How a breathing necklace is helping people quit nicotine through smokeless vaping

How a breathing necklace is helping people quit nicotine through smokeless vaping

Komusō Breathing

1 год назад

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@joelthomasbennett - 23.10.2023 06:28

So all I have to do is shift? Easy.

@JoeRoganPodcastirl - 06.11.2023 08:14

You do not need that device to exhale.

@Nilremh - 13.06.2024 16:39

So do you breath in through it? If not, then how does it actually help? I want something to simulate an INHALE not an EXHALE. This seems so backwards.

@TriniS2k - 18.06.2024 20:44

7 billion people in the world , im sure this works for many than none, i got it , it works to help do something else and calm urself in my use of it.

@1shpendi - 23.06.2024 10:27

Is this anywhere in stores?

@1shpendi - 23.06.2024 10:35

This is bullshit, why cant I just buy one tube and neckless for $99 as advertised but it takes me to buy $300 stuff???

@amaniqbal2203 - 23.06.2024 23:10

A straw or a hollow empty pen works the same😂😂😂this just an accessory

@ashleyhernandez5174 - 06.07.2024 16:24

Does this really work?! I really want to quit smoking!? I have been smoking since I was 16 I'm 37 now.. I believe it's time to quit...

@GeesusBeam - 23.07.2024 11:52

It's easy to make money. I love they bring some pseudoscience to make it seem more reasonable. 😬

@cherie12456 - 10.08.2024 18:24

What makes this breathing straw any better than one you can get cheaper? Nothing. Shame on you for advocating this over priced product to "help" people.

@tonymediati8274 - 29.09.2024 17:19

No it doesn't work at all,not when you're a pack a day smoker lol

@rottenkong - 04.10.2024 07:35

whats the difference between straw and this one?

@Billythekiddnz - 27.11.2024 04:31

Geez look at this money making on pipe hahahaha

@Ekene-g2h - 11.12.2024 23:58

God bless the Creator of such device. Though it's quite expensive from my region. Maybe i just practice the technique without any device as i don't smook but panic attacks

@elizabethcasey5711 - 18.12.2024 00:20

I hear bull sh, don't trust it,

@wezking3000 - 31.12.2024 17:53

I want to quit vaping as I have been since like 2005 but this provides no nicotine so I will go INSANE!!!

@strawberrycream55 - 03.01.2025 00:19

just got one today from my daughter

@joshrobinson2409 - 05.01.2025 06:09

The best way to stop smoking is to not start in the forst place lol.

@LaceGirl40 - 12.01.2025 03:31

I got mine today..... didn't know there is nothing in it. 😢

@jefferymckenzie8103 - 15.01.2025 18:34


@juanitapinson1402 - 13.02.2025 19:21

If it were true that simple that sucking air through a metal tube could give me the same sensation as when I vape than when my vape battery dies and I’m not actually inhaling anything but air, that would be completely satisfying for me. But it’s not. It kills me that You’re gonna make a bunch of money off of what is essentially just a hollow metal tube that will not help stop smoking or vaping.

@meekandmild6836 - 02.03.2025 01:30

I just got mines today and I want to know can I also inhale?
