Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park
Cheile Bicazului (Bicazului Gorges) is one of the most spectacular sights you will see in Romania. The canyon dug by the Bicaz river, which has eaten through rock to make it way down has created an area of serpentines closely surrounded by the tall, rocky walls of the mountain, most people prefer to park and walk – the scenery is amazing.
With the walls caving down on you, bits and pieces of vegetation which grew in odd places and trees up on the rocky peaks, small waterfalls coming from cracks in the rock – this place will give you the peace and quiet you might have been longing for. It gives the sentiment of a cathedral.
If you're into buying gifts and souvenirs rather than just taking pictures, sellers through about it and there are traditional items on sale in the area – clothing, wooden objects, alongside toys and other small gadgets for tourists.
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