Don't Miss These Secret Artifacts in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla Tombs of the Fallen)

Don't Miss These Secret Artifacts in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla Tombs of the Fallen)

Assassin JorRaptor

3 года назад

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@Lovesickaphrodite - 30.09.2022 07:54

I hate hate HATE the voices indicating they are near, so creepy 😭😭

@CJGAMES4202 - 30.09.2022 12:43

I already found the other 2 but can not find the one at cassivellaunus tomb. I have followed your vid to find it but it's not showing on my game 😱😱😱

@geraldpagan9364 - 01.10.2022 05:01

Can you sell the artifact? I think I sold one by mistake. Couse I got 4 retraced my steps and can't find the one in the water b4 taking the zip line.

@Eliavhagbi - 04.10.2022 16:25

The second artifact in the video that is underwater is not here
I checked several times but there is nothing here, I have the other two

@mattbooth7785 - 07.10.2022 17:57

No one figured it out? I found artifact from all tombs!! You bring em back to first tomb near settlement and you interact with some and your in for some more puzzles and sweet weapon at end of it

@Scrufizzle - 14.10.2022 02:27

Here for a quick update: with the new updare that came out 2 weeks ago the final 2 tombs are open allowing u to finish getting all 5 artifacts bringing it back to the first tomb floor will unlock a weapon 💪🏽 it wasn’t all a waste just a waiting game.

@sylentninja1 - 23.10.2022 19:55

Sadir just Another meaning For magic fun fact,

@ghostgameplays7797 - 01.12.2022 03:39

The artefact underneath the waterfall wasn't there for me. The heck

@chasesloniker8581 - 12.01.2023 12:54

The new tombs worked for me! I did the first 3 and now I’m onto the last 2! Literally just opened 4/5 before typing this

@DethRaptor - 23.01.2023 07:12

"Don't miss these..."

Lady, why do you think I'm here?? Lol

@JustPlayinbyWodahs - 25.01.2023 02:49

Where's part two???

@JohnPaul-et4fi - 08.04.2023 19:51

Valkyrie crashing to earth I know outside the Animus a satellite crashes at the start of the game.

@voicedone2728 - 09.04.2023 19:53

The waterfall one isn't there for me

@eleanova6225 - 11.04.2023 16:36

so i found 4 of those so im assuming there is a total of 5 now

@powertrip25 - 19.05.2023 15:37

I need a soundbite of the chant when you get close to the’s also heard by odins vault

@mrastro8623 - 21.05.2023 15:48

There is a fourth one called the togodomnus tomb artifacts its somewhere on the bottom of egland like the fallen tomb but this one give an aquatic lookin axe and another artifact
Edit:theres 5 and getting all of them will cause a final dialogue saying go back to the tomb near ravensthorpe and the closed floor there will open

@therealtimwimer3325 - 25.05.2023 05:48

They've added more tombs though

@davidreeder1619 - 01.06.2023 03:10

There are more than three artifacts

@StefanJamesAll5sand6s - 25.06.2023 08:01

Where’s Hildron’s secret vault?!!

@PabloEscobar-ts2uz - 11.08.2023 00:58

Love this so much thought ivwas going crazy u such a big help much love like frfr thanks

@tedbear1371 - 11.08.2023 06:27

Theres 5 artifacts

@TheArrow-qx5xx - 07.10.2023 15:11

I missed artifacts even after completing tombs so ran back to boudicca tomb artifact no longer in the tunnel after breaking the boxes to enter anyone else have the same bother

@kingdogg7767 - 28.11.2023 12:33

my 2nd artifact wasnt there and after looking for half an hr i realised i already had it and i was hitting myself bc of it lmaooooo

@nicholasculligan6794 - 06.01.2024 19:59

If its not in the water its on a shelf as u climb out. This numpty has no idea wat she's on about. Thumbs down JorRaptor (wat ever that means)????

@eaproduction1453 - 16.01.2024 23:54

Hello, I was doing the Tombs of the Fallen quest in AC Valhalla. But I cannot enter Togodomnus and Verica's tomb, which was added later. There is a symbol but no interaction. I would be happy if you could help me... (game version 1.7.0, I bought it from Steam,i am 90 power)

@kalikatorr - 21.01.2024 12:31

the video just sucks, what I need to know skips over there.

@wanted539 - 23.01.2024 01:36

There’s 6 tombs total

@robertcox886 - 31.01.2024 22:46

Those are so you go back to manius sanctum and open the floor for the final phase

@nateborden3260 - 11.02.2024 12:52

So it’s a pointless quest line wow…..thanks I guess?

@JPMitreN - 07.03.2024 20:02

Cassivellanus’ artifact isn’t where you say, can’t find it

@mateoivatek8006 - 21.03.2024 18:36

Now it's five of them-tip! it's always before exiting

@johnswaebe1028 - 15.07.2024 06:37

Any update on this year?

@jewellvaea5765 - 15.07.2024 11:16

There are 5 tombs and there are 5 artifacts once you have all 5 you can open the door on the floor

@kinglimit7581 - 22.07.2024 17:41

It has More artifacts than just 3

@brenxbeats - 27.07.2024 00:09

Man Ubisoft gotta mention something about artifacts in those tombs so we eont just fast travel out of the loot room right away

@mattvetor616 - 11.08.2024 06:01

So I Just Need Venutius’s Artifact Good To Know Thanks For The INTEL❣️SUBSCRIBED!

@jackjones5842 - 12.08.2024 17:57

Yeah, uh, I think this video might be outdated. I found one of these in the southern most tomb, and it wasn’t one of these three.

@Conner-r4w - 23.08.2024 17:58

Little late but if you guys get Odins eye from the mastery trails it will make noises when you are close to things like this in the game

@Djoeeeeee - 25.09.2024 13:11

????? not helpfull no wonder u a girl

@danielkimberlin2542 - 09.10.2024 03:24

You need 5 artifacts to get the elder ring

@drewmandujano2229 - 17.11.2024 22:07


@vadimf8301 - 24.11.2024 04:45

Thats funny. You finish only part of the quest, then you went to the totally wrong place and then you paid attention to totally wrong letter. Are you this wrong in your life outside of video games?

@jackhilton419 - 26.11.2024 18:47

They're annoying af is what they are

@BerryMcCockinner - 12.12.2024 12:41

Verica's tomb cart is still bugged after all this time 5 years Ubisoft released a whole 40$ DLC but didn't patch the main game so there is no way to get 100% completion in the game unless you restart it completely Ubisoft and it's staff have become complete dog shit at this point and nothing that makes is worth buying anymore I'm now gonna make it my mission to shit on them every chance I get every bug every glitch every greedy cash grab every woke fuck up is getting made fun of they do Not respect the people responsible for making them rich or there time and it's really kinda crazy and dumb to knowingly want to piss people off that think assassinating people is a Fun pass time instead of IRL you know? Based off trends if I was the CEO of that company pierre jules tremblay of ubisoft montreal I'd be shitting my pants rn all things considered

@ersingurun4058 - 26.12.2024 05:12

Bruh i Play 2 hours and forget most of them only have 1

@CCC-V3 - 31.01.2025 23:45

So i spent hours doing these tombs onlu to find out i didnt get some / all of the artifacts? So i have to run through all of them again just to check?

@Marcosteve96 - 12.02.2025 12:04

i hate you bcause u instruction not clear b!tch

@Eternal-r3w - 14.02.2025 11:47

It’s 2025 and there are two new artifacts to get

@aykan_shams - 17.02.2025 23:10

im just 4 cave others not ooen why?
