Best Things to do in Patagonia, Argentina | El Calafate & El Chalten |2024

Best Things to do in Patagonia, Argentina | El Calafate & El Chalten |2024

Drink Tea & Travel

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@dushyantjakhar1716 - 12.05.2024 20:20

once again, what an amazing video

@deannaeltinge2858 - 14.05.2024 01:51

wow! Explora Chalten and Patagonia incredible

@TheTourGuyVids - 18.05.2024 23:04

Wow. Love this episode. So cinematic and informative. Makes me want to leave Italy 😂

@marm317 - 09.08.2024 18:42

Que hermoso video! Como argentina me siento orgullosa y feliz que puedan mostrar la belleza de la naturaleza que hay en el sur. Gracias y siempre bienvenidos a Argentina!❤

@vincenttay24 - 05.11.2024 19:49

What video camera are you using? It's so much quality!

@sofianujnoi7650 - 16.12.2024 10:52

Hello! Great video! Can you advise if it’s worth doing the Todos los Glaciares boat tour if we are already intending to do the Mini Trekking? Time is short, and prices a are spicy.

@martin32694 - 29.12.2024 18:13

Hi, can I ask which glacier tour company you picked and how much was it in USD. Thanks!

@TheSurajitSaha - 05.02.2025 19:18

Great capture , nicely presented . Someday will definitely visit Patagonia .

@marioreyes2009 - 16.02.2025 22:30

Thanks for sharing guys. Beautiful video, amazing views. Best wishes.
