”

After that I cried and cried.. so many people were checking up on me and I felt as if I couldn’t breathe.. I did so much sh after 2 years clean and had to go to a mental health clinic for my birthday..I went to the er after attempting.

But now I have so many friends and family who care about me now I’m 8 months clean..
I’m so happy for the life I have now and glad I have people who care abt me

@moralesmilagros681 - 16.03.2025 03:21

If I don't say this now, I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency, but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I always know?
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
And I'll look after you
If ever there was a doubt
My love she leans into me
This most assuredly counts
She says most assuredly
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
After you
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home yeah
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh

@Darcyelise - 16.03.2025 17:17

March 2025!

@Shannon-s3e - 17.03.2025 02:56


@AmySkjjpYT - 17.03.2025 14:10

I'm the last comment

@fahimaahmed3188 - 18.03.2025 03:15


@rhcp9009 - 18.03.2025 08:43

🎶 When I’m losing my control 🤺The city spins🔄 around 🌆 you’re the only 1️⃣ who knows🧠you slowww it downnn 🚦🏎️ 💞

@chelsiecheline1491 - 18.03.2025 17:22

All i can think of now is Landon Barker 😭😭

@cr2465 - 19.03.2025 13:48

Here because of landon?

@ErinStearns - 21.03.2025 22:20


@Liamyoung7 - 22.03.2025 10:31

March 2025 anyone?

@carsongreenleaf7488 - 24.03.2025 02:35

Anyone here after a break up 😢

@BraydenBean-x3b - 25.03.2025 05:05

I thought about ending it but then it would be nothing i would just end it like that im so damn tired

@befaithful5387 - 25.03.2025 08:32

“ it’s always have and never hold, as you’ve begun to feel like home ❤”
