ОтветитьThank you. in tears. ❤
ОтветитьWhat an Arshole and liar 🤥
ОтветитьLong live Palestine long live resistance long live unity long live humanity….
ОтветитьThere is no so called Palestines, it's Arabs from siriè they don't belong in Israel or Gaza, Gaza is Israeli territory
ОтветитьIts the jesuits behind it all, read their oath,even mkultra is their orgaization!
All for the glory of rome in the end, not really mote like a disgrace to all life!
Ridiculous!! Israel has been the land of the Jews for over 3000 years! Whereas the 'Palestinians' were just Arabs from all over the area of the M.E who want what us not theirs!! They were never even called Palestinian, till Yassr Arafat (Egytian born and raised) created this 'people' for propagandist purposes in 1964!! Find one actual 'Palestinian' leader of the old terroroies known to the Euopean world (but not the Arabic world) 'Palestine' is not an Arabic word!
The hatred and lies spewed by this man, so readily swallowed up by ignorant people in the West, is just testimony of the sickness and madness in this world!! You don't know wrong from right, nor hood from bad!! You are complicite in the evil you do not understand!!! You have learnt nothing from history...and you believe the lies against the Jews, as you always have!!!
If you listen very carefully.. resistance is not killing 1200 civilians kids partying at a festival raping beheading kidnapping... Israelis gave Palestinians employment.. and he talks about prisoners in Israeli jails.. these people just like him have blood on their hands killing all kinds of civilians from all around the world that only came to work in Israel. All these useful idiots that are sitting in the crowd should be ashamed of themselves..
ОтветитьWestern are crazy majnun weak what are they clapping! Nothing like Palestinians
ОтветитьAmazing speech.
ОтветитьIs it actually possible to accuse a country of colonising its own homeland? Is that what is happening in the UK? We are being colonised by Islam and any attempts to resist and we land in jail.
ОтветитьI like this bloke and he has charisma BUT of course he has a bias and should look more closely at what is going on in the world because their is a struggle for Godly values and freedoms to defeat evil and the taking of life is evil!.
ОтветитьThere is no justification for the oppression of Palestinians or any other ethnic groups.
ОтветитьFull of lies in this speech.
ОтветитьMay God protect you brothers and sisters in the fight for what is legally yours.
ОтветитьFor those believing in land promised to God’s people:
This is from Dr Naomi Wolf
Dated July 25, 2014
Okay, so I was challenged below. “Read the Bible! God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people.” So… I may get crucified for this but I have started to say it —most recently (terrified, trembling) to warm welcome in a synagogue in LA: Actually if you could read Genesis Exodus and Deuteronomy in Hebrew — as I do — you will see that God did not “give” Israel to the Jews/Israelites. We as Jews are raised with the creed that “God gave us the land of Israel” in Genesis — and that ethnically “we are the chosen people.” But actually — and I could not believe my eyes when I saw this, I checked my reading with major scholars and they confirmed it — actually God’s “covenant” in Genesis Exodus and Deuteronomy with the Jewish people is NOT ABOUT AN ETHNICITY AND NOT ABOUT A CONTRACT. IT IS ABOUT A WAY OF BEHAVING.
Again and again in the “covenant” language He never says “I will give you, ethnic Israelites, the land of Israel.” Rather He says something far more radical — far more subversive — far more Godlike in my view. He says: IF you visit those imprisoned…act mercifully to the widow and the orphan… welcome the stranger in your midst…tend the sick…do justice and love mercy…and perform various other tasks…THEN YOU WILL BE MY PEOPLE AND THIS LAND WILL BE YOUR LAND. So “my people” is not ethnic — it is transactional. We are God’s people not by birth but by a way of behaving, that is ethical, kind and just. And we stop being “God’s people“ when we are not ethical, kind and just. And ANYONE who is ethical, kind and just is, according to God in Genesis, “God’s people.” And the “contract” to “give” us Israel is conditional — we can live in God’s land if we are “God’s people” in this way — just, merciful and compassionate. AND — it never ever says, it is ONLY your land. Even when all passages spell out geographical “boundaries” as if God does such a thing, it never says this is exclusively your land. It never says I will give this land JUST to you. Remember these were homeless nomads who had left slavery in Egypt and were wandering around in the desert; at most these passages say, settle here, but they do not say, settle here exclusively. Indeed again and again it talks about welcoming “zarim” — translated as “strangers” but can also be translated as “people/tribes who are not you” — in your midst. Blew my mind, hope it blows yours.
What a speech
Ответить"Ethnicly cleansed" is such a great euphemism for "butchered their way through the region"
Ответить1 of the biggest mistakes the zionists make. Are all the wars they have created so now whole Europe and America is full of Muslims and has righs to wote the next leaders
ОтветитьBritain usa Europe complicit in genocide of Palestinians
ОтветитьFree Palestine 🇵🇸 from Ireland 🇮🇪
ОтветитьThat speaker is more powerful than all the tanks and guns on the battlefield
ОтветитьPalestinian resistance in Britain should be moved to Gaza where it would be most effective.
I think this guy hasn't realized yet that after 75 years of attacking Israel Gaza is going to be unlivable for him.
For a far different story check in with the more than two million Palestinian arabs that live in peace in Israel.
For a far different story check in with the more than two million Palestinian Arabs that live in peace in Israel.
ОтветитьALMIGHTY Will Not Change a Situation Till The People Change Themselves from the InnerSelfe.......
ОтветитьPlease read the European newspaper from 5 years ago they tell you that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
ОтветитьExcellent listen, thank you.
ОтветитьIt's not the Israeli that are God's chosen people, it's the Palestines!
For how on earth could God chose the Jews, such violent, aggresive people !?
😢vive les palestiniens !
ОтветитьAt last truth is coming out-the real truth
ОтветитьThe biggest mistake of the 20th century was the creation of Israel in historic Palestine 🇵🇸
ОтветитьI aspire to be like this man he he a true soldier of justice ⚖️ and truth. Respect sir
ОтветитьPowerful speech fuelled by love and fight for justice ❤free Palestine
ОтветитьYa Allah, swt please bring justice to the oppressed.
ОтветитьThanks, brother for sharing this world. Politicians of Western government are hand in gloves.
Western government action is creating migration due to the support of the government, which oppresses people around the world.
Esua wants wa it want god will handle these Edomites
ОтветитьStarmer and Lammy must be charged for war crimes. Free Palestine
ОтветитьLa Palestina è stata violentata da 80 anni, poco dopo che si è autodichiarato Paese un rilevante gruppo di ebrei arrivato in Palestina colonizzata dagli inglesi. Il Regno Unito ha una grande responsabilità in quella vicenda poiché aveva ceduto non la sua terra ma una sua colonia. E come se non bastasse i nuovi arrivati hanno iniziato a occupare con la forza nuovi terreni riducendo la Palestina una terra spezzettata e invivibile per i palestinesi.
ОтветитьStarmer will do anything to please his wife and his Po Israel funders.
ОтветитьIsrael isn’t going anywhere, so grow up and act right….🎉❤
ОтветитьWhat's talking this man? Abd he doesn't care that the name «Palestine» has created by roman occupational army?
ОтветитьPalestinians courageous people of the World.
ОтветитьThis is one of the best interviews I have seen online in a long time. These two people I give them my upmost respect to show that there is Israel that could understand that what's been going on is wrong I'm not all of them are alike.
ОтветитьGod Bless you All