my tool has been warped and stretched.. unfortunately it's unfixable 🙁
ОтветитьTo all the dummys who bash on a regular ….. we see you …. my favourite is the clowns 🤡 who actually judge them and say girly …… id say he is getting a good work out and maybe you should find something positive to do for yourself
ОтветитьWhy is everyone so set on making negative comments? Can you not just enjoy the show and the work he does .? Will never understand why people want to get personal.
ОтветитьRelationship woes equal dollars. Welcome to Bad Chads. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьGood stuff Chad! I would love to be your shadow in your shop! How you think and come up with ideas, resonates with me. Combined that with your skill set and experience and it’s so awesome to watch! Also a big shout out to your better half Jolene and her awesome camera work! Keep up the great work you too!! Love you both!
ОтветитьWhat a Brilliant Idea, I have thought about this before. It would be a big ego boost to drive a car that had A Bad Chad Logo on the wing, And I'm sur a good talking point. The bad Chad would be announcing to the world his standard, his passion. An Aussie Busine3ssman called Dick Smith Said he put his name and his reputation on the line just bay having His Name on the Company Logo.
ОтветитьAcho que pode editar partes lentas pra ter maior dinamica ..
Gosto muito de assistir !
I am Swedish you must send the pictuers to Volvo Museum in Sweden, and get over here to show your great work at Volvo HQ
ОтветитьWhat a piece of crap!
Ответитьwe all need time to play and do what we what to do me time is a must!
ОтветитьHang in there this to will pass.enjoy time you share together. I have been married for nearly 50 years .don't take any for granted and don't get complacent. Always be thankful for what you have in each other
ОтветитьGet on the wagon chad ❤
Ответитьam glad you took my advice.....Weekends are important for a wonderful cople like you . I been working with my wife 24-7 but weekends is our romantic time! We been together for 36 years .And many more to come.I wish YOU bouth the same God bless.........❤
ОтветитьIs this Jolene car it would help to design a logo for her
ОтветитьYou could get a shrinking disk
ОтветитьYou talk way to much with all that talking Chad it's going to take you years to do it
ОтветитьSeemed strange with all the macho push-ups and other attempted alpha male behavior. Women hate that😂
ОтветитьThe vehicle is absolutely amazing. Love is a labor and a treasure.
ОтветитьHEY WAS NICE To see another way to Shrink a large oil -can Panel ,, I would've Used a torch & wet rag ,,But I think there is an attachment for your Lincoln welder for the gun head , with No Wire Feed ,,Allowing you to not Build up with any wire but just heating the panel in a more controlled way than with the torch I think that I used mine with a Blair spot-welder And also had attachment for my old mig welder for the same , controlling heat with amp setting & turning it to shrink mode so it doesn't feed wire Ferro Industries sells a Waffle/ripple Disc to Your Larger Grinder to use their kit to Build heat and level a Large Panel too I had a set-up but never tried it ,, Maybe Someone else Has Experience using that technique good luck
ОтветитьWhat about doing a compressed schedule ? Work four ten hour days that way you got a long weekend every week.
ОтветитьCHAD, I don’t comment often. I try only to say nice things when I do. Chad you really need to watch you’re own videos. Over time I’ve watched damned near all of them. You became to way to into yourself bud. You go to car shows showing no intrest in other people or thier builds it’s all about who noticed you. That’s not car content that’s Chad content. You go to friends places and the entire time you are shooting for what you can get from them!? Showing no intrest or even listening to them. You haven’t helped any of them. Watch you’re videos with Jim.!! You shop to see what you can get from him. Never offering you’re time or talents to help anyone but yourself. You’re push-ups are just another way of taking care of yourself that’s not car content! It’s narrasstic behavior! You’re not building a car that you’d ever drive. Adding extensions in the headlights or taillights isn’t cool after the first one it’s just a easy way out and everyone sees this. Build something as if you were a young teenager trying to show off that way. Quit building crap! You’ve done the chopped top yes that’s cool but either really get into it or just hang it up bro!! I’m hanging in on the edge because I’m loyal and I think a lot of you’re suscribers are or we all would have left already. Don’t get so consumed with yourself. Do something for someone else and that would impress everyone. Do it for free. Build a cool car for a friend or just some kid!!? Share you’re talents and cash if needed and you will soar above all the rest of the builders out there
ОтветитьThanks dude .
Have a nice weekend.
Laters 😉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁👍🏻😁😁😁😁😁😁👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Your queen lost her mum , you folks should look into some grief counseling. She is worth it.
ОтветитьShe can do better then you
ОтветитьMaybe show Jolene more
ОтветитьNot exactly owning your shit here brother. You can't temper "I am not perfect" with "and that goes both ways" and "theres 2 people and theres the truth"
People have issues, yes, but it's the bigger person who apologizes and owns their shit without casting shadows on the other... pride is your enemy. Trying to balance your own mistakes or issues with "but she" isms isn't the way to fix your issues. Just saying. I get feeling under the gun or stressed and running your mouth, men do it a lot, but it's a man's job to recognize it and apologize and make it up without saying but its not just me, you did.... or you made me......
Makes you sound like you're justifying rather than apologizing and making it right. Just saying. You may not see or get how you come across at times, but the comments say it all. Read them, reflect on them, and humble yourself bro. A humble man never loses love.
This "theres 2 people and theres the truth" isn't very humble. It's defensive
No more beer, stick to coffee chad
Ответитьchange might be a thing everyone says but doing somthing a couple hours a day for enjoyment that you both might try isgo out on the trails and ride snowmobiles while theres snow and other things for and example
ОтветитьKeep up the good work brother love what you do bless to you all 😊❤💪👊👊
Ответитьas I read on in the comments, I get the feeling the Bagatti isn't ever Gunna get finished as it started out to be when the Bagatti was finished they would get married.
ОтветитьBest wishes to you and Jolene from downunder
I think it would be good to design a logo with Tina as part of the subject matter.
Perhaps “Blue Healer Auto customs.”
I could not draw you a cariture of what is in my mind.
But, I think it would be a fitting tribute to Tina who sits quietly while sparks are flying etc.
She won’t last forever !
You ,Jolene and Tina are the stars of the show.
For your consideration
Have a fantastic 2025 !
Where’s Chad and Jolene.
ОтветитьCongrats on 5 day work weeks!! lol
ОтветитьHi Jolene hi Chad. Chad your doing a great job keep up the good work
ОтветитьGreat idea on taking the weekend off !! Cheers !! When i was 35 i could do 60 push-ups.. now im 60, and i do 35 lol ...
The logo should have a ballcap and tiara in it for you and jolene just my opinion
I've been reading these comments and so many people just want Jolene to leave Chad and to be honest that's the problem with this generation a relationship has a problem now everyone thinks that she's better off somewhere else people need to realize that every good relationship comes with it's ups and downs
ОтветитьGreat job Chad! Back in the day I'd sooner replace the hood in those situations and use the old hood skin for metal patches.
Repairing that " oil can" effect can be tricky and time consuming
Hi , concerning the latch on the rumble seat . You pointed out that the cable was hooked up from the wrong side . And you pushed it and the latch opened .. but what the problem is that I could see , you were holding the latch up side down . And I could see that because the striker part of the latch was upside down .
So just flip it over and the cable would work as it was .
Hope this works . Awesome work , and you both work great together .
What did you do to mess it up to begin with?
ОтветитьAll the best. Love your fix for the oil canning. Take care.
Ответитьyou delete so many posts ... its why i unsubed
ОтветитьSimilar to the shrinking disc used by other body workers here in AUSTRALIA ! Chad learns by trying !
ОтветитьThat is a cool car, wow. 😊
ОтветитьAmazing to see you using the cooling welds to shrink the stretch ... Lost Art ... In all of my years of metal fabrication I have tried to share this..GREAT TO SEE YOU SHOW IT.... a cooling weld always pulls towards itself !
ОтветитьWhat about the undercoating?!
ОтветитьYou sent me an email , regarding a comment that I made , lost it before I could open it or read it !!! What was it ??
ОтветитьNice idea taking weekends off, happy wife, happy life, and you got a good one there my friend, nice job on the hood Chad.
ОтветитьCouldn’t you do the same thing with the torch?
Ответитьthe thing with the hood,, i believe you should have light it up with a flameble and let it burn for a while to heat up.. also can use a torch..