Froome's Top 5 Training Sessions w/ Power

Froome's Top 5 Training Sessions w/ Power

Charlie, Carbs and Cycling

4 года назад

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@PeterS-lt6cv - 14.01.2021 22:12

Hello, anybody home?

@stradri6457 - 14.01.2021 22:29

you should do the same about Bernal's data

@tomtownsend7955 - 14.01.2021 22:38

Looks like the takeaway is it's all about producing lactate and then getting your body to clear it. Just lots of different sessions to keep him occupied. Cheers for doing this research mate :-)

@ZacHerrod - 14.01.2021 22:46

I think his recovery rides seem right, I think a lot of people do too much on recovery rides, it should be about giving the minimum amount of stress whilst stimulating blood flow to help stimulate recovery.

@ZacHerrod - 14.01.2021 22:50

Also note that his osymetric ring will cause the stages to read high, which I believe is the power meter he was using back then

@Lehungryboy - 14.01.2021 23:01

Loving the new video quality mate

@psnSupergrobi10 - 14.01.2021 23:11

Really enjoying the uploads lately

@Primetime_dads - 14.01.2021 23:19

Hey brother it says 11 stops is that normal on a long ride like that. Is there a certain rule kinda if when you should take stops, or when most cyclists take stops. Maybe every 2 hrs or so or what. I’m new to this sorry

@georgec2894 - 14.01.2021 23:28

I could make up some stories to fit that double-surge, high-tempo repeat ... but it would be pure speculation to fit what I see! One thing I will say is it would act as good race simulation - responding to attacks and counter attacks before settling down. It's a highly specific session that would seem to fit nicely into the lead-up to a priority race. Cheers for the analysis

@jgalbino2231 - 14.01.2021 23:42

Filippo Ganna has some training in strava and zwift to analyze as well.

@HTB6493 - 14.01.2021 23:45

Is the sprint then tempo probs for race simulation?

@harrymitchell4033 - 14.01.2021 23:47

I'd assume sprint then back to high tempo kind of simulates hill attacks in the final week of a grand tour

@simonsimon8213 - 15.01.2021 01:15

His training isnt really polarized

@satyalokesh6539 - 15.01.2021 16:49

You forgot to account for 3-5% osymetric ring overestimation

@1fernandoisaac - 15.01.2021 17:22

From an energy systems' perspective, I think the 10'' in between the two max efforts are designed to replenish some creatine phosphate. The fast-phase recovery lasts aprox. 10s and it is enough to signal the brain and therefore muscles to produce another effort close to maximum capacity. I've heard that sprinters such as Greipel, Groenewegen, etc. before the final sprint do stop pedaling for a couple pedal revolutions to have this very same effect! Basically it's a strategy that provides not only mental awareness and readiness but also some physiological and metabolic recovery of the ATP-PCr energy system!

@the.french.lobstercolinrau2728 - 16.01.2021 23:44

Froome is fond of double kick attacks followed by max effort to the end of the climb ! ! This session fits his style. However does it have any sort of practicality in training ?
Absolutely don't know.. maybe he just enjoy doing them and reproducing it in races..

But it would be weird if that hadn't any particular training effect outside of that... I am clueless

@ericflanders9442 - 18.01.2021 00:27

100% George C. Those are race specific climbing intervals meant to mimic the typical situation where someone attacks with a 10-20 second anaerobic effort, the group immediately snaps back and closes it down, then brief a lull, then a counter attack from behind, group closes it down again, then detante at high tempo leading into the next series of attacks. This dynamic plays out all the time in reduced climbing groups especially when most of the domestiques are gone. Funnily enough this was the kind of riding Froome actively sought to avoid 1.) by having a massive train of elite climbing domestiques to discourage attacks and 2.) by not immediately responding to attacks when isolated and just riding threshold until he was able to latch back on.

@dsmith3857 - 29.01.2021 13:56

Froome must have seen this video because he's re-hidden all his power data lol

@logicalcadence - 01.02.2021 15:27

for me de 10s sprints followed bij de efforts is what froome does often in races: a surge, everybody tries to get on the wheel, he lifts off a bit and then he goes again! They take de last gasp from the legs. Look the stage of criterium dauphine in 2013 i think when he attacks contador on the bottom! with one km to go he does that effort.

@JackChickenwing - 10.02.2021 11:39

how do u see rider weight and ftp on strava, i cant seem to find it in the file
