Double wrap and reapply!!
ОтветитьThis showed up on my feed! Yay!
Ответить2 -7-half. 2-4 high brass. 2 buck. Warned.
ОтветитьI used to be a kyptonian. Then i took a slug in the knee
ОтветитьI noticed the avengers music
ОтветитьCan you try more double wrapped into ballistic gel and lead plate??
Ответитьshould have lubed the rubber. that's what she said
ОтветитьLove your videos but that sound the airplane made in your intro was a german WW2 airplane to make that noise happen the Germans attached something called a stuka so when they did a dive bomb it was used it was ment for psychological fear because people would never forget that sound because you heard that for days on end and they go the results they wanted studied this in history class and watched a video on it for 25 mins
Ответить🎵 9 hundred and 99mph lead balloons, soaring through the summer sky.🎵
ОтветитьI love you guys, keep up the great work!
ОтветитьOnly real ogs can sing the song in german haha
Ответитьcolab with slowmoguys?
ОтветитьThe doubled balloon seems like an upgrade to the old wax slug trick. No melted wax mess, and to risk of melting the load in the chamber and having it drool wax and shot down your barrel. Should give similar terminal performance to the wax slug, but we need to see a bunch more fired doubled to see if it will reliably hold the shot together all the way to the target. My money says it is a bit too irregular in shape to be as accurate as the wax slugs on longer shots, though.
Ответить"1/16 of a pound for our British viewers"? Do you think we measure weight in fractions of a pound? We invented ounces!
ОтветитьUse more sponge bobs
ОтветитьNext up Durex
ОтветитьPerhaps try the same again but with say a condom
ОтветитьI NEVER liked sponge bob
ОтветитьLooks like a way to make birdshot into a viable home defense round.
ОтветитьDon't like pulverised Bob....😜
Ответитьon 999 Lead ballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
You need a balloon rated for 1000 mph+
ОтветитьAdd a spoonful of oobleck to shot, maybe dbl layer balloon?
Ответитьfriction caused the balloon to burst, try dipping them in lube ;)
ОтветитьYou guy's should triple bag it next time
ОтветитьRevisit this test, please.
ОтветитьDouble the balloon?
ОтветитьEncase a double wrapped balloon shot in wax..
ОтветитьTry with a sabo? I bet the high friction balloon material is catching on the inside of the barrel.
ОтветитьThe cinematic score made me think batman is going to be appearing.
ОтветитьRandom idea here unrelated to this one, you should try to light a cigarette with an incinerating round
ОтветитьYes shoot look learn improve shoot again but better.
ОтветитьFill it with candle wax with the shot.. should keep it together and stabilize it through the barrel...
Ответитьoh the humanity
ОтветитьJust curious has anyone made a slug from the material a bullet proof vest
ОтветитьWell, now we know how to "go over like a lead balloon".
ОтветитьAnti-Drone ammo?
ОтветитьThat PT cruiser dropped in resale value quite drastically!
ОтветитьSuperman didn't have a leg to stand on!!!!!
ОтветитьYou shoulda used condoms, Guaranteed not to burst!!! 🤓 Coincidentally, that's what we named our first son, Burst! 😶
ОтветитьRest in Peace Dead Eye Danny 😔
ОтветитьI want to see a condom launched at 999 mph. I know OG is going to make a joke about what is filled with.
ОтветитьDoubled up is pretty interesting. Wonder how it would fly at 25yds. Thanks Jeff!
ОтветитьNothing says "loser" like a PT Cruiser!
ОтветитьDamn, I miss Danny!!
Have his son on again.